The religion of peace strikes again...


Retired 23 years

On December 9, it was time for California resident Alex Morales, a proud U.S. Marine Corps vet, to renew his driver’s license. Everything went well until it was time to have his photo taken.

He was told he had to remove his cap, which had the letters “USMC” embroidered on the front. He told the DMV employee “no,” and pointing to several men in turbans, said, “those men didn’t remove their head wear, I shouldn’t either.”

Screw religion when it comes to stuff like this. I would have been cheering that jar head on if I was there.


I started this.
Staff member
Muslim group ushers in 2016 by launching campaign against ISIS - India Times

Mumbai: As a New Year resolution, a group of city Muslims launched "Muslims against ISIS" campaign on Friday, denouncing the jihadist terror organization's brutalities and chalking out steps to stop Muslim youths from becoming IS recruits. A joint initiative of city-based NGO Sahas Foundation and think-tank Urdu Markaz, the campaign has created a taskforce of volunteers to identify and counsel radicalized or potential recruits of ISIS or Islamic State (IS) who have been or are about to be trapped in the "fake jihad" through online propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Muslim group ushers in 2016 by launching campaign against ISIS - India Times

Mumbai: As a New Year resolution, a group of city Muslims launched "Muslims against ISIS" campaign on Friday, denouncing the jihadist terror organization's brutalities and chalking out steps to stop Muslim youths from becoming IS recruits. A joint initiative of city-based NGO Sahas Foundation and think-tank Urdu Markaz, the campaign has created a taskforce of volunteers to identify and counsel radicalized or potential recruits of ISIS or Islamic State (IS) who have been or are about to be trapped in the "fake jihad" through online propaganda.

I got a kick out of how some muslims along with others trolled ISIS on Twitter. One even came up with a new ISIS flag!


Well-Known Member
Muslim group ushers in 2016 by launching campaign against ISIS - India Times

Mumbai: As a New Year resolution, a group of city Muslims launched "Muslims against ISIS" campaign on Friday, denouncing the jihadist terror organization's brutalities and chalking out steps to stop Muslim youths from becoming IS recruits. A joint initiative of city-based NGO Sahas Foundation and think-tank Urdu Markaz, the campaign has created a taskforce of volunteers to identify and counsel radicalized or potential recruits of ISIS or Islamic State (IS) who have been or are about to be trapped in the "fake jihad" through online propaganda.

sadly there is too little of this
I got a kick out of how some muslims along with others trolled ISIS on Twitter. One even came up with a new ISIS flag!

I wish muslims were much more vocal.


Well-Known Member
It's also sad as a Christian you can't do the same.

read the bible a few times before you preach to me.

There are many peace loving muslims in this country that do not show what side they are on. They could do much to promote a more positive image of them selves in this country by being much more vocal. Our leaders think they should protect the muslims by engaging the countrys police as thought police attacking any American who questions the loyalty of Muslims in this country. Those muslims instead need to stand up loud and strong and let America know they are on our side. they instead keep such sentiments to them selves.


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