The Express employee massacre continues.


Staff member
So you put up with a flaky soccer mom business model for some 15 years and still you continue to do so? Sounds like they’re the ones “running” your business.

Better start paying wages competitive with Olive Garden. 🤣
Why? FedEx doesn’t allocate that much. You don’t think I should take out loans to run this, do you?


Well-Known Member
And that’s why no one wants to work there
Needless to say it's all about the company. It always was all about the company. Claims about the Fedex "people" and the Fedex "family".....the whole damn thing was a lie.
Trouble was a lot of impressionable people bit on the bull feces ( can't use the S word here) wrongly believing that the well being of his loyal subjects actually mattered to the king.
Judging by the comments on here it would appear that there are quite a number of people still in a state of disbelief and denial.
On the other hand there appears to be a significant number who are rapidly educating themselves on what their options and various courses of action are at their disposal.
These are the people for whom the loss of their FDX employment will be the least damaging.
For those who were too slow to move....the damage could be more impactful and longer lasting.


Just telling it like it is
FedEx was never supposed to protect the worker and never made any promises to do so.
Wow, is that why so many applicants are busting down their doors wanting to work there nowadays? There’s gotta’ be tons of people wanting to be set up to fail.



Well-Known Member
Wow, is that why so many applicants are busting down their doors wanting to work there nowadays? There’s gotta’ be tons of people wanting to be set up to fail.

It comes down to one of two outcomes. If it works it will be to the considerable benefit of it's shareholders . If it doesn't it will be the end of Fedex as we know it.


Well-Known Member
The union busting has started up here. Company must have got word teamsters are starting a union drive. Had our first video today about how the company loves us and we don't need a union.


Just telling it like it is
The union busting has started up here. Company must have got word teamsters are starting a union drive. Had our first video today about how the company loves us and we don't need a union.
Tell ‘em they can use their anti-union propaganda videos for toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
The union busting has started up here. Company must have got word teamsters are starting a union drive. Had our first video today about how the company loves us and we don't need a union.
"What A Fool Believes".....The Doobie Brothers.
Seems like an odd thing to do since you're going to be replaced with Ground grunts.


Engorged Member
The union busting has started up here. Company must have got word teamsters are starting a union drive. Had our first video today about how the company loves us and we don't need a union.
Canada tends to be much more protective of it's workers and union friendly. Purolator still exists, Canadian Freightways, unionized Starbucks( at least in YVR) etc. My guess is that you would actually have a real shot at unionizing in Canadaland.


Well-Known Member
We'll see. People need to think long and hard before they just brush off the thought of being represented by the teamsters, like many did 15 years ago when teamsters tried to unionize FedEx Canada.

We still have people who think we're insulated from what's happening down South. They fail too look around and notice our senior management is no longer in Canada; no one is going to protect us (not that they would have anyways.). I know many of the old heads aren't going to sign union cards because it won't benefit them. Just hoping the younger guys and gals at least see what's happening and realize the only shot to save our jobs is going to be by organizing.


Engorged Member
FedEx was never supposed to protect the worker and never made any promises to do so.
The worker never meant anything, despite PSP, The Purple Promise etc. FedEx is right up there with WalMart as a predatory employer. Remember, we all subsidize WalMart (and Ground) because they don't have benefits. So, when Ground Driver X or one of his family have a medical emergency, he goes to the ER and then doesn't pay his bill, just like WalMart Employee Y. Then, we get to hear good Conservatives tell us how government programs like food stamps are sending our country straight into Communism.


Engorged Member
No we don't. Quit being such a dope with your tired old talking points. Could you at least bring yourself up to speed and say something like anyone who doesn't think men can menstruate is transphobic or something like that? Something a little more modern?
Interesting how the "same old talking points" are extremely relevant, yet you just want to shuffle them off into the dumpster. Being "up to speed" apparently means being OK with everything that's going on and just accepting that Fred gets his way again and screws his employees all the way to the bank while simultaneously pretending the operational model is exactly the same as the one all of the regulatory and legal decisions were predicated upon.



Well-Known Member
FedEx was never supposed to protect the worker and never made any promises to do so.
Actually, it one of the main talking points for years how "they never laid anyone off" of course with this, they'll say everyone was given an option, gee downgrade to Part time, move to another station that's going to close soon, or resign.. but nope FedEx didn't lay them off, they picked it.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
The union busting has started up here. Company must have got word teamsters are starting a union drive. Had our first video today about how the company loves us and we don't need a union.
Sign that card. If I had known years ago what I know now, I would’ve signed the card when the Teamsters stood in front of our building.