The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Obama Admin On Muslim Brotherhood Threat To Kill Peace Treaty With Israel: We’re Not Worried, “We Have Assurances From Them On Their Commitment To Universal Human Rights & Obligations”…

Are you kidding me?
Via Ryan Mauro:
On Thursday, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland reacted to a statement by the Deputy Leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood that it would “not recognize Israel under any circumstances” with a mind-bogglingly naïve reassurance that we shouldn’t worry:
“We’ve seen this press report. I would say that it is one member of the Muslim Brotherhood. We have had other assurances from the party with regard to their commitment not only to universal human rights, but to the international obligations that the Government of Egypt has undertaken


golden ticket member
| Monday, January 9, 2012 @ 9:32 pm |
List of Gitmo Detainees Obama Is Considering To Release In “Peace Deal” With The Taliban…

Just the fact that he’s considering it is enough to make your blood boil.
Via WaPo’s Marc Thiessen:
President Obama is reportedly considering releasing several senior Taliban leaders from Guantanamo Bay as an enticement to get the Taliban to the peace table. If he does so, he will do tremendous harm to American national security — and to his prospects for reelection this fall.

To understand why, consider the individuals White House is considering setting free. Last year WikiLeaks released a trove of documents it dubbed the “Gitmo Files” with assessments of hundreds of Guantanamo detainees — including the five Taliban leaders reportedly under consideration for release. Here is the U.S. military’s assessment of them:

Mullah Mohammed Fazl, deputy defense minister. Fazl is “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes while serving as a Taliban Army Chief of Staff and … was implicated in the murder of thousands of *****es in northern Afghanistan during the Taliban reign.” He has “operational associations with significant al-Qaida and other extremist personnel,” was “involved in Taliban narcotics trafficking,” and is so senior in the Taliban hierarchy that he once threatened the Taliban’s supreme leader, Mullah Omar. Military officials assess that Fazl wields “considerable influence throughout the northern region of Afghanistan and his influence continued even after his capture” adding, “If released, [Fazl] would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with anti-Coalition militias (ACM) participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

Abdul Haq Wasiq, deputy minister of intelligence. Wasiq “was central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups to fight alongside the Taliban against US and Coalition forces.” He “utilized his office to support al-Qaida and to assist Taliban personnel elude capture…. arranged for al-Qaida personnel to train Taliban intelligence staff in intelligence methods” and “assigned al-Qaida members to the Taliban Ministry of Intelligence.” If released “he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies.”

Mullah Norullah Noori, governor-general of Afghanistan’s northern zone. Noori “is considered one of the most significant former Taliban officials detained at JTF-GTMO” who “led troops against US and Coalition forces” and “was directly subordinate to Taliban Supreme Leader Mullah Omar.” He “is wanted by the UN for possible war crimes,” is “associated with members of al-Qaida,” and is assessed “to be a hardliner in his support of the Taliban philosophy.” He “continues to be a significant figure encouraging acts of aggression and his brother is currently a Taliban commander conducting operations against US and Coalition forces…. (Analyst note: Detainee would likely join his brother if released.”)

Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, Herat governor and acting interior minister. Khairkhwa is “directly associated to Usama Bin Laden (UBL) and Taliban Supreme Commander Mullah Muhammad Omar” and was “trusted and respected by both.” After 9/11 he “represented the Taliban during meetings with Iranian officials seeking to support hostilities against US and Coalition forces” and “attended a meeting at the direction of UBL, reportedly accompanied by members of HAMAS.” He is “one of the premier opium drug lords in Western Afghanistan” and was likely “associated with a militant training camp in Herat operated by deceased al-Qaida commander (in Iraq) Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.”

Mohammad Nabi, multiple leadership roles. Nabi is “a senior Taliban official” who was “a member of a joint al-Qaida/Taliban ACM cell in Khowst and was involved in attacks against US and Coalition forces.” He “held weekly meetings” with “three al-Qaida affiliated individuals” to discuss anti-coalition plans, “maintained weapons caches,” and “facilitated two al-Qaida operatives smuggling an unknown number of missiles along the highway between Jalalabad and Peshawar,” which intelligence officials believe contributed to the deaths of two Americans


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Alabama: Muslim Man Shoots Out Store Windows To Lure Police Officers To Scene, Engages Them In Running Gun Battle To “Draw Attention To Islam”…
Religion of peace!
(Gadsden Times) — A man thought to be an Islamic extremist is believed to have shot the windows out of at least two businesses in Alabama City early Sunday to lure police officers to the area and engage them in a shootout.

Luis Ibarra-Hernandez, 21, from Albertville, was charged today with attempted murder, according to a news release from the Gadsden Police Department.
“After the man was taken into custody, he reported that he knew he must do something extreme to draw attention to Islam and himself, so he planned to shoot police officers,” Gadsden Police Capt. Regina May said.
Gadsden police officers responded to alarm calls for glass breakage after doors were shot out about 1:30 a.m. Sunday at AutoZone and Rainbow Food Mart near the intersection of 27th Street and West Meighan Boulevard.

While investigating the broken doors and determining they were shot out, officers heard gunfire and spotted a man near the old CVS building.
The man knew he had been seen and ran toward the Cathedral of Praise Church parking lot, then started firing rounds at the officers.

The man continued to run through several blocks and at one point was in the Dwight Baptist Church parking lot. Shots were fired over about six blocks, and at least eight officers were shot at, before officers talked the man into dropping his weapon.


golden ticket member
That's how it starts....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 @ 6:07 pm | Federal Appeals Court Rules In CAIR’s Favor, Blocks Oklahoma Voter-Approved Ban On Sharia Law…

CAIR has been gloating all day on their Twitter feed.
(CNN) – A federal appeals court has blocked an Oklahoma voter-approved measure barring state judges from considering Islamic and international law in their decisions.

The three-judge panel at the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an earlier injunction preventing State Question 755 from being certified until the free speech questions are resolved. The decision Tuesday allows a lawsuit brought by Islamic-American groups to move ahead to a bench trial.

“The proposed amendment discriminates among religions,” said the judges. “The Oklahoma amendment specifically names the target of its discrimination. The only religious law mentioned in the amendment is Sharia law.”

A federal judge last summer had issued a temporary restraining order in favor of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which had sued to nullify the law completely.

The amendment would require Oklahoma courts to “rely on federal and state law when deciding cases” and “forbids courts from considering or using” either international law or Islamic religious law, known as Sharia, which the amendment defined as being based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed.

In bringing suit, CAIR argued that the amendment violates the establishment and free-exercise clauses of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom. The group’s local leader, Muneer Awad, has said the amendment passed in November 2010 under a campaign of fear and misinformation about Islam.


golden ticket member
Not nearly as far fetched as it sounds, Europe’s indigenous birth rates are plummeting and Muslim immigration continues unchecked.

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Egyptian cleric Ali Abu Al-Hasan, which aired on Al-Hekma TV on January 6, 2012:

Ali Abu Al-Hasan: With the [Muslim] emigration [to Europe], and the unwillingness to get married and have children [among the Europeans]… A hundred of people there are succeeded by eighty, and ten years later, those eighty will be succeeded by sixty, and those sixty will later be succeeded by forty, and those forty will become ten a decade later, and twenty years later, not a single one of them will be left!

Europe has realized this. After a while, Europe will become a single Islamic state, which will know nothing but “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger.” This will happen whether they like it or not. This is the decree of Allah. Islam is coming!


Well-Known Member
Terror attack in Jamrud bazaar leaves 30 dead.
LANDI KOTAL: A powerful bomb planted in a pick-up exploded at a petrol station in Jamrud bazaar in Khyber Agency, killing
over 30 people, four of them Khasadar personnel, and injuring 78 others on Tuesday.
Khyber Agency administrator Mutahir Zeb said it appeared that Zakhakhel tribe which had formed a Lashkar against Taliban
militants in the area was the target. He said the bombing was similar to earlier attacks carried out by Taliban.
Terror attack in Jamrud bazaar leaves 30 dead | Newspaper | DAWN.COM


Well-Known Member
Death Toll Climbs in Islamist Attacks in Nigeria’s Northeast
Members of the Boko Haram group that seeks to impose sharia (Islamic law) on Nigeria emerged from a
mosque near the Deeper Life Bible Church in the Boso area of Gombe, capital of Gombe state, at about 7:30 p.m.
and shot Christians attending a weekly meeting known as “The Hour of Revival,” area sources said.
Death Toll Climbs in Islamist Attacks in Nigeria’s Northeast


Well-Known Member
Somali Convert From Islam Whipped In Public
A Somali convert from Islam was paraded before a cheering crowd last month and publicly flogged as a
punishment for embracing a “foreign religion,” sources said.
Sofia Osman, a 28-year-old Christian from Janale city in Somali’as Lower Shabelle region, had been taken
into custody by Islamic extremist al Shabaab militants in November; the public whipping was meant to mark her release.
She received 40 lashes on Dec. 22 while jeered by spectators.
Somali Convert From Islam Whipped In Public


golden ticket member
NY Post:
Two stars of TLC’s “All-American Muslim” reality show were busted for pot possession New Year’s Day at the Canadian border.
The stars, a man and a woman — who were not named by police — were caught with 9 grams of marijuana in the trunk of their car while they were trying to cross into the US from Windsor, Canada, according to
One of the two had a medical marijuana card — which is not recognized by federal law — and the pair paid a $500 civil fine for failing to declare the marijuana to border agents, according to the report.
TLC officials had no comment.


Strength through joy
Guantanamo Care Trumps ObamaCare
President Obama called for the closure of Guantanamo Bay detention facility and signed an Executive Order that called for closure by January 22, 2010.
[h=3]Government spends $70 million annually to house the 89 prisoners[/h]
According to the ACLU, our government spends $70 million annually to house the 89 prisoners who have been cleared for release. The Bush administration released 532 prisoners while the Obama administration only 68. “Six prisoners died in custody by apparent suicide, one as a result of a heart attack, and one died of cancer.” Military commissions at Gitmo spent $12 million in 2011. (ACLU)
Detainee programs include a social program (recreation, sports, prayers, family phone calls, mail), intellectual stimulation program (books, magazines, puzzles, newspapers, handheld electronic games, movies, satellite television), an instructional program (literacy, second language classes, art classes, computer classes, personal finance and business), a library with more than 25,000 titles, newspapers and magazines in 15 different languages, video games, DVDs, CDs, and a full-time librarian.
Living conditions exceed what is required by the Geneva Convention: Three meals a day that meet cultural dietary conditions and special diets, shelter, clothing, personal hygiene items, prayer beads, rugs, copies of the Quran in the native language of people from 40 countries, and mail. Detainees are visited by the Red Cross quarterly.
The most interesting aspect of the camp is health care. Medical services are available to detainees around the clock, seven days a week. Prisoners are treated in a dedicated medical facility with state-of-the-art equipment and expert medical staff of more than 100 people. There are 20 inpatient beds, physical therapy, pharmacy, radiology, and a single-bed operating room. Intensive care is offered at the Naval Station hospital and specialists can be flown in. A separate facility offers mental health care. Immunizations are given to detainees because none was available in their home countries. Prosthetic limbs are provided and cancerous tumors removed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Guantanamo Care Trumps ObamaCare
President Obama called for the closure of Guantanamo Bay detention facility and signed an Executive Order that called for closure by January 22, 2010.
Government spends $70 million annually to house the 89 prisoners

According to the ACLU, our government spends $70 million annually to house the 89 prisoners who have been cleared for release. The Bush administration released 532 prisoners while the Obama administration only 68. “Six prisoners died in custody by apparent suicide, one as a result of a heart attack, and one died of cancer.” Military commissions at Gitmo spent $12 million in 2011. (ACLU)
Detainee programs include a social program (recreation, sports, prayers, family phone calls, mail), intellectual stimulation program (books, magazines, puzzles, newspapers, handheld electronic games, movies, satellite television), an instructional program (literacy, second language classes, art classes, computer classes, personal finance and business), a library with more than 25,000 titles, newspapers and magazines in 15 different languages, video games, DVDs, CDs, and a full-time librarian.
Living conditions exceed what is required by the Geneva Convention: Three meals a day that meet cultural dietary conditions and special diets, shelter, clothing, personal hygiene items, prayer beads, rugs, copies of the Quran in the native language of people from 40 countries, and mail. Detainees are visited by the Red Cross quarterly.
The most interesting aspect of the camp is health care. Medical services are available to detainees around the clock, seven days a week. Prisoners are treated in a dedicated medical facility with state-of-the-art equipment and expert medical staff of more than 100 people. There are 20 inpatient beds, physical therapy, pharmacy, radiology, and a single-bed operating room. Intensive care is offered at the Naval Station hospital and specialists can be flown in. A separate facility offers mental health care. Immunizations are given to detainees because none was available in their home countries. Prosthetic limbs are provided and cancerous tumors removed.

DUH. Yet you and the right wing want to keep it open. A huge waste of money for men without charges. Talk about waste of goverment spending.

And yet, you fear based people support a party that insisted that it stay open because you were afraid of bringing those prisoners to an american prison.

I know, i know, dont blame BUSH for this waste. Its all Obamas fault.

DUH. Yet you and the right wing want to keep it open. A huge waste of money for men without charges. Talk about waste of goverment spending.

And yet, you fear based people support a party that insisted that it stay open because you were afraid of bringing those prisoners to an american prison.

I know, i know, dont blame BUSH for this waste. Its all Obamas fault.

And you support the one man that promised it would be closed in his first year of office and here it is year three and it

is still open. SPLAT!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And you support the one man that promised it would be closed in his first year of office and here it is year three and it

is still open. SPLAT!

Here's the difference between YOU and I. I understand why its still open. I can fill this board with video after video after video of GOP congressmen including John Boehner and Mitch McConnell saying that it should not be closed...blah blah blah because the terrorist will run amock in new york city....

Democrats dont fret over GItMO, we know why it hasnt closed. Only the hypocrites of the GOP want to act like Obama failed to do what he said. He needs congress to close GITMO and the GOP in congress wont do it.

Argument over.
