Lets set the record straight Adolph.
For years, this board was consumed and dominated by WHITE men blasting hispanics, blacks and any other minority and they continue to do so today. Much like YOURSELF, who just cant refrain himself from using the N=WORD to describe any person of color.
Year after year, Moreluck and every other daily poster ranted about minorities UNCHECKED, until I came along.
Now, I have reversed that trend. Now, ill put it back in your faces, and demonstrate to you, that you are NO exception to crime, drugs, prostitution, single motherhood, welfare, shootings and every other illegal act committed in this country.
White priviledge may make you think you are a step above, but my minority status is going to knock you down a peg.
There are plenty of threads on this board that make fun of blacks and hispanics. There are plenty of posts that racially insensitive and only when someone comes on and turns the table back onto YOU, do you have a problem with racial attention.
There have been some very INSENSITIVE remarks made about Indians, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians on this board, and because of that kind of hatred, I will present the OTHER SIDE of that coin and highlight that WHITE TRASH exists in greater numbers, than all the minorities combined.
71% of white americans are recieving welfare, and of those 71%, there are plenty of single white mothers out there whoring themselves out on city streets.
Now, to a neo nazi like yourself, this may be something you dont want to hear, but tough monkey balls.
I am going to keep dishing it out until you all change your ways and become a more accepting society allbeit on a message board.