The religion of peace strikes again...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Speaking of the religion of peace, its people like Pamela Gellar who are the real dangerous persons in this country who preach hate under the guise of religious security. She as well as groups such as the EDL in England work together to become one of the largest terrorist groups in a free society.

Go figure, shes always a speaker on FOXED SPEWS.



golden ticket member
I agree about creeping's like ivy.....looks OK at first and then totally eats your house !!
I also was against builing a mosque at near ground zero.....................I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone on that one!!

I have never seen this woman on Fox before. You must watch it 24/7. Do you even wotk?
Speaking of the religion of peace, its people like Pamela Gellar who are the real dangerous persons in this country who preach hate under the guise of religious security. She as well as groups such as the EDL in England work together to become one of the largest terrorist groups in a free society.

Go figure, shes always a speaker on FOXED SPEWS.

granted I didn't watch ALL the videos I found on Gellar (had to do a search to find out who she is). Of the ones I did watch I didn't hear her say a word about physically harming muslims or blowing up mosques or stoning anyone to death. Are there any like that ?


Well-Known Member
(AP) 05 Jan 2012BAGHDAD - A wave of explosions struck two neighborhoods in Baghdad on Thursday, killing at least 23
people and intensifying fears that insurgents are stepping up attacks after the U.S. troop
withdrawal that was completed last month.


Well-Known Member
BAGHDAD, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- Five people were killed and 16 others wounded in separate attacks in
central and eastern Iraq on Wednesday, the police said.

In the early hours of the day, gunmen wearing military uniforms broke into the house of
Shakir al-Hamdani, a leader of an Awakening Council group in Abu Ghraib area, some 20 km
west of Baghdad, killing him with his wife, a local police source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.


Well-Known Member
I will post no more news wires. This has been just 5 days of post of 2012 from the news wires.
Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.

An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.”
There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the
same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.
Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through
forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not
inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a
full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.



Staff member
I will post no more news wires. This has been just 5 days of post of 2012 from the news wires.
Muslims sometimes claim that the root word of Islam is “al-Salaam,” which is “peace” in Arabic.

An Arabic word only has one root. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.”
There is no disagreement about this among Islamic scholars. al-Silm (submission) does not mean the
same thing as al-Salaam (peace), otherwise they would be the same word.
Submission and peace can be very different concepts, even if a form of peace is often brought about through
forcing others into submission. As the modern-day Islamic scholar, Ibrahim Sulaiman, puts it, "Jihad is not
inhumane, despite its necessary violence and bloodshed, its ultimate desire is peace which is protected and enhanced by the rule of law."

In truth, the Quran not only calls Muslims to submit to Allah, it also commands them to subdue people of other religions until they are in a
full state of submission to Islamic rule. This has inspired the aggressive history of Islam and its success in conquering other cultures.

Sounds to me like Christianity and Islam have two very strong tennants in common. Submission and conversion.


Staff member
Perhaps, why do you suppose that is? Could it be that there is no desire to .....bloom?
Considering the violent past that Christianity has had, I would think that it is part of the maturation process that a religion must first "boom" before it can "bloom". Although on further reflection, I wonder if the tables in the world were flipped, with Christianity dominant in the middle east and Islam in the west, I wonder we would see Christianity askance and Islam as the more peaceful of the two.
Considering the violent past that Christianity has had, I would think that it is part of the maturation process that a religion must first "boom" before it can "bloom". Although on further reflection, I wonder if the tables in the world were flipped, with Christianity dominant in the middle east and Islam in the west, I wonder we would see Christianity askance and Islam as the more peaceful of the two.
How long does that process take? with only (roughly) 600 years difference in age there sure seems to be at least a hint of no desire for the center of Islam to make an evolution to non-violence. I know, the Muslims in the US are not for the most part violent but that could be attributed to the ever present contrast between christian and muslim as well as a country that doesn't promote religious violence.

As far as the "Flip-flop" dream play, I'm sure the perceptions would reverse but how would that change anything else? The history, public mind set and cultures would all be flip-flopped as well. The only thing that would change would be the geography.
that would be akin to asking what if the early slave industry in the US saw whites as slaves and blacks as owners. Nothing significant about slavery would change.