The religion of peace strikes again...

10 point

Well-Known Member
Considering we are the most armed populace in the world, it doesn't make a positive difference in these mass shootings. In fact it has the opposite effect, considering we have more of these mass shootings than anywhere else. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Your selected home grown ideas that you say are "facts" don't really tell the story as it exists today.

A tremendous amount of private buildings and public facilities ban any weapon or firearm from the premises so that wipes out most of your argument.

People are still learning (by pain) here in the US. But every action precipitates action and I'm sure that the American populous will react more and more defensively as these cowardly murderers make their moves.

They pick soft targets for a reason (if you haven't figured that out for yourself yet I thought I'd help you out) and the targets will be less and less soft as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
300 + million guns in this country and we have mass shootings on a weekly basis. Stick your head in the sand if you want, it doesn't change reality.


Bad Moon Risen'
If you think these attacks by MUSLIMS in the US are over, I will tell you that they haven't even really started yet.

BTW, keep your family away from malls and movie theaters in the next few weeks.
I don't have my head in the sand. I'm sure we will be attacked by radical muslims again. I'm also sure we will be attacked by radical christians again. We may even be attacked by some radical atheist. We will be attacked by someone with mental health issues again.
Either way I don't dwell on it, don't fear it and will not let it affect my day to day life decisions.

10 point

Well-Known Member
And to expose another one of your lies I point your attention to what is happening in Uganda and what Boka Haram has done in mass murdering innocent civilians in that region.

You really don't think about what you post before you post it do you?


Well-Known Member

There are now more guns than people in the United States

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By Christopher Ingraham October 5

40 million more guns than people. (M&R Glasgow/Flickr)

It's tough to know exactly how many guns we have in the United States. Most estimates of the number of guns in the U.S. use federal tallies of the firearms manufactured, imported and exported by U.S. gunmakers. A 2012 Congressional Research Service report published exactly one month before the Sandy Hook school shooting put the number of civilian firearms at 242 million in 1996, 259 million in 2000, and 310 million as of 2009.

If that 310 million number is correct, it means that the first year of Barack Obama's presidency was an inflection point: It marked the first time that the number of firearms in circulation surpassed the total U.S. population.

Data on gun manufacturing from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives now goes through 2013. If we were to update the CRS numbers with the most recent data, we'd get a chart that looks something like this:

Adding up new guns and imports and subtracting gun exports, in 2013 there would have been roughly 357 million firearms in the U.S. — 40 million more guns than people. This is just an estimate. These numbers are blind to firearms that enter and exit the country illegally, and to guns that break down, or are lost or destroyed.

10 point

Well-Known Member

There are now more guns than people in the United States

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Comments 66

By Christopher Ingraham October 5

40 million more guns than people. (M&R Glasgow/Flickr)

It's tough to know exactly how many guns we have in the United States. Most estimates of the number of guns in the U.S. use federal tallies of the firearms manufactured, imported and exported by U.S. gunmakers. A 2012 Congressional Research Service report published exactly one month before the Sandy Hook school shooting put the number of civilian firearms at 242 million in 1996, 259 million in 2000, and 310 million as of 2009.

If that 310 million number is correct, it means that the first year of Barack Obama's presidency was an inflection point: It marked the first time that the number of firearms in circulation surpassed the total U.S. population.

Data on gun manufacturing from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives now goes through 2013. If we were to update the CRS numbers with the most recent data, we'd get a chart that looks something like this:

Adding up new guns and imports and subtracting gun exports, in 2013 there would have been roughly 357 million firearms in the U.S. — 40 million more guns than people. This is just an estimate. These numbers are blind to firearms that enter and exit the country illegally, and to guns that break down, or are lost or destroyed.
I couldn't care less how many guns are owned in the US. Obama's helped that surge if anything has.

But "mass shootings on a weekly basis"? Starting when?

There's your exaggeration problem. Another obvious lie. You're not helping yourself.

Later. I'm done wasting time.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't care less how many guns are owned in the US. Obama's helped that surge if anything has.

But "mass shootings on a weekly basis"? Starting when?

There's your exaggeration problem. Another obvious lie. You're not helping yourself.

Later. I'm done wasting time.

Over 357 mass shootings this year.

That's actually more than one a day.

Not a lie, actual data.

Get your head out of the sand, or out of wherever.


Bad Moon Risen'
And to expose another one of your lies I point your attention to what is happening in Uganda and what Boka Haram has done in mass murdering innocent civilians in that region.

You really don't think about what you post before you post it do you?
This is an example of what pisses me off. We invade Iraq because somehow he is a threat to us with his WMDs. When no WMDs are found we are told he slaughtered his own population and needed to be stopped. Why are these same people not advocating going into Uganda to stop the killing there?
Short answer as far as I'm concerned is Iraq has oilfields that we wanted to control. Our government lied to us about the real reason we stuck our fingers in the hornets nest over there.


Staff member
I couldn't care less how many guns are owned in the US. Obama's helped that surge if anything has.

But "mass shootings on a weekly basis"? Starting when?

There's your exaggeration problem. Another obvious lie. You're not helping yourself.

Later. I'm done wasting time.
It depends on how you define "mass shootings" I suppose. If you define a mass shooting as " 4 or more people shot in the same incident", we have a mass shooting in the US almost every day.


Well-Known Member
as opposed to pervert muslims and muslim clerics? The rape and abuse of young children in the middle east has been well documented in the middle east and witnessed by our troops but for some reason it appears to be another area where the muslims seem to receive special accomadations from the liberals.

My response was limited to the question at hand, that is, what was the movie "Spotlight" about?

It was about reporters from the Boston Globe exposing the cover up by the Catholic Church of priests molesting young children.


nowhere special
Shortly after news broke of a shooting in San Bernardino (which we now know was a terrorist attack), Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit were abuzz that the events of December 2, 2015 were the "355th mass shooting" of 2015. Obviously, this was a concerning statistic--if it were actually true.

It turns out it wasn't, and even figures on the left agree. There's been nowhere near 355 mass shootings in 2015, and according to Mother Jones editor Mark Folman, there have been exactly four.

The statistics now being highlighted in the news come primarily, a website built by members of a Reddit forum supporting gun control called GunsAreCool. That site aggregates news stories about shooting incidents — of any kind — in which four or more people are reported to have been either injured or killed.

It’s not clear why the Redditors use this much broader criteria. The founder of the “shooting tracker” project, who currently goes by the handle “Billy Speed,” told me it was his choice: “Three years ago I decided, all by myself, to change the United States’ definition of mass shooting.” It’s also not clear how many of those stories — many of them from local outlets, including scant detail — are accurate.

So a guy on Reddit makes up his own unofficial definition that nobody else agrees with but anti gun groups mindlessly repeat. He even included pellet guns in his count of "mass shootings".


golden ticket member
How about we play roulette with 3 bullets?

You first.........
By playing the odds, I mean....if I have to go to the mall, I go when they open....less people. At the peak time there's scads of people and that's what the crazies want.....lots of victims.

If I want to see a movie....I rent it rather than go to a theater to watch it. Theaters are dirty and germy too plus, they get filled with people. That started when my immune system was compromised and I just continue it. The side effect is that I haven't had a cold since '08.

I don't do concerts or sporting events...large arenas . Never did....except for seeing Phantom 5 times....years ago. I find TV to have the best views when it comes to sports.

I have a thing about elbow to elbow people.....I don't like it...never have.

10 point

Well-Known Member
Over 357 mass shootings this year.

That's actually more than one a day.

Not a lie, actual data.

Get your head out of the sand, or out of wherever.
Gang shooting of a few people add to your "facts" of mass shootings.
Spin it.
My head's not anywhere but on my shoulders and your personal jabs don't change that fact.

Mass killings, as you believe from trumped up and exaggerated "facts" are not "mass".

One a day? There's gang linked murders and shootings every day that should be labeled terrorism then. A shooting every 3.3 hrs in Chicago by the "shot clock".
Shortly after news broke of a shooting in San Bernardino (which we now know was a terrorist attack), Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit were abuzz that the events of December 2, 2015 were the "355th mass shooting" of 2015. Obviously, this was a concerning statistic--if it were actually true.

It turns out it wasn't, and even figures on the left agree. There's been nowhere near 355 mass shootings in 2015, and according to Mother Jones editor Mark Folman, there have been exactly four.

The statistics now being highlighted in the news come primarily, a website built by members of a Reddit forum supporting gun control called GunsAreCool. That site aggregates news stories about shooting incidents — of any kind — in which four or more people are reported to have been either injured or killed.

It’s not clear why the Redditors use this much broader criteria. The founder of the “shooting tracker” project, who currently goes by the handle “Billy Speed,” told me it was his choice: “Three years ago I decided, all by myself, to change the United States’ definition of mass shooting.” It’s also not clear how many of those stories — many of them from local outlets, including scant detail — are accurate.

So a guy on Reddit makes up his own unofficial definition that nobody else agrees with but anti gun groups mindlessly repeat. He even included pellet guns in his count of "mass shootings".
The defense rests. (There are a lot of experts on this thread. Don't make them mad.)


nowhere special
A Christmas tree on display at a Palestinian university outside of Jerusalem was decorated with photos of terrorists who have killed Israelis.


10 point

Well-Known Member
Just so this thread doesn't get way off track...
my only point in this whole twisted conversation is that ANYONE has the right to bear arms to protect themselves if they feel threatened. Don't be slamming "Christian kids" (or anyone) that attend colleges, in which killers have targeted because it's very easy "pickings"

The media reports that violence is escalating. If you want to say 3-4 people are a "mass" go for it. That's not mass to most because Chicago alone has had over 2,400 reported shootings in the first nine months of this year. 2,400. That's a record to be proud of since their guns laws are of the most strict.

If my family is in a mall and someone opens fire on dozens of people I would be thankful that someone near us was packing and would give us a better chance to escape alive.

Talk is cheap until the AR15 shows up.