The irony that is the Occutard movement.


Staff member
As for "trashing property", are we talking about riotous burning in the streets or are we talking about the extent to which a fair-grounds is a mess after a county fair?


Well-Known Member
Go back to post #9 and it's talk about shooting a cop, not that they already did.

I'd seen more of Brett's hysteria before but his words were as if the act had actually happened. I would call him a girl but it's a bullschitt stereotype to begin with and why insult common and rational thinking women everywhere.

Fact is, some cops may have not gotten the message of maybe they know a possible "false flag" when they see one.

Here's some cops going to the mat for OWS protesters. Seems they didn't get the cop killer memo.

Reports are that other police officers have stepped up for the OWS protesters.

And what do cops think?

Yes, cops are a part of the 99% and yes there are bad cops on a power trip but many, many, many officers are torn understanding on the one hand what is at stake and what is really being said below the surface of spin by bothsides of the political matrix while having to take orders and do a job to feed their family. Cops even know there are Agent Provocateurs with many motives and even in Atlanta the other night, someone with an AK-47 showed up (open carry) and protesters asked him to leave but he remained only standing outside the park leaning against a crowd control fence surrounded by police officers. My neighbor who is a cop and not unsympathetic so some aspect of the protest talked to an APD officer who is a buddy of his and many officers on the scene felt the guy was a provocateur and not a true Occupy Atlanta protester. I believe in the unregulated right to bare arms but what that guy did was stupid and moronic. His actions not only threatened an otherwise peaceful arrest and sweep of the park but he served up fuel for anti-gunners and the idiot makes it hard to argue against them.

I do think there are those who want this thing to go violent (on both sides) and thankfully so far the vast majority of peaceful OWS protesters have in fact carried the day and most police officers have in kind responded back. Many officers are going to great lengths as are protesters to keep open communication with one another and keep each other up to speed. Kevin Zeese in Occupy Washington has spoken about officers talking to them and even telling them on a daily basis, "we're not coming in today." It's a mutual respect that so far is paying dividends for both officers and protesters alike. The officers told them almost from the start that they were in violation and that the cops could move in at any time but would not until they had no other choice as in high command orders.

I got no problem disagreeing with the protest, a lot of it I don't agree with, but the pure hysteria especially from Statist Republicans is just beyond the pale but then like their statist democrat cousins hysteria about the early anti-Wall Street (remember No TARP) Tea Party movement go hand in hand IMO. I sure miss the old paleo-conservative movement pre Reagan before it was hijacked by the republican party and it's wild eyed hysteria resorted to the type of calm and rational discussion of issues not dis-similar to the type of discussions you'd see on Buckley's old Firing Line. Even Meet the Press was even a bit more cerebral than it is now.

Truth is, you statist's on both sides should be scared to death because the average folk are waking up and even talking to each other across the fiction of political divides and finding lots of common ground. Yes, initially in some respects they are lashing out in some wrong directions but in time they will learn and then the lashing will start to hit the right spot and draw statist blood and it will be many of you statists who've been the real leeches will be the one who begin to bleed and I look forward to the day!
As for "trashing property", are we talking about riotous burning in the streets or are we talking about the extent to which a fair-grounds is a mess after a county fair?
I think you know what kind of trashing. The kind that has all sorts of pure garbage mostly everywhere you look, The kind of trashing that has people defecating and urinating in public and not in a toilet of any sort. Mounds of rotting food, parks being destroyed for lack of attention because it can't be accessed.

All of this fuss to raise attention to the unfairness of wall street. How about the fairness to the tax payers to clean up and restore the damage done to the parks and other public areas, the tax payers will have to foot that bill as well.


Staff member
I think you know what kind of trashing. The kind that has all sorts of pure garbage mostly everywhere you look, The kind of trashing that has people defecating and urinating in public and not in a toilet of any sort. Mounds of rotting food, parks being destroyed for lack of attention because it can't be accessed.

All of this fuss to raise attention to the unfairness of wall street. How about the fairness to the tax payers to clean up and restore the damage done to the parks and other public areas, the tax payers will have to foot that bill as well.
I think that in defense of allowing citizens their constitutional rights we can put up with that level of unpleasantness.


Well-Known Member
I think you know what kind of trashing. The kind that has all sorts of pure garbage mostly everywhere you look, The kind of trashing that has people defecating and urinating in public and not in a toilet of any sort. Mounds of rotting food, parks being destroyed for lack of attention because it can't be accessed.

All of this fuss to raise attention to the unfairness of wall street. How about the fairness to the tax payers to clean up and restore the damage done to the parks and other public areas, the tax payers will have to foot that bill as well.

That's an excellent point. To re-enforce your points, here are pictures from Occupy Atlanta that fully support every claim you just made.




Maybe you had this in mind?


Well-Known Member
Lol. Look at those unwashed miscreants!

I know. I'm so glad Trplnkl brought this up or else I'd have never known how nasty these people really were. Actually credit goes to the source of the pictures. Just in case I'm subjected to 50 questions about where those photos of all that nastiness came from.

Between Brett keeping us up on all the cop killing going on by those commie Occupiers and Trplnkl keeping us up on the lack of cleanliness and personal hygiene, you just don't know whose word is good these days!


golden ticket member
Occupy Boston: “They’re Always Asking For Food, They Smell Intoxicated, It’s a Mess”…

I feel for the commuters who are being forced to endure the hippie stink on their way to work (Occupy Boston is next to major subway station), I used to work two blocks from where they’re camped out.
(Boston Herald) — Commuters and merchants in South Station say they are fed up with Occupy Boston squatters who are hogging electrical outlets and taking sponge baths in bathroom sinks, turning the bustling terminal into a unsanitary locker room.

Transportation officials said they have sealed up some outlets after fearful commuters worried Occupy members powering up electronic gadgets close to ATM machines could see PIN numbers being punched in. Yet, there’s no quick solution to sharing the bathroom.

“The bathrooms seem more crowded and grimier,” said Roy Woodton, 36, a banker from Attleboro as he rushed to catch a train yesterday.

“They are always asking for food, for handouts,” said Eva Yuen, a manager at Serenade Chocolatier inside the station. “They smell intoxicated. It’s a mess.”

Station officials said they are fielding more complaints every day.

“There have been reports anecdotally about an increasing level of frustration by customers at South Station,” said Scott Farmelant, spokesman for the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad company


Retired 23 years
Occupy Boston: “They’re Always Asking For Food, They Smell Intoxicated, It’s a Mess”…

I feel for the commuters who are being forced to endure the hippie stink on their way to work (Occupy Boston is next to major subway station), I used to work two blocks from where they’re camped out.
(Boston Herald) — Commuters and merchants in South Station say they are fed up with Occupy Boston squatters who are hogging electrical outlets and taking sponge baths in bathroom sinks, turning the bustling terminal into a unsanitary locker room.

Transportation officials said they have sealed up some outlets after fearful commuters worried Occupy members powering up electronic gadgets close to ATM machines could see PIN numbers being punched in. Yet, there’s no quick solution to sharing the bathroom.

“The bathrooms seem more crowded and grimier,” said Roy Woodton, 36, a banker from Attleboro as he rushed to catch a train yesterday.

“They are always asking for food, for handouts,” said Eva Yuen, a manager at Serenade Chocolatier inside the station. “They smell intoxicated. It’s a mess.”

Station officials said they are fielding more complaints every day.

“There have been reports anecdotally about an increasing level of frustration by customers at South Station,” said Scott Farmelant, spokesman for the Massachusetts Bay Commuter Railroad company

Is that anything like "old person smell"? What if they are an "old hippie"?

Bellamy Brothers - Old Hippie - YouTube


Staff member
"The bathrooms seem more crowded and grimier." Oh, the horror he must have felt! Lol. Maybe the city needs to hire more sanitation workers. Nothing wrong with the government hiring based on a demontrated need, is there?
I know. I'm so glad Trplnkl brought this up or else I'd have never known how nasty these people really were. Actually credit goes to the source of the pictures. Just in case I'm subjected to 50 questions about where those photos of all that nastiness came from.

Between Brett keeping us up on all the cop killing going on by those commie Occupiers and Trplnkl keeping us up on the lack of cleanliness and personal hygiene, you just don't know whose word is good these days!

I was going to play along and look up some pics too, but decided there was no need, it would just be a waste of time. We've already seen the pictures of the mounds of trash, the people (2 at least) taking dumps on the ground (it doesn't take a mental giant to know that public urinating is going on) and read the reports of the stench coming from some of the protest camps. Down play it all you want. By the pics Wk posted it appears that the Atlanta folks have it all together, good for them.
I haven't suggested that the protesters, where ever they may be, not be allowed to protest. My only objection has been the cost to the rest of the community that end up having to pay for the clean up. When the protesters move out there is going to be clean up cost.

I would also suggest that some of the reports, both good and bad, are tweaked to suit the message if whatever media is making the report. We've seen the pristine camp in Atlanta and the horror pics from whatever other places . Media bias? Probably on both sides.

Brett never said cops were being killed but was addressing the flyers (copy of posted) and Wk decided to twist that into something Brett did not say. BBsam wants to try to down play the filth that is obvious where there are no toilet facilities for hundreds to thousands of people gathered. Common sense will tell you this is an unsanitary atmosphere. Oh, and Sam, the pic of the tailgate parties was cute but hardly the same( on the same lines as the fairs). The protesters have had their day in the sun, it's time for them to go home. If their message hasn't been heard by now, it never will be.
"The bathrooms seem more crowded and grimier." Oh, the horror he must have felt! Lol. Maybe the city needs to hire more sanitation workers. Nothing wrong with the government hiring based on a demontrated need, is there?

Nice liberal stance. Let the tax payers foot the bill.


Staff member
So, trplnkl. Do you suggest that a protest should only be legal if they can pay for it? Isn't it the price a representative government pays to hear the voice of the governed? If the Supreme Court can rule that money is speech, how can they rule that protests are not?