The religion of peace strikes again...


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Strength through joy
Muslim Decides Islam Forbids Him From Paying $32,000 In Student Loan Interest

Steve Rhode, the Get Out of Debt Guy, has advised a Muslim man seeking financial advice not to try to use Islam as a crutch to get out of paying half of what is now a $64,000 student loan debt.

“Dear Steve,” the Seattle, Wash. man going by the name Amir wrote to Rhode in a missive published this week, “I had two citi-student loans and at some point in time within the last 5 years they went to Navient.”(formerly Sallie Mae)

Amir explained that he had unsuccessfully asked the loan servicing company to lower his payoff amount to $32,000, even though the actual amount he owes is $64,000 “because of deferment and interest.”

The dismayed student loan borrower also noted that he “was born into Islam” but only took a serious interest in the religion in 2012. One thing he has learned since then, he said, is that “dealings with interest” are “strictly forbidden” under Islam.

“I am offering to pay off the original amount I owe,” Amir graciously offered. As for the rest, he wants his creditors to acknowledge that his “awareness and conditions have changed” since he accepted the loan.

“Can I get the interest wiped out and close this account and case with just paying the original amount borrowed?” Amir asked.

Rhode then responded by having exactly none of Amir’s plea for a religion-based student loan discount.

“Asking any lender to adjust their terms and conditions after the fact for religious reasons is just not going to happen,” the Get Out of Debt Guy bluntly declared.


Strength through joy
A document published by ISIS reveals the prices the terrorist organization uses to sell Christian and Yazidi women and children abducted by the jihadists.

Here are the prices the Islamic State has set for Yazidi and Christian women and children, according to the document:

• Women 40 to 50 years old are to be sold for 50,000 dinar, or $42 in U.S. dollars.
• Yazidi and Christian women 30 to 40 years old are 75,000 dinar, or $63 in U.S. dollars.
• Women 20 to 30 years old are 100,000 dinar ($85).
• Women and children 10 to 20 years old are 150,000 dinar ($127).
• Children ages 1 to 9 are 200,000 dinar ($169 in U.S. dollars).

Don’t be appalled; this is mainstream Islam. Mohammad built and financed his nascent empire by raiding caravans and then whole settlements. The motivation for taking part was a cut of the booty, which prominently included captured women and children. The men of conquered communities were sometimes killed in mass executions.


Strength through joy
Vermont Restaurant Takes Down Its “Bacon” Sign After Muslim Complaints

Sneakers restaurant in Winooski, Vermont has taken down a sign that read, “Yield – Sneakers Bacon.” The restaurant’s owners decided to remove the sign after a Muslim woman, posting in an online forum, said she was personally offended. According to WPTZ News, the woman called the sign “insensitive to those who do not consume pork.”
Sneakers was part of a group of businesses helping to maintain the city’s flowerbeds. In return, they were invited to post an outdoor advertisement in the area.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Speaking of the religion of peace, its people like Pamela Gellar who are the real dangerous persons in this country who preach hate under the guise of religious security. She as well as groups such as the EDL in England work together to become one of the largest terrorist groups in a free society.

Go figure, shes always a speaker on FOXED SPEWS.

Peace. (circa 2012)

Two years ago, I wrote about PAMELA GELLAR and her anti muslim movement, preaching hate and spawning demonstrations and protests. She is also connected to the death of Charlie Hebdo in that she met with Hebdo and "some" feel was instrumental in getting Hebdo to publish the anti prophet mohammed cartoon that got 18 people killed.

Now, she manages to get the city of GARLAND Texas to allow her to host the "Draw the prophet mohammed" contest, where she will pay the winner 10,000 dollars.

She advertised and promoted this contest for weeks prior, sparking outrage and peacefull demonstrations, as well as calls for the cancellation of the event.

OF course, what Gellar wants is VIOLENCE, and if somebody gets killed at her events because of them, she could care less. The City of Garland knew that this event could cause some kind of violence leading to death, so they "HID" a swat team in the rear of the building at the event and on the perimeter.

Just as expected, two gunmen came with assault rifles and started shooting. Fortunately, only one person was hit in the ankle and both gunmen shot to death by the swat officers.

Gellar, has tried to get this contest held in many states, but has been refused.

Now, the city mayor of Garland has stated the contest should have never been allowed.

Gellar has no INTEREST in free speech. She is a HATE MONGER. A RACE BAITER, and she brings nothing but violence to anywhere she speaks.

Gellar, a radical right wing jew is NOT accepted by the typical jewish community is just as bad as the taliban or Isis. She wants violence, she needs violence so she can stay relevant.

This "CONTEST" was nothing more than a promotion of hate and indifference. Gellar is lucky nobody was killed or masses of people killed.

Is it any surprise that the winner of the contest wasnt named publicly or picture provided holding the check? If this was a real contest, the winner should be proud of his efforts.

I say, make him public, put his picture in the papers, and when he ends up in a isis video with his head cutoff, pamela gellar can be proud.



Well-Known Member
Ah, good ole Pam Gellar. She loves to bait over a hunted field......I mean hunt over a baited field....I mean bait........yeah, either one! ;)


Well-Known Member

Brazil: Fundamentalist missionary accused of ‘enslaving’ isolated Indians

I went to New Tribes Mission website but it appears to be still under construction. Here is a wiki piece about the organization. The organization which began in 1942' also began publishing an organization magazine in 1943' entitled.......what for it........"Brown Gold".

Considering the circumstances asserted in the above article, I'll just leave that there and walk away!