The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
you and I are wasting our time trying to alert certain people to the impending situation.
It's easier to be naïve and live in their own little world of denial than to accept reality..

You are right in that none of us have seen Christians, Baptists, Episcopalians, Catholics, Pentacostales(sp?) or any other known religious group running around cutting off peoples heads.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
In your mind, what exactly is this "impending situation"?
I'll tell you...Remember when this border crossing "problem" started and the conservatives were saying that the children coming over were in gangs. Then that didn't get a response from the public they came out with the children coming over all have Ebola. Then when that didn't work out they come up with terrorists are coming over the border. Yes, ISIS is probably planning some terrorist act in America and no, they are not coming over the Mexican border. They could just as easily be passing through customs at JFK right now using legal passports.Don't know who is dumber. People that believe this crap. Or that you could put this crap out and think that someone would believe it.


Well-Known Member
It is easy to minimize, discount, discredit, distract and, if all else fails, deny that which you don't understand. It's a defense mechanism.
Some on this forum seem awake and "on board" with current events.
The "impending situation", in my mind, is the insidious (oops! I used a big word) uprising of Muslims under the guise of "rights" that Americans enjoy.
It's my understanding those people have infested the UK and turned a once beautiful country into a schitthole.
Their expansion here will be so incremental that no one will notice until it hits them upside the then it will be too late.
You wonder why the "peaceful", "moderate" Muslims here aren't speaking out against the "radicals"?
You just keep on denying.......


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
It is easy to minimize, discount, discredit, distract and, if all else fails, deny that which you don't understand. It's a defense mechanism.
Some on this forum seem awake and "on board" with current events.
The "impending situation", in my mind, is the insidious (oops! I used a big word) uprising of Muslims under the guise of "rights" that Americans enjoy.
It's my understanding those people have infested the UK and turned a once beautiful country into a schitthole.
Their expansion here will be so incremental that no one will notice until it hits them upside the then it will be too late.
You wonder why the "peaceful", "moderate" Muslims here aren't speaking out against the "radicals"?
You just keep on denying.......
These two republican christians would love to start up the christian crusades again. Because they think if they fight in the name of God then have the right to eradicate whole civilizations of people , you know, those that aren't white and aren't christians.Don't worry about it. America will become a muslim nation as soon as it is profitable for Wall Street.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
First of all bring the benefit time down to 26 weeks from 99 weeks....that's incentive to go find or create a job for yourself.
Mow lawns, shovel snow, wash cars......provide for the family you and the mama brought into this world. I'm tired of supporting your ass.....get off it!!
Why don't you go out for a couple of weeks and tell us of all the job offers you had to turn down....Conservatives are such a cold-hearted bunch.


golden ticket member
Why don't you go out for a couple of weeks and tell us of all the job offers you had to turn down....Conservatives are such a cold-hearted bunch.
Anyone ,but the severely disabled can go out and earn money !! You don't have to have a regular job....How does that make conservatives a cold hearted bunch?
Wanting people to be self sufficient is character building.
Giving them every thing they say they want is how you get a spoiled child. Thanks to liberals and their warm & fuzzy, we'll take care of you, mindset, we have lots of spoiled brats in the country.

I held many jobs....I'm in retirement mode now...jealous? It's my job now to rotate those wheel barrows so the money doesn't get sun bleached.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Anyone ,but the severely disabled can go out and earn money !! You don't have to have a regular job....How does that make conservatives a cold hearted bunch?
Wanting people to be self sufficient is character building.
Giving them every thing they say they want is how you get a spoiled child. Thanks to liberals and their warm & fuzzy, we'll take care of you, mindset, we have lots of spoiled brats in the country.

I held many jobs....I'm in retirement mode now...jealous? It's my job now to rotate those wheel barrows so the money doesn't get sun bleached.
Willard Romney mentioned you in one of his speeches ...Remember 47%..jealous of you??or anyone???Never!!! ever!!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone ,but the severely disabled can go out and earn money !! You don't have to have a regular job....How does that make conservatives a cold hearted bunch?
Wanting people to be self sufficient is character building.
Giving them every thing they say they want is how you get a spoiled child. Thanks to liberals and their warm & fuzzy, we'll take care of you, mindset, we have lots of spoiled brats in the country.

I held many jobs....I'm in retirement mode now...jealous? It's my job now to rotate those wheel barrows so the money doesn't get sun bleached.
Weren't you on food stamps at one time? I guess that would make you one of those spoiled brats.;)


golden ticket member
Weren't you on food stamps at one time? I guess that would make you one of those spoiled brats.;)
As I've said before many times since May 2000 (my B.C. date) I am not against giving or receving a "hand up"'s the "hand outs" that are intolerable.
You're not cute, you just need to start reading my posts from day one !


Well-Known Member
As I've said before many times since May 2000 (my B.C. date) I am not against giving or receving a "hand up"'s the "hand outs" that are intolerable.
You're not cute, you just need to start reading my posts from day one !
And you are the one who decides who is deserving and who's not? You sure like to paint everybody with a broad brush. Except for yourself that is.


Well-Known Member
I asked a question, why are you afraid to answer?

Considering the intended targets of Sept. 11, one could conclude that our middle eastern friends, who we helped repel the Russian invasion, wanted to weaken/destroy our infrastructure and make a statement.

Did you notice no churches were targeted? That will come later.

I think, in your mind, you envision hordes of screaming :censored2:s, with swords drawn, storming our beaches. It won't happen like that. I'm told they have made comments to the effect of, "....destroy us from within."

I'm guessing you are relatively young and have a lot to learn about history and human nature. Good luck.