The religion of peace strikes again...

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Fox News has a simple reporting system:

1. Killer is a white person of any faith, they are a murderer.
2. Killer is a black person of any faith, they part of the African American thug culture.
3. Killer is a Muslim, they are a terrorist.

Think of all the time this chart saves them having to discover and report actual facts.This has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism. This is the action of a crazy person, a staple of American culture: The Disgruntled Former-Employee. Putting the blame on Islam is preposterous, any more than blaming Christianity for Adam Lanza or James Holmes.And, of course, FAUX won't mention that this guy also had quotes from the Bible on his Facebook, and a tattoo from the Bible on his chest.


Well-Known Troll
Are you positive it wasn't workplace violence?

Crazy criminal guy gets fired from a butchering plant, comes back with a butcher knife and kills indiscriminately without apparently saying much. Did he get the idea from the constant media play of beheadings? Crazy people tend to be influenced by stuff like that. Did he do it as jihad? Doubtful. He was crazy, not whipped into a jihad fervor.

He's alive, being interviewed and will presumably stand trial, if able.


Well-Known Member
Fox News has a simple reporting system:

1. Killer is a white person of any faith, they are a murderer.
2. Killer is a black person of any faith, they part of the African American thug culture.
3. Killer is a Muslim, they are a terrorist.

Think of all the time this chart saves them having to discover and report actual facts.This has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism. This is the action of a crazy person, a staple of American culture: The Disgruntled Former-Employee. Putting the blame on Islam is preposterous, any more than blaming Christianity for Adam Lanza or James Holmes.And, of course, FAUX won't mention that this guy also had quotes from the Bible on his Facebook, and a tattoo from the Bible on his chest.

That's how the collectivism of groupthink works. One muslim abuses a religious belief, thus all will abuse said belief. Going further, one white man misuses a gun killing people, all white people with guns are/will..............

Those liberals
Those conservatives
Those wingnuts
Those socialists

See how that groupthink collectivism works. Both sides of the official political narratives do it and rarely do they call themselves out while doing it to others.


golden ticket member
Are you positive it wasn't workplace violence?

Crazy criminal guy gets fired from a butchering plant, comes back with a butcher knife and kills indiscriminately without apparently saying much. Did he get the idea from the constant media play of beheadings? Crazy people tend to be influenced by stuff like that. Did he do it as jihad? Doubtful. He was crazy, not whipped into a jihad fervor.

He's alive, being interviewed and will presumably stand trial, if able.
Did you skip the part about him hollering certain things and it wasn't YAHOO !!


golden ticket member
(Moreluck , real brown 1) What do you suggest the politians do to resolve the unemployment rate?
First of all bring the benefit time down to 26 weeks from 99 weeks....that's incentive to go find or create a job for yourself.
Mow lawns, shovel snow, wash cars......provide for the family you and the mama brought into this world. I'm tired of supporting your ass.....get off it!!


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Yeah, all you have to do is use a find/replace command. Take anything a radical Muslim cleric says, replace "Islam" with "Christian", "Allah" with "Jesus", "Koran" with "Bible", and "Great Satan/US/Israel" with Iran , and you've got a classic Republican christian speech.

Indeed, I expect many of the lazier Republicans do just that.


nowhere special
Yeah, all you have to do is use a find/replace command. Take anything a radical Muslim cleric says, replace "Islam" with "Christian", "Allah" with "Jesus", "Koran" with "Bible", and "Great Satan/US/Israel" with Iran , and you've got a classic Republican christian speech.

Indeed, I expect many of the lazier Republicans do just that.

Ignorance like that explains many of your posts.