The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
And just who are these Christian students attacking with weapons?

If there were even a handful of people CC at the Paris concert many may have been saved by returned fire.

The world as we know it is becoming more violent and you can choose to be either an innocent victim or give yourself a fighting chance.

Expect the unexpected.

So, do you want to live in a world where every single person is armed?

To me that makes little sense.


Well-Known Member
And just who are these Christian students attacking with weapons?

If there were even a handful of people CC at the Paris concert many may have been saved by returned fire.

The world as we know it is becoming more violent and you can choose to be either an innocent victim or give yourself a fighting chance.

Expect the unexpected.
I choose not to be part of the problem.;)


Well-Known Member
Is that what I said? Try again.
People have a right to protect themselves.

Or anyone but Christians that what you mean?

...If there were even a handful of people CC at the Paris concert many may have been saved by returned fire...

I was assuming by CC you meant 'concealed carry'...

To me this has little to do with religion, so I'm clearly not singling out Christians.

Are you feeling persecuted? You really shouldn't.


Well-Known Member
And there is little to no supporting evidence that armed citizens have ever made a difference in any kind of 'mass shooting'...

The idea that an armed populace is the best defense against (***) isn't really supported by much evidence.

I'm really not convinced about the "we-should-all-be-armed" argument.

I don't think it holds up in light of actual facts, and besides, I don't want to live in a world where I need to be packing just to go see a movie.



Well-Known Member
I already wrote it to you. I don't have to memorize it. Everytime I read your hate for Christians it becomes evident that you diffuse your own arguments by showing your own hate.
No hate here bro, just knowledge. I feel sorry for the blind sheep like yourself.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I was assuming by CC you meant 'concealed carry'...

To me this has little to do with religion, so I'm clearly not singling out Christians.

Are you feeling persecuted? You really shouldn't.
The response was to sph post about Liberty U.

I never feel persecuted because I trust in the unseen plan for my life no matter where it takes me.

We're all going to die some time. I don't want to go prematurely due to a lack of common sense and awareness.

I don't even own a gun anymore and haven't for years. I sure don't blame people for carrying personal protection today and no one should imo.

I just hope they're accurate at hitting their target. I hate friendly fire.

10 point

Well-Known Member
And there is little to no supporting evidence that armed citizens have ever made a difference in any kind of 'mass shooting'...

The idea that an armed populace is the best defense against (***) isn't really supported by much evidence.

I'm really not convinced about the "we-should-all-be-armed" argument.

I don't think it holds up in light of actual facts, and besides, I don't want to live in a world where I need to be packing just to go see a movie.

I have the thought that shooting rabbits in a barrel is easier than taking on a theater with a dozen movie goers that carry.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I also remember the story in the Dayton, Ohio news where three young men held a man up at gun point not expecting the guy to be carrying himself.

The punk pointing the gun at the would be victim got himself shot to death, one of the others was shot as well and the third ran away.

Expect the unexpected.
Especially today.
And remember:

The law is for the lawless.


Well-Known Member
I also remember the story in the Dayton, Ohio news where three young men held a man up at gun point not expecting the guy to be carrying himself.

The punk pointing the gun at the would be victim got himself shot to death, one of the others was shot as well and the third ran away.

Expect the unexpected.
Especially today.
And remember:

The law is for the lawless.
Considering we are the most armed populace in the world, it doesn't make a positive difference in these mass shootings. In fact it has the opposite effect, considering we have more of these mass shootings than anywhere else. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.