The Lets Get Rid Of Our Cops Movement


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
I’d be hesitant to get involved if it’s a black person assaulting the officer. Could lead to significant consequences for me if the media and Biden’s DOJ might want to drag me through the mud for doing so.
Do onto others as if...

Just sayin.


Strength through joy

According to the Chicago Tribune, “Lightfoot unveiled a $16.7 billion spending plan Monday that boosts funding for police, relies on federal money to help fill the city’s budget hole and funds a host of new community programs as she seeks to move Chicago past the ongoing pandemic and to address rampant gun violence.”

The proposal suggests lifting the Chicago Police Department’s annual budget to $1.9 billion, up from $1.7 billion in 2021, the news outlet reported.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Since Friday, more than $1 million of merchandise has been stolen in the United States by the smash and grab gangs. 1 million dollars. No one will go to jail. Anarchy, violent anarchy.
In San Fransicko, a news crew is covering this crime wave. Kevin Nascita, a security guard for the cameraman and the reporter, a former police officer, working private security. He is guarding the news team. The thugs shot him dead.
In Minneapolis, Black Friday, 30 people go into Best Buy, and rob it. No one arrested. 30 people loot the Best Buy and not 1 is arrested. Lakewood, town in the same county another Home Depot, same suspects run in, smash and grab
.And they have 4 suspects. Pepper spray people. Run in and they grab and they loot. No arrests.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Nationally, homicides have increased 30% from 2019 to 2020, and it will increase more this year. That's all at the doorstep of the progressive left.
Chicago will end 2021, with the highest murder rate in 25 years. Thousands are being killed in Chicago, maimed and everything else. Thousands.
Portland, Oregon, 1,200 shootings this year compared to 400 in 2019. 400 to 1,200.
Because they won't enforce the law. L.A, same thing, San Fransicko.
This is an unbelievable stat in San Francisco. In 2020, the 4th quarter, San Francisco police made 131 arrests for felony domestic abuse. That means somebody was beaten the crap out of someone in their own home. The D.A Chesa Boudin, dismissed 86% of those cases. 86% of felony domestic violence, he dismissed.


Strength through joy

  • Emmit King, 62, a retired Olympics relay runner, and his friend Willie Albert Wells both died on Sunday after fatally shooting each other during an argument
  • It is not clear what the two men were arguing about that led to the bloodshed or who drew their weapon first
  • King was a sprinter and a member of the U.S. relay team for the Summer Olympics in 1984 and 1988, although he didn't compete
  • King and Wells' deaths marked the 184th and 185th homicides in Jefferson County, Alabama, so far in 2021. There were 183 in all of 2020


Well-Known Member
He trying... do anything except what is really necessary! More cops are are needed, a lot more.

Also the state needs to get rid of the $1000 floor on what is a felony.
More cops won't stop anything. $1k floor in high end stores means nothing. It's happening all across Murica @Wally. Ttku....