In other disgusting right wing news, Josh Duggar isnt going to escape the "family values" thread either.
This family, a crock all in of itself, is now rocked by allegations that have surfaced that the elder Duggar molested his younger sisters over a period of years. This "made for TV" right wing circus promoted itself as god fearing americans and having "wholesome" family values.
But as we see now, the curtain of secrecy has been lifted.
The show "19 and counting" has been cancelled and I hope it never returns to the air.
Its laughable at best from the start to watch this women have so many kids for selfish reasons, and the payback is now the punchline.
Even the right wing political leaders are stuck being associated with him.
two idiots.
Two more idiots.
Two more idiots.
Right wing idiots.
there isnt a single right wing wacko that wont pose with this creep.