The religion of peace strikes again...

When they come to the door, I call for my German Shepard.
Why? Do you feel threatened by them? I had a nice little chat with two little old ladies from the JWs the other day. They were admiring my wife's flower garden and I gave them a few sprigs of lavender, one said she was going to place it in the unused ashtray of her car as an air freshener. Very pleasant ladies. They did offer me some reading material which I politely declined, they tanked me, wished me a "have a nice day" and went own their way,
No harm, no foul.


golden ticket member

An Islamic terrorist is like a Chinook salmon........Life is good until the

Seals show up !!!



Well-Known Member
What say the highest authority in the Catholic Church as it regards the Muslim faith?


ON OCTOBER 28, 1965

3. The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they revere Him as a prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin Mother; at times they even call on her with devotion. In addition, they await the day of judgment when God will render their deserts to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and fasting.
Since in the course of centuries not a few quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christians and Moslems, this sacred synod urges all to forget the past and to work sincerely for mutual understanding and to preserve as well as to promote together for the benefit of all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom.
read it for yourself


Well-Known Member
I didn't read it, I admit.....but, is 1965 the most recent encyclical on this subject ?

Good question but I'm not Catholic and since you are, why not use your connections, find out and let the rest of us know.

If that position has changed, does that not beg one to question the infallibility of the church hierarchy? And if the church hierarchy can talk directly to god who is all knowing, does that not leave one to question god as well? I'm just saying!


golden ticket member
Raised Catholic....12 yrs. Catholic school............Latin included..........did my job and raised the kids Catholic 'til they were all past 18......and haven't been to church since....except for an occasional funeral. I'm about as disconnected as they come. I try to make people smile and that's the most god-like thing I practice wholeheartedly.

All I found was a 40th anniversary of the document you posted.


Strength through joy
(CHAKRA) — In Thailand’s restive south, eight Buddhists have been killed by Muslim militants, according to police reports.
Police Lieutenant General, Kong-att Suwannakham says insurgents detonated a homemade bomb in a football field in the province of Pattani which resulted in four policemen being killed and another dozen being wounded. They had all just met at the field to play a friendly game of football knowing little that their lives were at stake in a few minutes time.
In the province of Yala, police say that insurgents set off a roadside bomb and shot at an army patrol, killing three soldiers and wounding two. Additionally two men on bicycles, fatally shot at a formal local official in his pick up truck, in the province of Narathiwat.
In Thailand’s three Muslim-dominated provinces, more than 4,300 people have been killed in the predominantly Buddhist regions. These killings have all happened since the Islamist insurgency erupted in the country in 2004


Well-Known Member
Raised Catholic....12 yrs. Catholic school............Latin included..........did my job and raised the kids Catholic 'til they were all past 18......and haven't been to church since....except for an occasional funeral. I'm about as disconnected as they come. I try to make people smile and that's the most god-like thing I practice wholeheartedly.

All I found was a 40th anniversary of the document you posted.

It looked to me like this position from the Catholic Church was still the dominate position held as an official authority so as it pertains to the Catholic Church, there you go!


Well-Known Member

In the description box associated with this video is the following:

The difference between good jews and bad jews . that is the name of this video - this video made by jews . all people in this video are jews but can you tell me from your point of view who is good and who is bad ?


Strength through joy
A crazed man made a Pathmark meat aisle extra bloody this morning when he plunged a knife into an elderly shopper’s neck, allegedly after the perpetrator stepped on the victim's foot, police and store employees said.
Abdullah Mohammed, 51, of 125th Street, was at the Harlem supermarket yesterday morning when he started arguing loudly at the customer service desk with William Perry, 70, a former truck driver. Perry was at the desk buying Lotto tickets when Mohammed stepped on his foot, irking the older man, according to his older brother, Charles Perry.

Mohammed, who was clad in a peach linen suit, was booted out of the store, but stormed back in minutes later and cornered Perry in the meat aisle, two employees said. He then allegedly whipped out a razor and slashed Perry across the neck.
"People ran out of the store. One guy was screaming, ‘Oh my God, I’ve never seen anything like this,’" said Rafael Feliciano, a repairman who witnessed the melee.
A heroic store employee tackled Mohammed and subdued him until the police responded to the meat aisle melee, cops said. Mohammed was dragged out of the supermarket screaming "at everyone around him," Feliciano said.
Mohammed was arrested and charged with assault in the first degree. Perry was taken to Harlem Hospital and was likely to survive his injuries, police said.
"He’s a coward and ... didn’t fight fair," Charles Perry said from his brother's hospital bed.


golden ticket member
A crazed man made a Pathmark meat aisle extra bloody this morning when he plunged a knife into an elderly shopper’s neck, allegedly after the perpetrator stepped on the victim's foot, police and store employees said.
Abdullah Mohammed, 51, of 125th Street, was at the Harlem supermarket yesterday morning when he started arguing loudly at the customer service desk with William Perry, 70, a former truck driver. Perry was at the desk buying Lotto tickets when Mohammed stepped on his foot, irking the older man, according to his older brother, Charles Perry.

Mohammed, who was clad in a peach linen suit, was booted out of the store, but stormed back in minutes later and cornered Perry in the meat aisle, two employees said. He then allegedly whipped out a razor and slashed Perry across the neck.
"People ran out of the store. One guy was screaming, ‘Oh my God, I’ve never seen anything like this,’" said Rafael Feliciano, a repairman who witnessed the melee.
A heroic store employee tackled Mohammed and subdued him until the police responded to the meat aisle melee, cops said. Mohammed was dragged out of the supermarket screaming "at everyone around him," Feliciano said.
Mohammed was arrested and charged with assault in the first degree. Perry was taken to Harlem Hospital and was likely to survive his injuries, police said.
"He’s a coward and ... didn’t fight fair," Charles Perry said from his brother's hospital bed.

Abdullah, eh?


Well-Known Member

Maybe it's well past time we consider the very foundations that make such religious beliefs and actions possible. Drill down at the very root itself but this also means we drill down at our very roots as well!

All 3 great monotheistic faiths, judaism, christianity, islam, peg their foundations to the ideals of what we know today as the old testament of the bible. Is it past time we began to seriously look at the bible itself, it's true origins and more specifically the dynamics at play that brought it all into being? The first important question to consider is "Who Wrote the Bible?" The bible of course being the very foundational document we use to know and understand what we call god in the monotheistic traditions.

The next question might be, just who is this being or spirit we call god and what was meant 2k to 4k years ago when the term was used and what we ascribe today by our english word god, what specifically did the ancients mean and what words (yes it's plural) did they use in which we now ascribe a singularity too?

The next question might be "Who Wrote the New Testament" or "Do We Know the Entire Story of Jesus" and then from all of this, Islam around 600 CE sprang from the foundations of these older traditions. If real foundational questions exist of these earlier ideals, should the later Islam be equally questioned and what would we find if we looked through the historical record? Once we lift that entire veil, what after that is the basis for such actions against other humans if we discover the higher authority turns out to be a man created illusion?