Let us just do way with the 1st amendment and have a Federal media like Syria and North Korea.
As a matter of fact in your thinking, this web site would have to go also.
Well perhaps not. Just certain people could not post here.
Who would determine what is right wing hate speach? Would they choose you as the thought / speech
this isnt a first admendment issue. This is a decency issue. THIS BOARD has the decency police working 24 hours a day. NOT everything I POST is allowed. I am censored on every post for what I say despite your claim of 1st amendment rights. This board allows us ONLY to post what they agree with. IF we use language similiar to RUSH, or formulate our posts with "comedy" to get a laugh hidden as an insult, it is removed if it doesnt fit the "controllers" thoughts.
RUSH is no different, only the "MODERATORS" there are the american public.
You cant have it both ways. You can support rush limbaughs speech and censor me from using the same tactic as he does 24/7.
What separates RUSH from the 1st amendment is his attack on a innocent person who he KNEW nothing about. He did it for political gain and lost the battle. Yes, he entertained his faithful crowd of drones who dont know better, but the majority of america SHOWED that they still overrule the idiots of the country.
I think we should all be allowed to post on this board equally using the same level of styles of info and insults, fair play, yet I accept that I have to be moderated by those that oppose my thoughts and ideas because thats the rules of the board.
If this site can have thought police, then so should the airwaves.