The Real Micheal Moore?


I gave you my answer. Why are you changing it,twisting it, adding false pretense to it?...Did they teach you this at Rupert Murdock University?
images this who you based Patriotism from? A foriegn-born media executive.

As far as posting negative things about this country...It's all in the eyes of the beholder...and you my friend are blind. All you need to do is look at your Proffessor..Rupert[/quote]

[COLOR=blue]Diesel not really trying to twist your answer. I think my question is pretty straight up. Over the years I've found that a liberal democrat that supports mike moores view of this country is usually one that feels no sense of loyalty or patriotism towards this country. I just wanted to see if you fell in that group and you do. No need to try to pin you down any further. I just wish you would move to cuba and leave this screwed up country to those of us who actually appreciate living here. [/COLOR]


Well-Known Member
Diesel not really trying to twist your answer. I think my question is pretty straight up. Over the years I've found that a liberal democrat that supports mike moores view of this country is usually one that feels no sense of loyalty or patriotism towards this country. I just wanted to see if you fell in that group and you do. No need to try to pin you down any further. I just wish you would move to cuba and leave this screwed up country to those of us who actually appreciate living here.

There you go again,adding false pretense,professing I support Moore's views on EVERY issue. But if you pay attenion to previous content I quoted his Sicko movie was "thought provoking" and you ran with it like a groupie at a Sean Hannity Freedom Concert.
As far as moving to Cuba,you might be more suited,there accepting applications for Dictators who like to impose their views ,morals and twisted beliefs on the public. BTW...Maybe some of us should remind Neo-Cons that you don't have a patent on the term "patriot".Far from it.


There you go again,adding false pretense,professing I support Moore's views on EVERY issue. But if you pay attenion to previous content I quoted his Sicko movie was "thought provoking" and you ran with it like a groupie at a Sean Hannity Freedom Concert.
As far as moving to Cuba,you might be more suited,there accepting applications for Dictators who like to impose their views ,morals and twisted beliefs on the public. BTW...Maybe some of us should remind Neo-Cons that you don't have a patent on the term "patriot".Far from it.

My god you do try to squirm and twist the argument don't you. Feeling guilty about something.

Real simple . focus now:

can you say you are a patriot?

do you love your country unconditionally?

I don't think you can. I think you despise the concept of loving your country or being a patriot. Go ahead prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
My god you do try to squirm and twist the argument don't you. Feeling guilty about something. Nope not at all,but maybe you should feel guilty for stealing time at UPS with your 5000 pointless posts during working hours.

Real simple . focus now:

can you say you are a patriot?
do you love your country unconditionally?
We've been there done that already. You see the problem with neo-cons is your refusal to accept answers until they fit your agenda.
Lets see: 30% approve of Bush Admin.
70% disapprove
Does this mean 70% of the population is un-patriotic and doesn't love their country?
Should I pose the same question to you and those who share your views when Clinton and Carter were belittled in office?

I don't think you can. I think you despise the concept of loving your country or being a patriot. Go ahead prove me wrong.

So let me get this right,you think with this minority neo-con mentality,you have the audacity to question people's love for this country and patriotism who support and speak out for the preservation,health and well being of America thats on a downward spiral by a Rep Administration thats dragging it's feet. Isn't your concept of patriotism driving a stake thru the heart of America and promoting divisiveness instead of diversity.

I would support this Administration if they did the right things,but to sit on your butt and do nothing when things go astray is just as un-patriotic. Example:..When your driving down the H'way and a car ahead of you hits a pothole resulting in a accident ,it's your patriotic(and moral) duty to stop, assist and call on the authorities to remedy the situation so it won't happen again. Instead,people like you would zoom past the accident and critizise the victim for hitting the pothole and let them die on the side of the H'way and not speak up and warn people of a hazard in the road.


Staff member
can you say you are a patriot?

do you love your country unconditionally?
I don't see those two statements as being linked.

I'm a patriot, but the only person I love unconditionally is my mother. Love for my country is definitely conditional. For instance, I would not love my country if it was a fascist dictatorship.

I do love certain principles, such as individual liberty, freedom of speech, etc, and I'm proud of my country when it represents those things. I'm not so proud when my country locks people up for years with no trial, no lawyer, and no charges. Or when they ship detainees to another country for the express purpose of having them tortured.

Being a true patriot requires a little more than waving the flag on cue and loudly proclaiming how much you love your country to anyone who will listen. That's just jingoism.


So let me get this right,you think with this minority neo-con mentality,you have the audacity to question people's love for this country and patriotism who support and speak out for the preservation,health and well being of America thats on a downward spiral by a Rep Administration thats dragging it's feet. Isn't your concept of patriotism driving a stake thru the heart of America and promoting divisiveness instead of diversity.

I'm sorry I can see by your attacking comments that I am making you feel uncomfortable with these questions. But I have seen your many posts where you put this country down and run to mikey moores defense and thus I am curious whether you feel you are doing this as a patriot and whether its out of love for your country. I'm really not trying to complicate the question its really quite simple in context are you a patriout and do you love your country unconditionally? I hope that helps you with your answer. :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I can see by your attacking comments that I am making you feel uncomfortable with these questions. But I have seen your many posts where you put this country down and run to mikey moores defense and thus I am curious whether you feel you are doing this as a patriot and whether its out of love for your country. I'm really not trying to complicate the question its really quite simple in context are you a patriout and do you love your country unconditionally? I hope that helps you with your answer. :thumbup1:[/quote]

I'm very comfortable with my positions,thx for asking:thumbup1:.When one sees fit changes to our country for the betterment of all, the neo- conservative nature renders unwarranted and questionable personal attacks on that indivdual's patriotism and love of country.
But I'm worried about you,You seem to have a hang up on asking the same questions over and over that have already been answered.(post# 77). Are the meds kicking in? I've notice how you refuse to accept answers and reasonning to your exaggerated accusations and questioning and hope you don't transgress those emotions to our fellow UPS employees working directly under you.I believe this thread is done and should move on. Don't you?


golden ticket member
Hey, tomorrow's trash day here.....perfect timing !! I don't know about the armpit part, but he's round enough to roll to the curb. :lol:


I'm very comfortable with my positions,thx for asking:thumbup1:.When one sees fit changes to our country for the betterment of all, the neo- conservative nature renders unwarranted and questionable personal attacks on that indivdual's patriotism and love of country.

I don't see that its unwarranted.
We discussed Mike Moores outlook on life and his attack on his own country that takes place when he allows himself to be a tool of the communist regime we have outlawed.
You then rushed to his defense when we discussed his actions. I then questioned whether you felt you loved your country and whether you felt you were a patriot. You stuggled with the answer and you continue to struggle with the answer. Thus my point was proven again.



golden ticket member
(I think Georgia is the real winner here!!)
Fatboy Michael Moore Boycotting “Murderous State Of Georgia” Because They Executed Convicted Cop Killer Troy Davis…

McDonald’s hardest hit.
(Chicago Tribune) — Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has called for an economic boycott of the state of Georgia to protest Wednesday’s execution of Troy Davis, the Savannah man convicted of murdering an off-duty police officer in 1989.
“I encourage everyone I know to never travel to Georgia, never buy anything made in Georgia, to never do business in Georgia,” Moore wrote on his website in a blog item posted a few hours after Davis’ death.

“I will ask my publisher to pull my book from every Georgia bookstore and if they won’t do that I will donate every dime of every royalty my book makes in Georgia to help defeat the racists and killers who run that state. I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.”

The case of Davis, 42, garnered international attention in recent years as a number of witnesses recanted statements that helped convict him in his 1991 trial. In 2010, U.S. District Judge William Moore (presumably no relation to the filmmaker), reviewed the new evidence on orders of the U.S. Supreme Court and found it to be “largely smoke and mirrors.”
Upon close inspection, most of the recantations, Moore ruled, were partial, illogical, or “impossible to believe.”


Strength through joy
Since he is such a successful film maker when was his last film released ?
And what is going to be his next ?
Isn't that what he is usually doing running around promoting his works ?
(I think Georgia is the real winner here!!)
Fatboy Michael Moore Boycotting “Murderous State Of Georgia” Because They Executed Convicted Cop Killer Troy Davis…

McDonald’s hardest hit.
(Chicago Tribune) — Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has called for an economic boycott of the state of Georgia to protest Wednesday’s execution of Troy Davis, the Savannah man convicted of murdering an off-duty police officer in 1989.
“I encourage everyone I know to never travel to Georgia, never buy anything made in Georgia, to never do business in Georgia,” Moore wrote on his website in a blog item posted a few hours after Davis’ death.

“I will ask my publisher to pull my book from every Georgia bookstore and if they won’t do that I will donate every dime of every royalty my book makes in Georgia to help defeat the racists and killers who run that state. I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia.”

The case of Davis, 42, garnered international attention in recent years as a number of witnesses recanted statements that helped convict him in his 1991 trial. In 2010, U.S. District Judge William Moore (presumably no relation to the filmmaker), reviewed the new evidence on orders of the U.S. Supreme Court and found it to be “largely smoke and mirrors.”
Upon close inspection, most of the recantations, Moore ruled, were partial, illogical, or “impossible to believe.”
What the hypocritical, tub of lard (Moore) doesn't understand is that his book has probably only sold three copies in Georgia anyway.


golden ticket member
October 15, 2011 @ 4:29 pm | Lib Buffoon Michael Moore Calls On Police To Join Wall Street Occupy Protests Against “These Rich Bastards” Like The Egyptian Army Did In Cairo… Someone break the good news to Moore, he is a rich bastard

Moore uploaded this to his YouTube account:
“The police need to join us in the same way the Egyptian army joined the people in Freedom Square there in Cairo. This is my appeal to the New York Police Department — to police departments all over the country: You are working class people. You’re not paid enough. You have the most dangerous job in the country and these rich bastards on Wall Street, they have ruined your 401Ks, your pension funds, your future, your children’s future. Money that should be going to having better law enforcement has gone to needless wars in other lands. So, my appeal to the police is, you are as and we are you. Join us. It’s fun. We’ll even let you beat on a bongo drum.” — Michael Moore on Lawrence O’Donnell’s The Very Last Word, Friday, October 14th, 2011


Strength through joy
Let's look at Egypt today............Christian churches are being burnt, their members are being murdered. And the police do nothing.
Is that wants here ?
Total lawlessness ?
If so he would be the first on many lists to disappear because he has wealth.


Strength through joy
What continues to amaze me is that these protesters are not marching on the offices of the dems who created this mess.
Barney Frank's offices should be surrounded for all the damage he has created within the baking and housing markets.
Always saying that there was no housing bubble even after it burst, and the salary he demanded that his boy-toy received .
And bhos' over regulation of so many industries that many are sitting on their cash waiting to see what next regulation he will attempt to cripple them with, why hire someone if next week bhos' gang of crooks again changes the ruleslike the GM bankruptcy, or the changing of loan terms for his solar projects.


Für Meno :)
What continues to amaze me is that these protesters are not marching on the offices of the dems who created this mess.
Barney Frank's offices should be surrounded for all the damage he has created within the baking and housing markets.
Always saying that there was no housing bubble even after it burst, and the salary he demanded that his boy-toy received .
And bhos' over regulation of so many industries that many are sitting on their cash waiting to see what next regulation he will attempt to cripple them with, why hire someone if next week bhos' gang of crooks again changes the ruleslike the GM bankruptcy, or the changing of loan terms for his solar projects.

See, that's the problem with Americans like yourself. You only think of America and the politics, nothing else.
This is a global uproar - it has not much to do with the USA !
It's about the corperate greed, and the middle class shrinking.
The gap that is getting so large between the poor, and middle class, compared to the rich.

Do you really think the CEO's of Oil companies are worth 300 or $400 Million per year ? Who pays for that ? We all do !
Even their board members earn over the $10 Million per year !

Housing bubble, has nothing to do with Canada or Europe - quite the opposite, housing prices are soo high, no oine can afford them, anymore.
Banks - they didn't need a single cent bail money here !

You need to think globally for a change - this is a global economy and Global trading !

You think those 50,000 people in Madrid are unhappy with US democrats ?
Or Canada unhappy with Obama, even though his approval rate here is sky high ? - Don't think so !

Canada did create this movement, and it sure wasn't meant to oust Obama, unlike you may think it should be !


Well-Known Member
And thus mr. Global Goober has spoken..... he who has no life. That settles it... Its the worlds problem... Canada is here to save the day