The religion of peace strikes again...

Exactly what makes Chuck Norris qualified to be an expert on anything but martial arts?
I have no idea how much time Norris has spent reading, talking to Islamic clerics and others of knowledge on the subject of sharia law. Do you? He may know more than the average citizen, including you and me. If he said something not true, prove him wrong.

Islam isn't very progressive, kind of like the Catholic Church. Both seem mired in the Middle Ages. People are born gay or straight, and you can't "church-it" out of them. They can fake it, but religion isn't going to cure homsexuality. Just ask your local priest.
Come on now, tell the truth. You have no scientific proof of the claim that homosexuality is "born". Spare me all the arguments, I've heard most of them. There are indeed studies that do suggest that there are chemical level differences in some gays vs. straights. Even the scientists say that the results of those studies are inconclusive. But, the is no basis to emphatically state that gays/straights are predetermined at birth (or before) one way of the other. So, what makes YOU an expert on that subject?

For such a "loser', he won by a landslide. Do you really think that Trump could debate Obama and win? If you count FOX talking points, he'd "win" with the 10-12% of voters like yourself, but hardly anyone else. So that means the "community organizer" wins a lot.
Oh really? Winning an election makes someone qualified to be president? By your standards, Bush was twice the President 0 is today.

That's because some poor dummies out there thought Obama was going to pay all their bills.......seriously, they thought that.
There were also, MANY people that said they voted for 0 , simply because he was black.


Strength through joy
Nigeria Demonstrates How Muslims Lose Elections

Deadly rioting erupted across Nigeria's largely Muslim north on Monday as youths torched churches and homes in anger at President Goodluck Jonathan's election victory.​
Jonathan, the first president from the oil producing Niger Delta, was declared the winner with around 57 percent of votes. He defeated Muhammadu Buhari, a former military ruler from the north, who got around 31 percent.​
Observers have called the poll the fairest in decades in Africa's most populous nation
But to Muslims, an election is only valid if they win. If they don't, there is violence. The Muslim north went up in flames:

"In Kaduna we have seen dead bodies lying by the road," Red Cross official Umar Mairiga told Reuters. "Two thousand people have been displaced at one military camp alone."​
Authorities in the northern state of Kaduna imposed a 24-hour curfew after protesters set fire to the residence of Vice President Namadi Sambo in the town of Zaria and forced their way into the central prison, releasing inmates.
Police said the violence was political rather than ethnic or religious.


Engorged Member
I would never vote for Trump and he wont get the republican nomination...but it sure is fun to hear Trump beat up Obama. Best thing is that is spools up Liberals like you and that is a riot. As far as debating Obama... whoever it is, Barry will have a tuff time because things are different then they were a few years ago...he is going to have to answer alot of hard questions without a telepromptor. It will sound like this: Still the Messiah will have the Media backing him so that will help but many more Americans are out of work and pissed off and Barry has a target on his back. Maybe the gas prices will be down by then...if not...poor Barry.:wink2:

Every politician uses a teleprompter. So do a lot of your favorite personalities on FOX. Remember when O'Reilly freaked when his teleprompter went out? Trump is hardly beating-up on Obama, but he's splitting the Republican support. He's even talked of running as an Independent, which would really help the Democrats ala' Ross Perot.

The current high gas prices are mainly due to speculation...there is plenty of oil. The unrest in the Middle East has also spiked prices because there could be a potential supply disruption. High prices will start to reduce demand eventually anyway. You can't stick Obama with it.

Sorry, but Obama is looking good for 2012. You still haven't taken me up on my wager. And Obama could pick Trump apart easily. Trump stumbled on abortion yesterday, and then put his foot in his mouth by speaking-out against off-shoring and outsourcing, both of which are supported by Republicans. The Donald has no political experience, clearly knows little about international or domestic affairs, and has a messy financial and personal past.


Engorged Member
Nigeria Demonstrates How Muslims Lose Elections

Deadly rioting erupted across Nigeria's largely Muslim north on Monday as youths torched churches and homes in anger at President Goodluck Jonathan's election victory.​
Jonathan, the first president from the oil producing Niger Delta, was declared the winner with around 57 percent of votes. He defeated Muhammadu Buhari, a former military ruler from the north, who got around 31 percent.​
Observers have called the poll the fairest in decades in Africa's most populous nation
But to Muslims, an election is only valid if they win. If they don't, there is violence. The Muslim north went up in flames:

"In Kaduna we have seen dead bodies lying by the road," Red Cross official Umar Mairiga told Reuters. "Two thousand people have been displaced at one military camp alone."​
Authorities in the northern state of Kaduna imposed a 24-hour curfew after protesters set fire to the residence of Vice President Namadi Sambo in the town of Zaria and forced their way into the central prison, releasing inmates.
Police said the violence was political rather than ethnic or religious.

Hey, Ali Baba. The US is the world's most violent society. They kill more people on Oakland every year than most countries do in a decade. The Muslims are only about 500 years behind the rest of the world, and they have to have a scapegoat. The West is an easy target, especially when we interfere with sovereign nations in the Middle east.


golden ticket member
Barry has a 'record' now. It's a record stuck on the old record machine, Bush's fault, Bush's fault, Bush's fault...
He'll have some 'splainin' to do now !!


Engorged Member
Barry has a 'record' now. It's a record stuck on the old record machine, Bush's fault, Bush's fault, Bush's fault...
He'll have some 'splainin' to do now !!

Bush never counted the wars in the deficit. Obama did. And you are correct. It was Bush's fault.


Strength through joy
explain this.................
(Gulf Times) — Three people have been arrested as officials probe claims that a paper mill in Afghanistan recycled copies of the Holy Qur’an into toilet paper, the attorney general’s office said yesterday.
Around 1,000 angry demonstrators, some throwing stones, held a protest on Monday at the mill on the outskirts of Kabul, leaving the building partially destroyed. Copies of the Qur’an were found inside the factory, Kabul police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai said, adding that no-one was injured in the protest.
“The attorney general’s office and Kabul police have jointly tasked a delegation to investigate the alleged disrespect to our holy book in that factory,” a spokesman said.


Strength through joy
Christian churches are being burnt by muslims.
Christians are being killed by muslims . bhos says nothing , and all the kool aid drinkers keep saying that he is a christian.


Engorged Member
Christian churches are being burnt by muslims.
Christians are being killed by muslims . bhos says nothing , and all the kool aid drinkers keep saying that he is a christian.

Hmm. What has a supposedly "Christian" nation been doing to Muslims? I mean, besides taking their oil, interfering in their domestic affairs, and planning coups to install Western-friendly leaders. It's been happening ever since we found out they had something we want. In the meantime, a lot of innocent people have been killed. Oops, I forgot, they're brown and non-Christian, so they don't matter.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Christian churches are being burnt by muslims.
Christians are being killed by muslims . bhos says nothing , and all the kool aid drinkers keep saying that he is a christian.

The killing of christians has been going on in egypt for centuries, where the heck have you been? This is nothing new, the christians have been the minority in that country and they are completely disrespected.

You want OBAMA to do something about that??

You think some words will change a way of life?

Hmm. What has a supposedly "Christian" nation been doing to Muslims? I mean, besides taking their oil, interfering in their domestic affairs, and planning coups to install Western-friendly leaders. It's been happening ever since we found out they had something we want. In the meantime, a lot of innocent people have been killed. Oops, I forgot, they're brown and non-Christian, so they don't matter.
We're not TAKING anyone's oil, we PAY for that oil. You have a knack for making a good point and then destroying it with a lie. Attaboy.


Strength through joy
YES, as the leader of the free world he should say SOMETHING.
But the death of hundreds of innocent christians has no meaning for him , but insult one muslim and he can't shut up.


Strength through joy
New Delhi – Two Muslim mothers were arrested in northern India for allegedly killing their grown-up daughters, on the grounds they had brought dishonour to the family by marrying Hindu men, news reports said Sunday.
Zahida, 19 and Husna, 26 were strangled to death when they returned to their homes in the Baghpat town to seek peace with their families after their marriage, the Mail Today reported.
The girls, who were neighbours, had fallen in love and married construction workers earlier this month, which had angered their mothers, both widows.
Husna and Zahida were tied to beds while sleeping and strangled by their mothers, police told the newspaper. The murders came to light with the arrests on Friday.
‘We killed them because they brought shame to our community,’ Khatun, one of the mothers told the Indian Express newspaper. ‘How could they elope with Hindus? They deserved to die. We have no remorse,’ she said.