The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
there is no such word in the bible.

Actually there is. Jihad just means struggle etymologically speaking albeit the word today may have taken it in other ways, often grossly misused as stated by numerous Islamic scholars. And not that Jews and Christians both don't equally abuse words well beyond their intended original use.

In the hebrew of which the Old Testament is written, the word shedar שְׁדַר means struggle, to strive or in essence the same as jihad in its original sense. Shedar was used in Daniel 6:14 and in some english translation the english word struggle was used and in others like the New American Standard translated "he kept exerting" and the International Version translated "exerting".

You can begin at Strong's Concordance as a reference start and then move into numerous lexicons to follow this etymology if you like. I've got over a dozen lexicons on my bookshelf and I'd offer you the use of but no doubt as a good knowledgeable Christian and student of the Bible yourself, your bookshelf of lexicons likely vastly exceeds mine.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Actually there is. Jihad just means struggle etymologically speaking albeit the word today may have taken it in other ways, often grossly misused as stated by numerous Islamic scholars. And not that Jews and Christians both don't equally abuse words well beyond their intended original use.

In the hebrew of which the Old Testament is written, the word shedar שְׁדַר means struggle, to strive or in essence the same as jihad in its original sense. Shedar was used in Daniel 6:14 and in some english translation the english word struggle was used and in others like the New American Standard translated "he kept exerting" and the International Version translated "exerting".

You can begin at Strong's Concordance as a reference start and then move into numerous lexicons to follow this etymology if you like. I've got over a dozen lexicons on my bookshelf and I'd offer you the use of but no doubt as a good knowledgeable Christian and student of the Bible yourself, your bookshelf of lexicons likely vastly exceeds mine.

you can always twist something to fit an answer or point that you wish to make but the I stand by my original point.


Well-Known Member
How did you arrive at the death count ?
Quote your sources .

The number was likely arrived at by the claim in the Star Wars universe that the Death Star was manned by over 300,000 full time crew members.

But then if you understood the meme as Jones did, and rightly so, such trivial matters would make little difference.

You got your ass burned on not posting links and now you want to pull the old bird dog trick of pointing everyone elsewhere.


Strength through joy
The number was likely arrived at by the claim in the Star Wars universe that the Death Star was manned by over 300,000 full time crew members.

But then if you understood the meme as Jones did, and rightly so, such trivial matters would make little difference.

You got your ass burned on not posting links and now you want to pull the old bird dog trick of pointing everyone elsewhere.
Actually I posted this before I saw my butt being wacked .

It was an attempt at humor of how others have posted wild claims and provided no sources to validate their claims .