The religion of peace strikes again...

10 point

Well-Known Member
Republican presidential candidates such as Donald Trump, Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have been claiming that Chicago's violence surge proves gun control does not work. It's been an argument that various political conservatives and gun advocates have been making for years, but the reality might not be as clear-cut as gun control critics make it out to be.

Chicago's gun laws are not as tough as the candidates claim, and there are some major loopholes that make it relatively easy to get guns, including our proximity to Indiana, a state with virtually no gun restrictions, according toBloomberg.

There are no gun stores in Chicago, so where are the guns coming from?

About 60 percent of guns recovered in connection with an arrest in Chicago from 2009 to 2013 were from out of state, 24 percent were from Indiana and 22 percent were from parts of Cook County outside the city where gun laws are looser, according to a study conducted by Philip Cook, a Duke public policy professor and economist who works with the University of Chicago Crime Lab.

Most of the more than 7,000 guns Cook researched came from gang members who are skilled at obtaining guns because of the city's lethal gang wars.

"I think that it's more likely that if Chicago did not have tough gun laws they would have higher rates of gun violence than they do have," he told Bloomberg.
"I think that it's more likely".... this concludes all that open ended data?


the hypothetical "facts" that again support more grasping at straws to support allegations of hearsay.

One thing I think we can agree on, maybe.

People die because of other people's hate. Regardless of the means used.


I started this.
Staff member
Muslim Reform Movement

  • We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.

  • We reject bigotry, oppression and violence against all people based on any prejudice, including ethnicity, gender, language, belief, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression.

  • We are for secular governance, democracy and liberty.

  • Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam. Ideas do not have rights. Human beings have rights.

  • We stand for peace, human rights and secular governance. Please stand with us!


Well-Known Member
Muslim Reform Movement

  • We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.

  • We reject bigotry, oppression and violence against all people based on any prejudice, including ethnicity, gender, language, belief, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression.

  • We are for secular governance, democracy and liberty.

  • Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam. Ideas do not have rights. Human beings have rights.

  • We stand for peace, human rights and secular governance. Please stand with us!

unfortunately a quiet voice in a loud world.


Well-Known Member
Muslim Reform Movement

  • We reject interpretations of Islam that call for any violence, social injustice and politicized Islam. We invite our fellow Muslims and neighbors to join us.

  • We reject bigotry, oppression and violence against all people based on any prejudice, including ethnicity, gender, language, belief, religion, sexual orientation and gender expression.

  • We are for secular governance, democracy and liberty.

  • Every individual has the right to publicly express criticism of Islam. Ideas do not have rights. Human beings have rights.

  • We stand for peace, human rights and secular governance. Please stand with us!

Each time the Islamic State, al Qaeda or another terrorist group commits violence in the name of Islam, a familiar refrain arises: What's the Muslim world doing about it?

In fact, anti-extremism efforts abound in the global Muslim community: Muslim leaders and scholars have denounced the Islamic State group, the U.K.'s Muslim Youth League has declared "ideological holy war" against extremism, and YouTube has even tried to recruit American Muslims to counter extremist content.

And in Indonesia, home of the world's largest Muslim population, a massive anti-extremism movement is underway.

Nahdlatul Ulama, or NU, is the largest independent Islamic organization in the world, with 50 million members. Part Sunni religious body, part political party and part charity, it was founded nearly 90 years ago, in 1926, as a response to another Sunni movement, Wahabbism.

Wahhabism is the ultra-conservative reform movement based in Saudi Arabia that advocates for puritanical laws from the time of Islam's origins. It rejects the modern notion of "religion as a purely private activity" and the separation of church and state. The Islamic State is highly committed to Wahhabi principles, using its religious textbooks and embracing its hardline tradition of killing unbelievers.

NU's stated goal is to "to spread messages about a tolerant Islam in their respective countries to curb radicalism, extremism and terrorism," which, it claims, "often spring from a misinterpretation of Islamic teachings." It launched its global anti-extremism initiative in 2014.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost

If the actions of some muslims demand of me to judge all muslims accordingly, then logic would say that I judge all christians according to the actions of Westboro Baptist Church. And since I don't judge all christians from the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.........

Group guilt as a result of alleged group identity or alleged association is a form of collectivist thought or what Orwell termed as Group Think.


Well-Known Member
World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost

If the actions of some muslims demand of me to judge all muslims accordingly, then logic would say that I judge all christians according to the actions of Westboro Baptist Church. And since I don't judge all christians from the actions of Westboro Baptist Church.........

Group guilt as a result of alleged group identity or alleged association is a form of collectivist thought or what Orwell termed as Group Think.

another liberal defender of muslims attacking the Christians. The pied piper snaps his fingers and all the liberals come a running.


Are you an expert on this subject matter ?
Are you an idiot?
Human trafficking is the TRADE of HUMANS, most commonly for the purpose of sexual SLAVERY, FORCED labor or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.[1][2]This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage,[3][4][5] or the extraction of organs or tissues,[6][7] including for surrogacy and ova removal.[8] Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another.