The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
There is a mosque in Rome , yet no churches in Mecca .

Is that because of the religion itself or is that because of the Saudi royals who use religion as a means of welding power? Just a quick overview might cause one to ponder these deeper questions of what are the real causes and effects we are seeing today.

All religions go through an evolutionary process or what bbsam called maturation. But so do our gods also evolve just as we evolve and grow in knowledge. We at one time believe that all diseases were the cause of god and that the person afflicted had either displeased god or it was an action of the devil or his demons. Yet, man in his quest for knowledge discovered germ theory as the cause of all diseases (now we are learning about genetics and predisposition) and today it's only the most closed minded fundamentalist who still holds that disease is either caused by god or by the devil.

Former nun Karen Armstrong IMO has done a wonderful job in her great work, The History of God (documentary film seen here)which goes into all gods found throughout mankind. As you go through her work, you clearly see that all gods from various cultures evolve as the cultures who worship said gods also evolve in knowledge and understanding. Even the catholic church who along with most all churches has had a hostility towards evolution now states it finds evolution compatible with christianity. Over time, so to will the islamic faith also evolve.

The Saudi royals maintain a closed society because once the people see the outside world, their misplaced devotion to the royals will also evolve to disappear and those power hungry maniacs know this. This is not unlike the earlier christian church and the European monarchs and it's own brute force but we had our enlightenment age and our religion and even our god evolved with it.

Many arabs will also begin to question the validity of Mohammad taking the magic carpet ride on which visions he crafted a religion as being ridiculous just as many jews and chrisitans question the validity of some cat names Moses all alone in the wilderness and he comes back claiming to have talked to a burning bush on which a religion was birthed. One day we'll all sit back together, throw down a few beers and laugh at what we once believed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The difference is that modern day Christianity doesn't do forced conversion, with the treat of death. :)

Thats where YOU are mistaken. Modern day christianity does indeed do FORCED conversions, its called WAR. All the right wing christians talk about is attacking egypt for the deaths of christians, and every time there are christian killings in another country, its the right wing zealots who want to go to war to convert islam into a christian nation.

Modern Day Christians are no different than past day christians. War and death. Same B.S., bigger pile.



Well-Known Member
Thats where YOU are mistaken. Modern day christianity does indeed do FORCED conversions, its called WAR. All the right wing christians talk about is attacking egypt for the deaths of christians, and every time there are christian killings in another country, its the right wing zealots who want to go to war to convert islam into a christian nation.

Modern Day Christians are no different than past day christians. War and death. Same B.S., bigger pile.


What war have you been in? I have been in three and none of them involved any type of religious conversions. Actually just the opposite is true like most of your posts. I know, I know you just made it up like everything else. "Same B.S. bigger pile."


golden ticket member
India: Top Islamic Seminary Issues Fatwa Declaring Firecrackers Against Sharia, Men Who Use Them Are “Brothers Of The Devil”…

The Islamist no-fun police make another bust.
(PTI) — Leading Islamic seminary Darul Uloom Deoband has issued a fatwa against manufacturing and selling of firecrackers, saying it was against Sharia law.

Manufacturing and selling of firecrackers is against Sharia law, and bursting of crackers is misuse of money, the fatwa said, adding that men who misuse money are the “brothers of devil.”

The fatwa was issued on a query from a man involved in the business of manufacturing
Ah, once again, nothing important to add, maybe you should find a new hobby?

Like the BS (and that is all it was) you posted was so important? To who, other than you ? Your only contributions to this thread or any other thread is to demean other posters and their beliefs and opinions. Maybe you need to stick to picking on people in California supermarkets. You also need to make up your mind, does the US go to war to convert muslims or to steal their oil ? As much twisting as you do, you should be paying big bucks to Chubby Checker.
Name one war the US has been in for the purpose of converting Muslim's to Christianity? Oh yea and when you come up with that war, prove it.


Well-Known Member
20 killed as Nigerian gunmen attack Christian mourners

Gunmen in Nigeria on Friday opened fire on friends and relatives gathered to mourn the deaths of three Christians
killed on Thusday. It was the latest in a series of attacks blamed on radical Islamists who have vowed to wage a religious war
on Nigeria's Christians and drive them from the country's majority-Muslim north. Several dozen Christians had come together for
a meeting in a town hall in Mubi, in Adamawa state, to mark the deaths the day before of several people killed in the town.
Up to four gunmen surrounded the building and opened fire with Kalashnikov rifles, killing up to 20 people and leaving another 15 badly injured.



Well-Known Member
Interesting .
When they kill off all the christians, who's next ?

Ah man, I give you christians far more credit than that. I'd suspect at some point the christians would come out swinging as some preachers would twist scripture "AGAIN" to make it the great battle of Megiddo, John(I'll Scare The Hell Out of Ya)Hagee or Hal(I got it wrong again)Lindsey comes to mind.



Well-Known Member
What war have you been in? I have been in three and none of them involved any type of religious conversions. Actually just the opposite is true like most of your posts. I know, I know you just made it up like everything else. "Same B.S. bigger pile."

As to the wars in the Middle East being purely driven by religious reasons, you would be correct just as it's correct to say the wars are not over oil or that the war was a search for WMD or to promote democracy. In one case it was about Al Qaeda and terrorism and then in others it was not. Comb through news and C-Span archives and you'll see any number of leaders, officials and military leaders giving any number of reasons for a given war. All wars are multiplicity in reason in that so many self serving interests tend to benefit and thus at any given moment, any given reason can be true and any given reason is untrue.

But in all of this is a narrative in which the people in whose nation the conflict takes place must be seen in a negative light and in that is where the idea of religion comes into play. It's also necessary for the homeland religion to play it's part in selling the narrative and in that the homeland religion becomes more secure in that a competing dogma is deposed or possible new lands secured in which the homeland religion can expand it's marketplace. Even in religion it's still down to pure economics.



golden ticket member
Sunday, January 8, 2012 @ 11:01 am | Hamas TV: “Killing Jews An Act Of Worship” – With Allah’s Teachings “We Harvest The Skulls Of The Jews”…

Example #4,067,098 why peace with the Palestinians is a pipe-dream.
Following are excerpts from statements made at a rally of the Palestinian Al-Ahrar movement in Gaza, a pro-Hamas group that split from Fatah, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on November 3, 2011:

Rally organizer: Praise be to you, our Lord. You have made our killing of the Jews an act of worship, through which we come closer to you.

Allah’s prayers upon you, our beloved Prophet [Muhammad]. You have made your teachings into constitutions for us – the light with which we dissipate the darkness of the occupation, and the fire with which we harvest the skulls of the Jews.

Yes, our beloved brothers, even though the entire world moves closer to Allah through fasting, through hunger, and through tears, we are a people that moves closer to Allah through blood, through body parts, and through martyrs.