The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
In a land far, far away there was a guy named Hitler.
Hitler didn't like a certain religious group and wanted to take over the world.
Fast forward 65+ years....we have the same scenario only the group hates another religious group.

About the same time there was a guy named Hirohito (sp?) who thought his people were superior beings and wanted to take over the world.

These fables may be familiar to some BC members whose scope of understanding seems somewhat limited.

If America had done nothing, we would be speaking German or Japanese now.

Pull your head out of the sand and realize that our friends from the middle east want to take over the world and force their will on us. If we do nothing and wait until they attack our shores, in a manner not unlike Sept. 11, it may be too late.
It astounds me that some of you have attained adulthood and seem so simple minded.

Once upon a time there was a country called North Korea, they wanted.............never mind.


Well-Known Member
I love Hitler analogies. They never really work when you think them all the way out but it's still fun to watch someone go through the mental gymnastics trying to prove them!


Engorged Member
In a land far, far away there was a guy named Hitler.
Hitler didn't like a certain religious group and wanted to take over the world.
Fast forward 65+ years....we have the same scenario only the group hates another religious group.

About the same time there was a guy named Hirohito (sp?) who thought his people were superior beings and wanted to take over the world.

These fables may be familiar to some BC members whose scope of understanding seems somewhat limited.

If America had done nothing, we would be speaking German or Japanese now.

Pull your head out of the sand and realize that our friends from the middle east want to take over the world and force their will on us. If we do nothing and wait until they attack our shores, in a manner not unlike Sept. 11, it may be too late.
It astounds me that some of you have attained adulthood and seem so simple minded.

Once upon a time there was a country called North Korea, they wanted.............never mind.

Once upon a time, there was a political movement of paranoid Right Wing nutjobs called the Tea Party. They wanted to take America back to a time where the USA ruled the world. Their understanding of other people and cultures was as limited as their intelligence, but they persisted in their war-mongering ways. They didn't like any religious group except Christians and wanted the rest of the world to believe as they did.

About the same time, there was a President named George W. Bush. Claiming to be led by Jesus, he needlessly attacked a foreign nation, took over their government, and killed thousands of innocent people. His rampant spending plunged our nation into the worst Depression in 80 years, and his hawkish ways turned much of the rest of the world against us.

If America did nothing, we'd all be Christians right now, and there would be no religious freedom. Rick Santorum, who ran for President, wanted to eliminate the separation of church and state that has been a hallmark of our religious liberty since the founding of our country. There would be forced school prayer, no contraception, and a woman's right to choose would be eliminated.

Pull your head out of the sand and realize that our friends on the Right want to take over the world and impose their will on them. If we do nothing, a GOP president may needlessly start attacking other sovereign nations again and turn the rest of the world against us. It astounds me that some of you have reached adulthood physically, but mentally you are as advanced as third graders, especially when it comes to cultural knowledge and a rational view of reality.

Once upon a time there was a crazy televison network called Fox, and a bunch of media provacateurs like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck who preyed upon the simple-minded.....never mind.


golden ticket member
The encroaching and pushing is very evident to the observant. Just like that article about wanting the Red Cross to drop their logo.....a red cross. . . . because muslims find it offensive.

It's not that we all don't believe in freedom of religion. You worship your way and I'll worship my way or not worship at all if that's my choice.

The problem arises when you want to put out my light to let your own shine. Americans don't believe in that. If anyone does, then (IMO) they don't belong here.


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time, there was a political movement of paranoid Right Wing nutjobs called the Tea Party. They wanted to take America back to a time where the USA ruled the world. Their understanding of other people and cultures was as limited as their intelligence, but they persisted in their war-mongering ways. They didn't like any religious group except Christians and wanted the rest of the world to believe as they did.

Not that I don't disagree but if I completely accept the analogy above as true, then based on the actions of President Obama over the last 3 plus years I'd have to conclude that Obama himself is a part of the vast rightwing conspiracy as well. And on that point I do and thus the 2 wings of the same bird of prey analogy!


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Nigerian Islamist Group Boko Haram Burns Down Seven Schools…
Reading and writing are apparently “un-Islamic” according to these neanderthals.
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, March 1 (Reuters) – Arsonists suspected to be members of Islamist sect Boko Haram have burned down seven schools in northeastern Nigeria the past few days, authorities said on Thursday, a new twist in the group’s increasingly violent insurgency.

Thousands of children have been left without schools in the middle of their term.

Boko Haram, an Islamist movement styled on the Taliban, is waging a low level insurgency against the government that is radiating out from its heartland in the remote northeastern city of Maiduguri right across the north.


golden ticket member
These are some lucky ladies.....!!!!

Afghan Women Say Being The Wife Of Taliban Fighters Has Its Perks: “When They Come Home They Are Tired And Don’t Beat Us”…

Lucky them.
Via London Times (pay wall protected):
Local Taleban commanders have allowed the women to be interviewed on condition that their faces are covered for photos and no one else in the village is informed. As we sit on a cheap red carpet in a cold room of their modest mud house, Mahmuda and Jawida explain that their husbands joined the Taleban six years ago, exasperated at the controversial US night-raids frequently conducted in their village.

The pair both support the Taleban despite its illiberal views on women. “They want to keep Afghanistan a good Muslim country,” Jawida says, “and we support that.”

If the Taleban return to power the two women see a brighter future for their children, including their daughters, who are banned by the movement from attending school.

“But if they [the Taleban] take power they will start religious schools for girls,” Mahmuda says.
As with nearly all Afghan women, Mahmuda’s movement is severely restricted by her husband. But she says that being the wife of an insurgent has its benefits.

“They are fighters and when they come home they are tired and don’t beat us.