Since you like to change facts to suit yourself, let's review what I actually said
Don't think you'll see a link to the LA Times. This has been posted verbatum on many far-right wing sites, never a source given. It sounds like Heather Mac Donald or Michelle Malkin, IMO.
Fear mongering at it's worst.
Low and behold, the source goes to an op-ed written by a right-wing pundit quoting
Heather MacDonald. It was not a piece written by the LA Times, any more than an Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin column can be attributed to whatever newspaper they are published in. When one sources figures as coming from the LA Times, one should be able to prove it. An op-ed or letter to the editor is not the same thing.
tie said:
Meanwhile your opinion is to let the crime continue, the illegal immigration continue and to give everyone that makes it across the border immediate citizenry. Your position while not based on fear is totally ignorant. Meanwhile your opinion is to let the crime continue, the illegal immigration continue and to give everyone that makes it across the border immediate citizenry. Your position while not based on fear is totally ignorant.
My opinion, which I have stated, is to enforce the laws, but give those here a path towards citizenship. Don't break up families. Deport those who engage in a crime (other than the crime of being in America), Learn English, hold a job, stay out of trouble, and a path towards cictizenship should be made available. Never have I called for immediate citizenship or amnesty. Reagan tried that, and guess what? It didn't work!
tie doing his Reagan impression said:
there you go again. How do you know its 12 million. who counted them. And if someone has the means to accurately count them then why were they not deported? Sneaking across the border is a crime. Knowledge of the crime without reporting it makes you an accessory. I think the number is inflated dramatically to make the case for asinging citizenship stronger.
You stated 12 million in S. California. That is a made up number. The rest of what you said makes no sense, what is 'asinging'?
You see, I am for stronger enforcement of our borders, but that has to be funded. I am for punishing those who smuggle people across the border. I am for punishing employers that knowingly hire illegal workers, and punishing them in a way that would convince them not to do it again, ie: serious monetary fines, and perhaps mandatory jail time for repeat offenders. Give those already here a legal status enabling them to work and pay taxes, and give them a path towards citizenship in 5-6 years, providing the stay out of trouble, hold a job, and learn English. America was and continues to be built by immigrants chasing the American Dream, that is what this country was founded on. Sealing the borders is not an option, and is impossible, in any case. Do you have any real ideas? Do you agree with what Bush has privately told our lawmakers his intentions are?