You really want to play the "moral high ground" card?
You support a party who kills babies but spares convicted killers because lethal injection stings a little bit.
Rod Blagojevich, a corrupt democrat.
Bill Clinton, everyone knows
Anthony Weiner, good guy.
Marion Berry, "the set me up"
Would you like me to go on?
Everybody screws up from time to time, regardless of Political party, religion, race, class, or anything else.
If two consenting adults having an affair is the worst these people have done, then big whoop.
Your game is weak, tos. Very weak
Sorry Bro, the dems DONT try to hold up the MORALITY card like the Republitards do. Every Republitard runs for office on a premise of morality and a strong belief in christian principles.
But, once they get into office, there is a transition where office turns into ORAFICE and affairs and lude conduct occurs despite the Strong Christian Value baloney they sold on election day.
Thats the point of this thread.
There are 100's of bad democrat threads started by moreluck alone on this board and this single thread is a response to those threads.
Get used to the hypocrisy of the republitard party bro.