The religion of peace strikes again...

10 point

Well-Known Member
I would prefer to see the look on his/her face when their weapon jams and their victims take matters in to their own hands.
Imagine the surprised look on a terrorist's face when someone shoots him........priceless!
Same difference except one remedy is faster than the other.

Just like the thugs in the Dayton story...
most of these crazed people are cowards or they'd only storm the police and armed forces buildings instead of concerts, schools, movie theaters, and holiday parties.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Who knows but sometime a father, grabbing one of these cowards after seeing his family murdered in cold blood at a public function has his own "jihadi john" moment...minus the jumpsuit.


golden ticket member
It's my understanding the bad guy isn't so bad once the prospective victims return fire.
I like the news video of the terrorist captured in the back of a car and crying & sobbing like a baby. Don't know if it was in this country or not....just caught it out of the corner of my eye.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Considering we are the most armed populace in the world, it doesn't make a positive difference in these mass shootings. In fact it has the opposite effect, considering we have more of these mass shootings than anywhere else. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Most people don't carry in public.

Where do these mass shootings take place?


Well-Known Member
My response was limited to the question at hand, that is, what was the movie "Spotlight" about?

It was about reporters from the Boston Globe exposing the cover up by the Catholic Church of priests molesting young children.

My argument gains relevance with your response. The fact remains as stated before that liberal reporters are on a catholic witch hunt while ignoring the muslims in the middle east who feast on small children and believe a rape of a woman is not a rape if she does not have at least 4 male witnesses to the rape. Why then did these liberal reporters not do an expose exposing these heinous middle eastern ways? Why are these stories covered up or ignored when its a muslim?


you mean a criminal might break the law and gain guns illegally? And then feast on law abiding citizens who have been disarmed by the liberals?
Republican presidential candidates such as Donald Trump, Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have been claiming that Chicago's violence surge proves gun control does not work. It's been an argument that various political conservatives and gun advocates have been making for years, but the reality might not be as clear-cut as gun control critics make it out to be.

Chicago's gun laws are not as tough as the candidates claim, and there are some major loopholes that make it relatively easy to get guns, including our proximity to Indiana, a state with virtually no gun restrictions, according toBloomberg.

There are no gun stores in Chicago, so where are the guns coming from?

About 60 percent of guns recovered in connection with an arrest in Chicago from 2009 to 2013 were from out of state, 24 percent were from Indiana and 22 percent were from parts of Cook County outside the city where gun laws are looser, according to a study conducted by Philip Cook, a Duke public policy professor and economist who works with the University of Chicago Crime Lab.

Most of the more than 7,000 guns Cook researched came from gang members who are skilled at obtaining guns because of the city's lethal gang wars.

"I think that it's more likely that if Chicago did not have tough gun laws they would have higher rates of gun violence than they do have," he told Bloomberg.