If I walk-in tomorrow and start distributing cards in the breakroom (legal), FedEx will assign a manager to monitor my every action (illegal). If I stand outside the parking lot after work passing out info and cards, management will target me for immediate elimination by going back through my employee file to see if there is anything I have done that is a violation of policy that might allow me to be disciplined or fired. I will be watched, and given extra work if possible, or maybe have my route "realigned" by OSS, and generally harassed.
At the next weekly conference call, my name will be mentioned, and the MD alerted. If he thinks there is an overall movement towards a union, he'll fly out himself, and if it's dire, he'll call out the anti-union team in Memphis to come to the station.
UPSers simply do not understand the FedEx culture, which is that anything "union" is bad, and that to even talk about it is dangerous. No, they can't fire everybody, but they can intimidate most people, which has worked very well for them. Having the Railway Labor Act is the biggest problem, because there can be no such thing as local organization...it's all or nothing.
Like I said, unless you work here, you don't understand how difficult it is to organize from within at FedEx. That's precisely why there needs to be an external effort made, and that's where the Teamsters come-in. From their actions, or lack thereof, it's obvious the IBT doesn't have a clue how to organize FedEx.