The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
And sometimes you just have to have faith. You had enough faith in your wife to marry her. You had enough faith in FedEx to believe what you were promised. Everything doesn't involve critical thinking skills. Somethings just involve faith... whether in religion, people or whatever.

What I said is that choosing a religion (any of them) is an exercise of faith, not a demonstration of critical thinking skills. In fact, to actually believe in any of them shows a lack of critical thinking skills, because none of them offer any proof whatsoever.

Faith is fine, and you are correct that I have faith in many things. If I had used my critical thinking skills earlier I definitely wouldn't be at FDX. Maybe they develop over years of experience and abuse.

Anyway, good post.


Well-Known Member
I'll pray for God to send you some critical thinking skills. Obviously, you're intelligent if you made it through a 4-year engineering program. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't engineering fact-based as opposed to faith-based? Given the facts, faith doesn't make sense. That would be an example of critical thinking.

I never said I had an engineering degree.
I just said I had a degree from the 5th best engineering school in the country.
My degree is in advertising, but at the same school.
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Engorged Member
I never said I had an engineering degree.
I just said I had a degree from the 5th best engineering school in the country.
My degree is in advertising, but at the same school.

OK. Maybe if you had an engineering degree you'd have more of a scientific mindset. Using your criteria, I graduated from one of the top 3 tech schools in the US, but my degree has nothing to do with tech. Reading your post one would tend to assume your discipline was engineering, because you specifically mentioned the school's ranking.



Well-Known Member
OK. Maybe if you had an engineering degree you'd have more of a scientific mindset. Using your criteria, I graduated from one of the top 3 tech schools in the US, but my degree has nothing to do with tech. Reading your post one would tend to assume your discipline was engineering, because you specifically mentioned the school's ranking.


No- you "assumed" I had a degree in engineering just like you "assume" all Christians lack critical thinking skills, yet your favorite president, who you claim is Christian, is the most brilliant man in the world.

Very Odd.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
OK. Maybe if you had an engineering degree you'd have more of a scientific mindset. Using your criteria, I graduated from one of the top 3 tech schools in the US, but my degree has nothing to do with tech. Reading your post one would tend to assume your discipline was engineering, because you specifically mentioned the school's ranking.

You graduated one of the top 3 tech schools in the Army?

Like you could ever make it through boot camp.

That is the funniest crappola I have heard this year.

OMG, I'm still laughing at that post.

That's like saying I got a degee from 1 of the top 3 community colleges in my home state.

Too funny!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I suspect at this moment you are not the only one laughing. However you may not appreciate as much the object of what others are laughing at!


Well-Known Member
I'll pray for God to send you some critical thinking skills. Obviously, you're intelligent if you made it through a 4-year engineering program. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't engineering fact-based as opposed to faith-based? Given the facts, faith doesn't make sense. That would be an example of critical thinking.

who left you in charge of intelligence?


nowhere special

On December 9, it was time for California resident Alex Morales, a proud U.S. Marine Corps vet, to renew his driver’s license. Everything went well until it was time to have his photo taken.

He was told he had to remove his cap, which had the letters “USMC” embroidered on the front. He told the DMV employee “no,” and pointing to several men in turbans, said, “those men didn’t remove their head wear, I shouldn’t either.”


Well-Known Member
Maybe he should have claimed his hat as religious attire. From a certain POV, I think he'd have a pretty good argument myself.


Staff member
Dudes an idiot. Sikhs wear their turbans all the time as part of their religious attire so it makes sense to take their picture like that given that your license is a photo ID.


Well-Known Member
Dudes an idiot. Sikhs wear their turbans all the time as part of their religious attire so it makes sense to take their picture like that given that your license is a photo ID.

You're not far behind the dude,
the picture requirement was never about religious respect but about having a clear photo for identification purposes. As such head gear should either be allowed or disallowed for that reason and not to recognize a certain religion. Are we to allow someone to hide their face completely for religious purposes?


Inordinately Right
You're not far behind the dude,
the picture requirement was never about religious respect but about having a clear photo for identification purposes. As such head gear should either be allowed or disallowed for that reason and not to recognize a certain religion. Are we to allow someone to hide their face completely for religious purposes?
They guy threw a little hissy fit because he thought others were getting special treatment. They weren't. The fact that he got his license picture with him wearing his little hat proves that.

Best I can tell this "story" is about some crybaby who thought he was being treated unfairly, only to realize he wasn't. Nothing to see here everyone move along now.


golden ticket member
not sure how that adds to the discussion? its clear the government is once again doing a PC cow tow to certain groups.

if most are required to remove head gear to ensure a good identifying picture then all should remove headgear for the same reason.
nuns too?


golden ticket member
