The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Santorum speaks of Abortion and contraception the Liberal Press portrays him as a religious fanatic.

Muslims kill people over the burning of what is just Paper ?? Our PRESIDENT APOLOGIZES ???? All the blood and treasure we are wasting. Pull out NOW !!!!

Island, I respect you and your opinion, but to the Muslim people the Koran is more than just paper--it is their Bible.


golden ticket member
I don't care if they put caricatures of Brown Cafe members in it---we do not have the right to burn that which does not belong to us, especially something of such symbolic significance to the Muslim people.
If , by chance, these prisoners were writing about future attacks and perhaps weaknesses in the prison, these kinds of notes cannot get into the wrong hands and must be destroyed.

We burn flags to retire them....

"Burning isn’t a popular choice, because fire is associated with the devil as well as the early rival religion Zoroastrianism, but some scholars find it acceptable."

Afghan Quran-burning protests: What’s the right way to dispose of a Quran? - Slate Magazine


Well-Known Member
Island, I respect you and your opinion, but to the Muslim people the Koran is more than just paper--it is their Bible.

Any Book --is just paper---to kill a human being over paper is lunacy. We should not spend one more penny, risk one more life or spend one more minute trying to help savages !!!A human being may not like a Bible or Koran being abused ---and I would support that outrage--but only a savage would kill over it.


Strength through joy
Fishing Korans Out of Pakistani Sewer
Imagine the rioting and sniveling apologies if an infidel were to use the Koran for toilet paper. Yet Muslims in Pakistan seem to be doing just that. They must be getting tired of using their hands; how else do so many Koran pages wind up in the sewer?

Fishing Koran pages out of the sewer — now there’s a job not even Mike Rowe would take on.


golden ticket member
Maybe we can just bow our heads.....leave the country, stop sending them money and let them shoot everything up 'til none of them are standing....sounds like a plan!

| Saturday, February 25, 2012 @ 1:00 pm |
Iran: “Nothing But Burning The White House Can Relieve The Wounds” Caused By Koran Burning…

"Time to leave this 7th-century schitthole to wallow in its own filth."

| Saturday, February 25, 2012 @ 11:50 am |
Report: For Second Time Afghan Policeman Shoots And Kills Two U.S. Military Officers, Upset About Koran Burning…



Engorged Member

When I just see the name Krauthammer, I think "Neanderthal Idiot". On one hand, he's smart enough to be a shrink, but on the other, he's culturally as dumb as a rock. Maybe he's conflicted just a bit by an intellect that is so narrow as to be completely obstructive. Or, maybe he's milking the Fox/Right Wing cash cow for every penny he can manipulating the Tea Party morons who have no clue that the rest of the world looks at things through a much different cultural lense than we do.


golden ticket member
Lot of good that groveling did.....

A Pakistan man pulls on a rope around the neck of a demonstrator wearing a mask of US President Barack Obama during an anti-US protest in Karachi on February 26, 2012. Pakistan strongly condemned the Koran desecration which took place at Afghanistan’s Bagram airbase, the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement. The Koran burning has inflamed anti-Western sentiment already smouldering in Afghanistan over abuses by US-led foreign troops.