The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
That's something you should be asking the Catholic church.

The dog is to be ignored, because it is beyond ignorance. In fact, the dog is just plain stupid. The Catholic Church has enabled, aided and ignored priest pedophilia for many decades, and continues to step around the issue. Even Pope Francis won't make it right, which tells me:
a. They don't want to pay victims
b. They are still protecting pedophile priests.
c. The cover-up goes all the way to the top.
d. The money is more important than either justice or serving God or doing His work.
e. Priests cannot ignore their human urges, despite a vow of celibacy that has it's origins in the church's desire to gain even more power and wealth by preventing priests from having legal heirs (look it up).
friend. Lots of Catholics make excuses for something that is morally, ethically, and spiritually evil and wrong.

Expose these perverts, send them to jail, and pay the victims. Yes, that means you, Francis. Pony-up, Mr. Red Shoes.

10 point

Well-Known Member
World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost

If the actions of some muslims demand of me to judge all muslims accordingly, then logic would say that I judge all christians according to the actions of Westboro Baptist Church. And since I don't judge all christians from the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.........

Group guilt as a result of alleged group identity or alleged association is a form of collectivist thought or what Orwell termed as Group Think.
I understand and appreciate your post.

I have a hard time relating the numbers of each organization listed though.

The Baptist congregation is miniscule compared to the number of people involved in raping, blowing up, burning to death, mass executing by gun fire, publicly crucifying, and cutting people's heads off while they're still alive and all of this recorded and broadcasted for the world to see what these multiplied thousands and thousands of sick animals believe in.

Compare that to any Christian church in America or abroad.

That's not even an apples to hand grenades comparison.

It's a fact that peaceful Muslims are fighting ISIS. There's no doubt that these acts are not supported by all Muslims.

But there is no way your comparison is valid given the issue that no country and/or even coalition of nations are bombing Christians because vast thousands are perpetrating the afore mentioned acts and soliciting people in other countries to commit the same violence against innocent and peaceful people there.
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I started this.
Staff member
Muslims United for San Bernardino

(as of 4 PM EST on Dec 5, 2015):

  • Local Organizations: The MiNDS Network, UPLIFT, MECASoCal, Islamic Shura Council of Southern California, CAIR-LA, MAS-LA, Institute of Knowledge (IOK)
  • Regional Organizations: Tarbiya Institute, CAIR Florida, CAIR Arizona
  • National Organizations: CelebrateMercy, Islamic Networks Group, Islamic Society of North America, Mental Health for Muslims, Zaytuna College
  • Local Muslim Leaders: Ustadh Hassan Elwan, Shaykha Muslema Purmul, Shaykh Yasir Fazaqa (OCIF), Shaykh Atef Mahgoub (ICOI), Shaykh Mohammed Faqih (IIOC), Imam Mustafa Umar (IIOC), Dr. Ahmed Soboh (CVIC), Shaykh Suhail Mulla, Ustadh Usman Asrar, Imam Osman Umarjee, Hosai Mojaddidi, Lobna Mulla, Imam M. A. Azeez (Tarbiya Institute), Shaykh Nomaan Baig (IOK)
  • National Muslim Leaders: Imam Omar Suleiman, Yasmin Mogahed, Megan Wyatt
  • Websites:,


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
Hillary Clinton's Right-Hand Woman Takes On Trump: 'I'm a Proud Muslim'

"His Islamophobia doesn't reflect our nation's values – it goes far enough to damage out country's reputation and could even threaten our national security,"

This I found funny , coming from a woman who is married to a known pervert .


golden ticket member
Huma is probably a jihadist herself......she's waiting 'til her puppet boss gets elected and then she will take over. The oval office will install decorator pillars .