The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


golden ticket member
Don't you just love the "ties" this poor student suddenly has to the WH.
What a shill.
James & Bobby Purify have the Miss Fluke theme song from way back when.....

"I'm Your Puppet"

If this white house would just TCB, they'd be better off then cooking up all these ruses that only make them look petty, vindictinve and just plain stupid. There's no source quote for the previous sentence. It's what I think.


Für Meno :)
Rush Limbaugh vs. Rush, Canadian rock band doesn’t want its music played by the radio host

They may share a name, but Canadian rock legend band Rush is not about to share its music with controversial U.S. radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Band members were reportedly unhappy that the song provided part of the soundtrack for Limbaugh's tirade, during which he called the birth control advocate a "slut" and a "prostitute." The performers said they worried that the track's inclusion implied their endorsement of the radio host's political views.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Sandra Fluke will need to seek counseling from Monica Lewinsky the way the Dems. used her. She's a pathetic thing and her resume is gonna suck big time!!

She'll have to change her name to Sandra Fin.


Staff member
It was the republicans who used Monica Lewinsky. Only one democrat used her. And don't forget Linda Tripp. Republicans used her too. Eeeeeeeewwww!!! Yuck. Even after her republican paid for makeover....


Staff member
Nah. If they are smart and good, they can turn it into a career. Fluke could probably be a press secretary. Susan Estrich did well for herself, out of nowhere. Dr. Laura as well.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Cosmetic surgery helped Estrich much too. But Ill bet she paid for it, Also Greta Vansustern. Nothing wrong with it, I think they both look great, but it was a choice, and they paid.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Ever notice that Fox looks like a beauty pageant?
Ive always noticed conservative women, are usually pretty, yes. But heres one who I always thought would come around as she is too pretty to be mad like the democrat women.
Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist - The Daily Beast
and a cancer survivor to boot.
Example, just sayin
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golden ticket member
Why does everyone pronounce her name Fluck.....when it's spelled Fluke ?

I agree with tooner about conservative women......they are much prettier than their liberal counterparts. The liberals are 'off the chart' angry......the Hillarys and the Debbies and the Nancys and the Sallys and the Rachaels........All those angry lines and wrinkles are distorting them all.

Republican vs. Democrat Women


Staff member
Tamron Hall? I guess Rachel's beauty is inner. I really dont see her as angry though. Ann Coulter? Michelle Malkin? That's mad/ angry!