The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
umm, FOX NEWS is littered with FAKE BLONDES and cosmetic surgery women. Ever see GRETA VON MANSTERN??

Makes you wonder when the sex change happened!


OH wait , thats bad, easy to make that mistake.

the best one of greta before the swelling wore off!




Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Uh Uh Uh, I said the surgery helped her. She had a very crooked mouth, what I remember from the OJ trial. I dont consider Greta a conservative, shes much too liberal
Malkin, hot yes
coulter hot, yes, but well too flashy for me,
Megan kelly yes
They go on and on.
Kirsten is your diamond in the rough, and she soon will be on our side.
Palin, not to bad for a momma of 5.
Romneys wife, pretty conservative in dress and talk. Pretty.
Santorums wife, not bad for a momma of 7, very classy.
Newts wife, well I like Newt.
Laura Bush, very classy


Staff member
Coulter's anorexia and that ridiculously large adam's apple and her rather deep voice...not attractive and I wonder exactly ahwt kind of plastic surgery she has opted for.


Strength through joy
[h=1]Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution[/h]
Rush Limbaugh has drawn the ire of celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who sent a letter to the Palm Beach County state attorney requesting an investigation into whether the popular radio host should be prosecuted for calling a law student a “slut” and “prostitute” last week.
“Mr. Limbaugh targeted his attack on a young law student who was simply exercised her free speech and her right to testify before congress on a very important issue to millions of American women and he vilified her. He defamed her and engaged in unwarranted, tasteless and exceptionally damaging attacks on her,” Allred told POLITICO Friday afternoon. “He needs to face the consequences of his conduct in every way that is meaningful.”
In a letter dated March 8, Allred, writing on behalf of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund, requested that Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael McAuliffe probe whether the conservative radio personality had violated Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes by calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke the two derogatory words.
The statute stipulates that anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Allred explained that the statute recently came to her attention as having never been repealed, and that it could very well apply to Limbaugh’s remarks as his show is broadcast from West Palm Beach.
“I don’t reach out to women, they reach out to me,” she said. “If she did reach out to me, obviously I would respond.”

Read more: Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution - MJ Lee -

[h=1]Gloria, how about arresting the whole staff of MSNBC for their vicious attacks on me?[/h]
When I ran for Secretary of State in 2010, on election day Chris Mathews went on national TV and announced. “Orly Taitz is a malignancy, she needs to be tied up to the poll like a witch, I want you to tie her up to the stake like a witch!”
After his statements some crazy Obama supporters were writing to me that I need to be burned at the stake like a witch.
This is only but one example. I actually wrote to Allred and asked if she would be willing to take this case, as the attacks were unbearable.
I advised her that not only I am being defamed and harassed, but my life and lives of my children and my husband are being endangered.
Allred responded, saying that she cannot take the case.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution

Rush Limbaugh has drawn the ire of celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred, who sent a letter to the Palm Beach County state attorney requesting an investigation into whether the popular radio host should be prosecuted for calling a law student a “slut” and “prostitute” last week.
“Mr. Limbaugh targeted his attack on a young law student who was simply exercised her free speech and her right to testify before congress on a very important issue to millions of American women and he vilified her. He defamed her and engaged in unwarranted, tasteless and exceptionally damaging attacks on her,” Allred told POLITICO Friday afternoon. “He needs to face the consequences of his conduct in every way that is meaningful.”
In a letter dated March 8, Allred, writing on behalf of the Women’s Equal Rights Legal Defense and Education Fund, requested that Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael McAuliffe probe whether the conservative radio personality had violated Section 836.04 of the Florida Statutes by calling Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke the two derogatory words.
The statute stipulates that anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Allred explained that the statute recently came to her attention as having never been repealed, and that it could very well apply to Limbaugh’s remarks as his show is broadcast from West Palm Beach.
“I don’t reach out to women, they reach out to me,” she said. “If she did reach out to me, obviously I would respond.”

Read more: Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution - MJ Lee -

Gloria, how about arresting the whole staff of MSNBC for their vicious attacks on me?

When I ran for Secretary of State in 2010, on election day Chris Mathews went on national TV and announced. “Orly Taitz is a malignancy, she needs to be tied up to the poll like a witch, I want you to tie her up to the stake like a witch!”
After his statements some crazy Obama supporters were writing to me that I need to be burned at the stake like a witch.
This is only but one example. I actually wrote to Allred and asked if she would be willing to take this case, as the attacks were unbearable.
I advised her that not only I am being defamed and harassed, but my life and lives of my children and my husband are being endangered.
Allred responded, saying that she cannot take the case.

I agree with GLoria. RUSH should be prosecuted for his actions. IF GLoria can find a statute that fits the crime, then she will push that to the limit. I personally hope RUSH gets sued by Sandra Fluke for damages as a lesson to shut his mouth.

Right wing hate speech needs to be silenced in this country.




golden ticket member
Sleep Train, one of Rush's sponsers, bolted from Rush and is now asking to come back....................I think they were told to go to hell or something like that.


golden ticket member
Haven't you always said you don't listen to Rush?
I never do....and you'll find with time that I don't lie!!! I heard it on The Five at Five and Andrea Tantaros was filling in for Dana Perino and she told the story herself right after the name calling from Rush was the news item..


Für Meno :)
And a atleast 1 nice answer you got :
Joe Heaton
Member since: April 08, 2011 Total points: 25,522 (Level 7)
Badge Image: Contributing In: Politics

  • Best answer 33%
  • 3510 answers
Badge Image: Contributing In: Politics Member Since: April 08, 2011 Total Points: 25,522 (Level 7) Points earned this week: 727

LOL ... Righties - - - such astonishingly pathetic whiners, cowards, and weak kneed babies.

Sadly - Righties submit questions like this for only one reason - they are full of such self loathing - they only feel alive if they can stimulate hatred among fellow cowards and America Haters.

Personally, I think we should load all these cowardly American Haters into a big boat - and ship them to China - where they can live in the kind of society that they admire.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I agree with GLoria. RUSH should be prosecuted for his actions. IF GLoria can find a statute that fits the crime, then she will push that to the limit. I personally hope RUSH gets sued by Sandra Fluke for damages as a lesson to shut his mouth.

Right wing hate speech needs to be silenced in this country.




You and I dont agree on the issue of guns, but we do agree that Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.

Like it or not, however, even idiots and right wing chickenhawk hatemongers like Rush have a constitutionally protected right to free speech.

I am opposed to censorship, even against an idiot with whom I disagree.