The party of "family values" strikes again!


Strength through joy
In other disgusting right wing news, Josh Duggar isnt going to escape the "family values" thread either.

This family, a crock all in of itself, is now rocked by allegations that have surfaced that the elder Duggar molested his younger sisters over a period of years. This "made for TV" right wing circus promoted itself as god fearing americans and having "wholesome" family values.

But as we see now, the curtain of secrecy has been lifted.

The show "19 and counting" has been cancelled and I hope it never returns to the air.

Its laughable at best from the start to watch this women have so many kids for selfish reasons, and the payback is now the punchline.

Even the right wing political leaders are stuck being associated with him.

two idiots.


Two more idiots.


Two more idiots.




Right wing idiots.


there isnt a single right wing wacko that wont pose with this creep.



Didn't even know this program existed .


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Remember, that you're trying to convince people who will believe almost anything they are told by their "leaders". GOP hypocrites are rampant, as are Democratic ones. The problem is that the GOP can't believe it when one of theirs is a bad apple.
If Duggar's holy book was the Koran instead of the bible the teapublicans would be pushing for the death penalty instead of forgiveness.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, May has been a busy month for perverted Christian republicans !!

In this case, we have yet another "family values" "morality first" TEA PARTY republican who says one thing, and does another. Of course, what else is new for tea party republicans?

Maybe in jail, this tea partier can recruit some "sexual healing" from his cell mates? Then again, how about a good old fashion beatdown?

These scumbags are coming out of the woodworks...

Wow, May has been a busy month for perverted Christian republicans !!

In this case, we have yet another "family values" "morality first" TEA PARTY republican who says one thing, and does another. Of course, what else is new for tea party republicans?

Maybe in jail, this tea partier can recruit some "sexual healing" from his cell mates? Then again, how about a good old fashion beatdown?

These scumbags are coming out of the woodworks...

As @turdferguson would say.


The Nim
I take solace in the fact that no democrats are being ousted by the OP which leads me to believe they don't believe that the democrats could be for "family values."

Both parties are full of scum, you're showing blind ignorance and devotion to the democrats by not throwing them under the bus too. Many of them profess moral high ground on positions which could be considered under "family values."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I take solace in the fact that no democrats are being ousted by the OP which leads me to believe they don't believe that the democrats could be for "family values."

Both parties are full of scum, you're showing blind ignorance and devotion to the democrats by not throwing them under the bus too. Many of them profess moral high ground on positions which could be considered under "family values."

PSSST... maybe you dont understand the point of this thread...??

Moreluck has hundreds of threads bashing democrats, and there was NONE dedicated to republicans.

This is called equilibrium.

Sucks to be a republican, when all you see is these kinds of scumbags representing YOU and your friends.



Engorged Member
May is still rocking with republican scumbags, as this time, a female republican is convicted of election fraud and other things..
, and was
How can this party of "family values" be so chocked full of idiots...

Oh wait, nevermind, I read the posts on this board.


Wait until it all comes out about Hastert. He's been paying big hush money for years, and was a former HS wrestling coach. I'm thinking some major child molestation and hot gay Republican action that another GOP scumbag has been covering for a long time.


Strength through joy
Now Massachusetts is a one party rule state , D .
Getting indicted — it’s a family tradition for the Flahertys, or should I say, “the defendants,” as the clan is more commonly referred to around the courthouse.
The father, Good Time Charlie, went down on an income-tax evasion rap. He was the first of three consecutive House speakers to be convicted of a federal crime. And now comes son Timmy Flaherty, a chip off the old block, charged with “WITNESS TAMPERING.”
The Flaherty spalpeen is accused of bribing a guy his client assaulted after slurring him as a “little Muslim … you bleepin’ terrorist.” The perp was a typical Flaherty client — he had a prior for interfering with a flight crew.

Anyway, Tim’s client obviously misjudged this newcomer to our land. Far from being a terrorist, this man proved himself to be well assimilated — he ran to the cops.


Engorged Member
Now Massachusetts is a one party rule state , D .
Getting indicted — it’s a family tradition for the Flahertys, or should I say, “the defendants,” as the clan is more commonly referred to around the courthouse.
The father, Good Time Charlie, went down on an income-tax evasion rap. He was the first of three consecutive House speakers to be convicted of a federal crime. And now comes son Timmy Flaherty, a chip off the old block, charged with “WITNESS TAMPERING.”
The Flaherty spalpeen is accused of bribing a guy his client assaulted after slurring him as a “little Muslim … you bleepin’ terrorist.” The perp was a typical Flaherty client — he had a prior for interfering with a flight crew.

Anyway, Tim’s client obviously misjudged this newcomer to our land. Far from being a terrorist, this man proved himself to be well assimilated — he ran to the cops.

Let's talk about Hastert. You know, the former Speaker of the House and GOP paragon of virtue? Wow, what a great American!! Come on, Baba...tell us how Clinton getting a BJ is as bad as Hastert being a child abuser and a gay one at that.


Well-Known Member
Let's talk about Hastert. You know, the former Speaker of the House and GOP paragon of virtue? Wow, what a great American!! Come on, Baba...tell us how Clinton getting a BJ is as bad as Hastert being a child abuser and a gay one at that.

Defining the term "constitution" as: "Fundamental principles, the composition of"

In the case of both Hastert and Clinton(s), I say neither of them measure up when one judges them by their own Constitution. Picking one over the other would be like picking a Rattlesnake over a Cobra or vice versa to be bitten by.

Seems to me you are creating a false dilemma.


Engorged Member
Defining the term "constitution" as: "Fundamental principles, the composition of"

In the case of both Hastert and Clinton(s), I say neither of them measure up when one judges them by their own Constitution. Picking one over the other would be like picking a Rattlesnake over a Cobra or vice versa to be bitten by.

Seems to me you are creating a false dilemma.

Not really. The GOP happily spent millions to "convict" Clinton of getting a hummer from an adult. Was it wrong? Of course. But does it measure-up to a HS coach molesting underage kids while belonging to "God's Party of Righteousness"? No, it doesn't.

What Hastert did makes Clinton look like an amateur.


Strength through joy
Let's talk about Hastert. You know, the former Speaker of the House and GOP paragon of virtue? Wow, what a great American!! Come on, Baba...tell us how Clinton getting a BJ is as bad as Hastert being a child abuser and a gay one at that.
Yet he was never arrested for these alleged crimes , he was charges with cash structuring .
While clinton was charged with lying .
Be very careful of labeling someone without actually having proof , or you could be charged with libel yourself .


Well-Known Member
The recent revelations in both the Duggar and Hastert stories has fueled the fires in such venues as this thread but if the focus is only on what these people represent and to bash that seems to me to miss a far greater and more concerning point and that is the abuse of children as whole.

Just reading this piece where the UN is facing a child abuse crisis but this follows another crisis in the Rotherham child abuse scandal in England, the crisis in the Vatican such as the recent Vatican official with child porn on computers and of course we continue to hear of cases emerging in our own society to the point that what use to shock us has become just another ho-hum event. Even institutions once considered the defenders of wholesome and goodness now almost seem to defend the undefendable leaving the casual observer frustrated, disgusted if not downright confused. It's to the point I even have empathy for good people of faith who live among this yet pull out their own hair in frustration over it.

What has happened when the very institutions we are told serve as a champion of children ultimately turn on those very children in the first place? Many in the worse way possible. Some would argue we need to return to god and using the ideal of Jesus, I'll concede there is nothing I can even put my finger on that someone could twist to justify child sexual abuse, seems to me Jesus argued against this, but the irony that an institution that claims to represent his name and ideal on earth is among the several institutions caught up in all of this. And not to pick on church institutions but gov't as well and with that the education system.

To me, this begs the question, WHY IS THIS ALL HAPPENING?
