The irony that is the Occutard movement.


Well-Known Member
"The bathrooms seem more crowded and grimier." Oh, the horror he must have felt! Lol. Maybe the city needs to hire more sanitation workers. Nothing wrong with the government hiring based on a demontrated need, is there?

Boston outsources these services at their T stations.


Strength through joy
So why hasn't some protesters volunteered to clean up after their own members ?

Oh, because it might be considered like they have to actually do some work.


Staff member
Thank you for helping make my point. When the city pays for anything, that means the tax payer is footing the bill.
Thank you for making my point. If you (the tax payer) wants something (clean parks, etc.) then you have to pay for it i.e. foot the bill.


Strength through joy
And that folks is why groups need to pay for permits to use city parks( except of these modern day hippies ; they don't need no stinky papers )
Thank you for making my point. If you (the tax payer) wants something (clean parks, etc.) then you have to pay for it i.e. foot the bill.

The tax payers are already paying to have the parks built and to keep the parks in good condition, but the occupy ( location goes here) idiots are creating extra cleanup needs which creates extra taxes needed to pay for the "groups" to have their sit ins. Wall street isn't going to be hurt by these protests, wall street isn't going to have to pay for the cleanup, the protesters dang sure aren't going to cleanup the place or pay to have it done.

Long story short, other than the protester's egos being pumped up, nothing is going to change on wall street.


Strength through joy
What movement ?
It's just a collection of so many different ideals that seems to have no other purpose then to cause havoc.
Unless you meant the movement of moving out of their mother's basements ?


Strength through joy
Here's an article that will kill your movement.....

Attention, Protestors: You're Probably Part of the 1%

In America, the top 1% earn more than $380,000 per year.
We are, however, among the richest nations on Earth.
How much do you need to earn to be among the top 1% of the world?


That was the finding World Bank economist Branko Milanovic presented in his 2010 book The Haves and the Have-Nots. Going down the distribution ladder may be just as surprising.
To be in the top half of the globe, you need to earn just $1,225 a year.
For the top 20%, it's $5,000 per year.
Enter the top 10% with $12,000 a year.
To be included in the top 0.1% requires an annual income of $70,000.
According to the U.N., "Nearly half the world's population, 2.8 billion people, earn less than $2 a day."
According to the World Bank, 95% of those living in the developing world earn less than $10 a day.

Those numbers are so shocking that you might only think about them in the abstract.
But when you consider them in the context of the entire globe, including yourself, the skewing effects they have on the distribution of income is simply massive.
It means that Americans we consider poor are among some of the world's most well-off.
As Milanovic notes, "the poorest [5%] of Americans are better off than more than two-thirds of the world population." Furthermore, "only about 3 percent of the Indian population have incomes higher than the bottom (the very poorest) U.S. percentile."
Today, of Americans officially designated as 'poor,' 99 percent have electricity, running water, flush toilets, and a refrigerator; 95 percent have a television, 88 percent a telephone, 71 percent a car and 70 percent air conditioning. Cornelius Vanderbilt had none of these.
Nor does much of the world.

In short, most of those protesting in the Occupy Wall Street movement would be considered wealthy -- perhaps extraordinarily wealthy -- by much of the world. Many of those protesting the 1% are, ironically, the 1%.


Well-Known Member
I guess you could say------ The harder we work the more we owe America.------- The less we work the more America owes us. Talk about ass backwards!