Muslim Terror Training Camps in the United States
Law Enforcement document April '09
For nearly 30 years, a violent group with established roots in both the United States and Pakistan has been committing numerous crimes here in America, consisting of murder, bombings, robberies – all for the purpose of “purifying” Islam through violence.
This group, known as Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF), was founded by Sheik Mubarak Ali Gilani during a 1980 visit to New York. In an effort to stop the perceived influence of Western ideology on Islam, JF uses violence to keep Islam from being ‘tainted’ by Western influences. JF will even wage violence upon members of their own faith, if they are suspected of not being faithful to Islam. In 1980, Gilani purchased 70 acres of land near the Catskill Mountains and founded Islamberg, in Hancock NY, a Muslim-only community where Muslim followers and converts could settle and reside in. Today, over 30 similar Muslim-only communities have sprung up all across the United States.
Past JF Crimes/Current Criminal Activities:
*Between 1979-90, there have been approximately 10 unsolved assassinations & 17 firebombing cases involving JF members [3] Some of the more publicized crimes involving JF include:
1983-High ranking JF member plants pipe bomb at Portland hotel
1984-3 South Asians killed in Tacoma, WA suburb by JF members
1985- Islamic mosque bombed, Houston TX
1989-storage locker search warrant in Colorado Springs revealed weapons cache and intelligence documents belonging to JF members. Documents included maps and potential targets to include military sites, oil and gas installations, and electrical facilities.
Who Joins?
There is no single criteria or characteristic that leads to JF membership,
although being a Muslim is a requirement. Prospective members come from different backgrounds. Those Muslims and converts could be working professionals, blue collar workers, religious leaders and students.
However, there seems to be a push in attracting black Muslim converts from the U.S. prison system.
Locations for these training sites range from rural unpopulated areas to abandoned warehouses in urban areas. (In fact, during the arrests of seven radicalized Muslim extremists in Miami 2006, members were found to have gathered in secluded warehouses to conduct paramilitary training .
JF has, and continues to purchase pieces of land in rather isolated areas, with a majority of critical infrastructure sites within close range. These features make certain rural properties ideal for JF followers. T
hese areas are set up to establish a community where members can surround themselves with other JF followers by practicing their faith, military training and survivalist activities all while completely immersed within North American towns.
Armed members guard their compounds and do not allow for outside visitors. JF Headquarters (Islamberg) are in Hancock, NY. Islamberg is known to have a mosque, school house, grocery store and reportedly a firing range at their compound.
JF has also set up communities/training compounds in the following areas:
• Marion, Alabama
• Augusta,Commerce,Macon & Jessup Georgia
• Talihina, Oklahoma
• York County, South Carolina
• Dover, Tenessee
• Red House; Roanoke Virginia
• Wayne County, Pennsylvania
• Tulane County, California
• Washington State
• Colorado
• Michigan
Locations have also been discovered in Canada, Venezuela & Trinidad.
What Goes On At These Camps?
It remains very difficult to find out what is going on in these camps because outsiders are denied entrance to the compounds.
Armed guards control the compounds at entry gates. Local residents have reportedly heard gunfire, and the sounds of military style physical training coming from the camps. Many though, have been afraid to speak out in fear of intimidation by JF members. Because it is so secretive leads many to wonder if JF members are conducting illegal activities. JF members insist they have a good relationship with members of the community, but just want a town of their own to live in and work with other Muslims. However, given the history of JF, the crimes they are involved in, and the fact many of these compounds have located themselves near critical infrastructure sites, raises speculation. For example, the Dover, TN. compound is located near the Cumberland Fossil Plant, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) power dams; Milan Army Ammunition Plant & Ft. Campbell (101st Airborne Division). Islamberg (Hancock, NY) is located in an area “adjacent to a reservoir providing drinking water to five NYC boroughs”.