The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
Most Latinos are Christians .
So once they are officially added to the rank of citizens , those numbers will change upward .

DriveInDriveOut beat me to it. ALL demographic sectors are becoming less interested in religion. That will have major implications for Right Wing Bible Thumpers. Your base is eroding, and as the oldsters die-off, that rate of erosion will accelerate.

I think you should pray about it.


Well-Known Member
Obama is a Christian, and that makes him an enemy to all Muslims of the jihadist bent. He has consistently been killing the leaders of radical Islam, yet you give him little to no credit.

Also, Millenials are abandoning Christianity in record numbers, along with religion in general. Although Christians are still a vast majority (8 out of 10 people claim to be Christian), that statistic has dropped to 7 out of 10, and is declining rapidly. It won't be long before that number is 5 out of 10. This is all bad news to Conservatives, who are also facing a "browning" of America.

Abandoning a certain form of organized religion does not equate to an abandonment of belief. There is a rise in so-called non belief, this is true but it doesn't come close to equaling the number of folk walking away from organized religion as a whole. And I suspect it never will either. Or if it does it may well take 1000's more years to get there.

Our species IMO is too pre-wired for belief in external causes and interventions beyond our perceived reality. God made it, Jesus loves us, the devil tricks us, all this in the western christian world and yet you would find similar in other religious cultures as well to explain the lives we live in. And so many take great comfort in that too.

Those who abandon organized religion while holding a belief in a higher cause I see as people in search of spirituality as opposed to some organized religious dogma. And I don't equate spirituality and religion with one another as it is possible to not be religious while still being a spiritual person. And I think to read such polling data to equate to an abandonment of ultimate belief would be a fool's errand.


Well-Known Member
Someone could write a graduate thesis, or perhaps they already have, detailing the correlation between humans' proclivity to believe in god/s or to be a 'spiritual' person, and the related evolutionary mechanisms that served our bodies but just confuse our heads.

That would be a great read.

There are many feelings/emotions/experiences that we all feel that doctors have been able to replicate in the lab by poking the brain this way or that.

Poke it this way - you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Poke it that way - you feel that there is a presence in the room with you, and it loves you.


Well-Known Member
I'm always fascinated by the research as it relates to the chemical compound of DMT. A documentary "DMT, The Spirit Molecule" was even made on the subject and is available open source (see YouTube).

Dr. Andy Thomson gives an interesting talk on why we believe in god(s) and can also be found on YouTube under the title, "Why We Believe In Gods-Andy Thomson".


golden ticket member
Technically, it's an atheist using a theist, former nun/now theologian who actually believes in god, to explain god.

My guess is however such is absolutely meaningless to you. In fact, I really don't have to guess! ;)


Staff member
Someone could write a graduate thesis, or perhaps they already have, detailing the correlation between humans' proclivity to believe in god/s or to be a 'spiritual' person, and the related evolutionary mechanisms that served our bodies but just confuse our heads.

That would be a great read.

There are many feelings/emotions/experiences that we all feel that doctors have been able to replicate in the lab by poking the brain this way or that.

Poke it this way - you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Poke it that way - you feel that there is a presence in the room with you, and it loves you.
Most interesting idea I've read is that pattern recognition is the evolutionary trait most tied into supernatural belief.


Staff member
The father of the Big Bang was a catholic priest by the name of George Lemaitre so why would you assume in the case of an atheist that it would thus follow a belief in another religious explanation known as the Big Bang?
The Catholic church stopped opposing science a long time ago, they learned their lesson with Galileo.


Well-Known Member
Funny video. Really it is. But I do have a question. Why did you focus on Jesus? I didn't say anything about Jesus. Or was it just a quick/random choice?
Can't speak for @wkmac, obviously, but you have mentioned that you are church going, and believe in resurrection.

I'm no theologian, but off the top of my head, that sounds more Christian than Buddhist or Hindu.