The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
OK, Socrates
If all Christians have poor critical thinking skills, what does that say about your wife and kids, who are Christians, decision to marry, love, and stay with you? Did they make a mistake?

No. They made a decision based on my character, not my religious beliefs. I think you're confused about critical thinking skills. Are you sure you graduated?


Well-Known Member
You're the one who made the blanket statement, and what do you know- Mr expert critical thinker can't critically think. Whoda thunk?
:censored2: comments do not make you a critical thinker; they just make you look like a :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Actually critical thinking in fact does come from a liberal philosophic tradition so on that charge, you are correct. The word liberal just as the word conservative has become abused as a result of 20th century politics and statism. Prior too, the word liberal meant something else indeed and without "liberals" the ideal of the origins of America if not America itself would not even exist. Because the current ideal has so corrupted badly the word doesn't mean the word itself is valueless and thus in need of abandonment. I consider the ignorance of the user of the term, on both side of it, rather than the unworthiness of the word.

With all forms of engineering, critical thinking does indeed play a role. In my own world of engineering, in the case of a failure, I use root cause analysis which is a form of critical thinking in order to determine the root cause of a failure. Thus we arrive at a preventative measure and can even go so far to arrive at a possible predictive measure. Moving into predictive engineering makes me one of the few people at UPS whose true job is to discover a means to eliminate my own need. I once left a Corp. PE manager speechless who made the mistake of asking me what the purpose of my job was. His own fallacy of built in assumptions left him vulnerable to what I had to say. Never tell them what they want to hear that just re-enforces their assumptions! ;)

I know someone who has 4 degrees including a degree in economics from Ga. Tech and he drives feeder and did so while earning those 4 degrees. Another feeder who has a degree in education and could be a teacher. I also know a Phd who runs and owns his own tree service because he loves the outdoors and trees. He's also a certified arborist who is helping me try and save my young Red Oak as we speak from a fungal attack.

there was no doubt in my mind that you would come to the defense of liberalism. it was a troll post of sorts. thanks for participating.

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Well-Known Member
You're an anomaly. The fact that you believe in a flawed document like the Bible (your right to do so) indicates you have poor critical thinking skills. There are countless contradictions in the book.

I'm sure you've read the bible completely? you've noted the alleged contradictions , which parts did you enjoy?


Well-Known Member
there was no doubt in my mind that you would come to the defense of liberalism. it was a troll post of sorts. thanks for participating.

I do enjoy saltwater fishing albeit I enjoy fishing period. As for saltwater, I like surf fishing the best with Pompano, Reds and Black Tip Shark my favorite. I'm purely a catch and release fisherman.

As to my so-called trolling, that might be one way to describe it for a certain kind of person but in your case specifically I like to see it more like a game of catch. Like a wall that has come to serve little else in purpose, you serve as nothing more than an object in which to bounce a ball off of to which someone else might catch that ball and find value in it. In that sense, you serve nothing more than some means to an end.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I do enjoy saltwater fishing albeit I enjoy fishing period. As for saltwater, I like surf fishing the best with Pompano, Reds and Black Tip Shark my favorite. I'm purely a catch and release fisherman.

As to my so-called trolling, that might be one way to describe it for a certain kind of person but in your case specifically I like to see it more like a game of catch. Like a wall that has come to serve little else in purpose, you serve as nothing more than an object in which to bounce a ball off of to which someone else might catch that ball and find value in it. In that sense, you serve nothing more than some means to an end.

perhaps we are walls for each other.


Engorged Member
University of Illinois

I'll pray for God to send you some critical thinking skills. Obviously, you're intelligent if you made it through a 4-year engineering program. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't engineering fact-based as opposed to faith-based? Given the facts, faith doesn't make sense. That would be an example of critical thinking.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I'll pray for God to send you some critical thinking skills. Obviously, you're intelligent if you made it through a 4-year engineering program. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't engineering fact-based as opposed to faith-based? Given the facts, faith doesn't make sense. That would be an example of critical thinking.

And sometimes you just have to have faith. You had enough faith in your wife to marry her. You had enough faith in FedEx to believe what you were promised. Everything doesn't involve critical thinking skills. Somethings just involve faith... whether in religion, people or whatever.