The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe because we've been taking over their countries, killing their people, and interfering in their political processes? Nah, couldn't be any of that.

Good point. You're right.
Maybe you should renounce your US citizenship and move to the Middle East.
I'm sure they could use your knowledge and intelligence to promote their peace loving, passive religion and ideas.
Let us know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Good point. You're right.
Maybe you should renounce your US citizenship and move to the Middle East.
I'm sure they could use your knowledge and intelligence to promote their peace loving, passive religion and ideas.
Let us know how it goes.

Give em' what fer! I mean, how dare MFE exercise free speech and express his opinion. Don't he know that when the majority is jumping off a cliff he's suppose to "Shut the :censored2: Up" and jump with everyone else!

The nerve of some people, right?
Give em' what fer! I mean, how dare MFE exercise free speech and express his opinion. Don't he know that when the majority is jumping off a cliff he's suppose to "Shut the :censored2: Up" and jump with everyone else!

The nerve of some people, right?
Sure he is free to say whatever he feels like saying. Just like you, me and Trickpony. I see nowhere TrickPony suggest MFE STFU. Did you?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday on Netflix, I finally watched this documentary on Osama... well it was more than a doc, funny sarcastic factual may I add..

I found out Muslims have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands...families, education, food, water, jobs and problems. Sound familiar?

Pretty shocked.

If you have not already, watch it.


golden ticket member
(Chicago Tribune) — In a fiery lecture to thousands of followers of the Nation of Islam on Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan warned that racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Farrakhan spent much of his oration decrying what he cast as Satan’s influence over racist forces in politics and society before asking a pointed rhetorical question: “Do you think they’re wicked enough to be plotting our brother’s assassination as we speak?”

Farrakhan delivered his speech to an enthusiastic crowd of adherents packed loosely into the United Center for the Nation of Islam’s annual observance of Saviours’ Day, which celebrates the birth of the faith’s founder, W. Fard Muhammad. This year’s events marked the 82nd year of the religion’s existence in North America.
He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the 9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald’s. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.
Farrakhan drew a distinction between noble Jews and followers of “the synagogue of Satan,” and he pointed to a recent incident in which the publisher of a Jewish magazine suggested Israeli security forces could help preserve Israel by killing Obama. He attacked Israeli policies, while also directing criticism at perceived Jewish influence in the U.S. [...]

Near the close of his speech, Farrakhan spent several minutes comparing Obama’s political situation to that of Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated after winning a second term, and suggested an assassination plot against Obama might involve a “patsy,” a person set up to take the blame for a broader conspiracy.

“I believe they want a Muslim to kill President Obama,” he said.

(or maybe you are just giving the order??)


Well-Known Member
(Chicago Tribune) — In a fiery lecture to thousands of followers of the Nation of Islam on Sunday in Chicago, Minister Louis Farrakhan warned that racial hatred could lead to attempts to assassinate President Barack Obama.

Farrakhan spent much of his oration decrying what he cast as Satan’s influence over racist forces in politics and society before asking a pointed rhetorical question: “Do you think they’re wicked enough to be plotting our brother’s assassination as we speak?”

Farrakhan delivered his speech to an enthusiastic crowd of adherents packed loosely into the United Center for the Nation of Islam’s annual observance of Saviours’ Day, which celebrates the birth of the faith’s founder, W. Fard Muhammad. This year’s events marked the 82nd year of the religion’s existence in North America.
He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the 9/11attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald’s. He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past: the influence of Jews in politics and media.
Farrakhan drew a distinction between noble Jews and followers of “the synagogue of Satan,” and he pointed to a recent incident in which the publisher of a Jewish magazine suggested Israeli security forces could help preserve Israel by killing Obama. He attacked Israeli policies, while also directing criticism at perceived Jewish influence in the U.S. [...]

Near the close of his speech, Farrakhan spent several minutes comparing Obama’s political situation to that of Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated after winning a second term, and suggested an assassination plot against Obama might involve a “patsy,” a person set up to take the blame for a broader conspiracy.

“I believe they want a Muslim to kill President Obama,” he said.

(or maybe you are just giving the order??)

NOI is a cult and not a sect of Islam. Reading Malcolm X helped but common knowledge is something too.


Engorged Member
Good point. You're right.
Maybe you should renounce your US citizenship and move to the Middle East.
I'm sure they could use your knowledge and intelligence to promote their peace loving, passive religion and ideas.
Let us know how it goes.

Ever hear of Free Speech? You Right Wing wingnuts claim to love it and own it, yet whenever someone expresses an opinion you don't like, it's "Shut-up and Leave". If you'd bother to do some research and some of your own thinking you might realize that we have been doing exactly what I said we've been doing in the Middle East..for about 50 years.

We helped depose a democratically-elected leader in Iran in the 50's and then installed our puppet...The Shah. Why? Because those pesky A-rabs wanted to have more control over the oil that we (the US and England) were making huge money from. Imagine that, wanting to have access to some of those natural resource dollars in your own country.

Bush lied about Saddam to avenge Daddy, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraquis died. Imagine how you'd feel if GWB leveled your house and the entire block, trying to get Saddam, the boogeyman. Maybe your entire family got killed. Too bad..."Collateral Damage".

Oh, and what if your country was taken away from you by the United Nations, and then your new boss corraled you into a tiny portion of what used to be your land, and then treated you like a dog? That would be Palestine.

God, if they'd just toss them Korans in the garbage and see the peace and love of Jesus and everything that is "great" about America.

Maybe you should study-up so you can actually become an informed US citizen instead of a warhawk GOP mouthpiece.

You are way too easy.


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of Free Speech? You Right Wing wingnuts claim to love it and own it, yet whenever someone expresses an opinion you don't like, it's "Shut-up and Leave". If you'd bother to do some research and some of your own thinking you might realize that we have been doing exactly what I said we've been doing in the Middle East..for about 50 years.

We helped depose a democratically-elected leader in Iran in the 50's and then installed our puppet...The Shah. Why? Because those pesky A-rabs wanted to have more control over the oil that we (the US and England) were making huge money from. Imagine that, wanting to have access to some of those natural resource dollars in your own country.

Bush lied about Saddam to avenge Daddy, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraquis died. Imagine how you'd feel if GWB leveled your house and the entire block, trying to get Saddam, the boogeyman. Maybe your entire family got killed. Too bad..."Collateral Damage".

Oh, and what if your country was taken away from you by the United Nations, and then your new boss corraled you into a tiny portion of what used to be your land, and then treated you like a dog? That would be Palestine.

God, if they'd just toss them Korans in the garbage and see the peace and love of Jesus and everything that is "great" about America.

Maybe you should study-up so you can actually become an informed US citizen instead of a warhawk GOP mouthpiece.

You are way too easy.

You know, why is it that on the 2nd amendment, it's wide open, no limits and I agree with that but in the case of the 1st amendment and speech, by gawd you better know your place. And when it comes to the 4th and 5th amendment protections, the state once again gets the benefit of doubt to have the heavy hand. Never question the state as they always tell the truth and never lie.

Why is it that the political left and right in this country wants to pick and choose from the Cafeteria Constitution we call the "Bill of Rights" and when they apply and how?

No wonder the corporatist/welfare/warfare state is squashing us all like a bug!


Staff member
I woul be posting the video from Team America, World Police if I thought Cheryl would approve. (And if I knew how to.)