The religion of peace strikes again...


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With regards to the Old Testament (not that the New Testament doesn't lack any) it's dripping in genocide and mass murder on a huge scale. But then when understanding the nature of the OT War God, it's not hard to see in the first place. BTW: If you are puzzled by the terms J, E, P, R, D in the following video, then you might google "Documentary Hypothesis" or "Julius Wellhausen" for a basic understanding of what these terms mean. Also if you click on the video itself and expand the "About" section, Chris Redford who made this video series about his own deconversion provides lots of source links to backup the points he makes in the following.

3.3.3 Atheism: A History of God (Part 1) - YouTube


golden ticket member
Six of the seven killed were women.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Continuing a militant campaign of violence against aid workers in Pakistan, gunmen on Tuesday shot dead seven Pakistani teachers and health workers, six of them women, police officials said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the shooting, in the Swabi district of the northwestern province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, fit a pattern of militant attacks against charity and aid workers across the country in recent weeks that officials have attributed to the Pakistani Taliban. The militant offensive has brought a wave international outrage, particularly because it has focused on vaccination and health workers in a country where polio and measles have made troubling gains.

The attack on Tuesday, near the village of Sher Afzal Banda, was conducted by two men on a motorcycle who opened fire on a van bringing the workers home, the police said. The dead worked for the private Pakistani aid group Support With Working Solution, which works in the health and education sectors.

“They opened fire and killed six females and one male,” said Javed Akhtar, the executive director of the aid group, in a telephone interview. “One child, aged 7 to 8 years, miraculously survived.” His group started out in 1991 and in conjunction with other aid groups has focused on Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province and on South Waziristan in the tribal region, both deeply affected by both poverty and militancy.

Five of the dead were young women who worked as teachers at a primary-level school the charity ran in the area, Mr. Akhtar said. The other two were health workers.


Well-Known Member
Should we really be afraid at all?

Statistically speaking, if you are 6 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist, why do fearful citizens not demand a "War on Police"? If a police officer is 6 times more likely to kill you than a terrorist, in demanding that terrorists be disarmed, why do we not demand police officers be disarmed too? If risk assessment is about scale, the scale suggests the armed police officer a greater threat than the radicalized terrorist so should we therefore disarm all police and for that matter disarm the state itself? If these questions seem so absurd, then stop trying to frighten me with your own absurdities!



golden ticket member
Remember the girl who tried to go to school and was shot in the head....and lived?

Today she leaves a British Hospital and returns to Pakistan...........they'll probably finish the job now.

She shouldn't go back!!


Well-Known Member
Remember the girl who tried to go to school and was shot in the head....and lived?

Today she leaves a British Hospital and returns to Pakistan...........they'll probably finish the job now.

She shouldn't go back!!

all she has to do is claim political asylum in America and she'll be taken care of for life.


golden ticket member
Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Says Men And Women Must Be Separated As Much As Possible Or Society Will Crumble…

Because they have cooties!
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia’s top cleric has warned against the mixing of the genders, saying that any attempt to violate a strict separation threatens female chastity and endangers society.

Grand Mufti Sheik Abdul-Aziz Al-Sheik said in his traditional Friday sermon that authorities must adhere to Shariah, or Islamic law, by ensuring men and women are separated as much as possible.

Al-Sheik said it is forbidden for women to unveil in front of men, warning that this will destroy the morals and values of society. The veil refers to the full face covering worn by most women in the ultraconservative kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Read the customer reviews at the bottom part of the page. The consumers are no dummies!! I don't see howanyone could purchase this book after glancin at the reviews!!
Seven Basic Needs of a Wife: Bill Gothard Ph.D.: Books

But one of the reviewers had it about right concerning this book.

The previous reviews obviously do not understand that this is a Christian guide to having a wife. All of what is said in here is a basic rundown of what is said in the Bible. Sure women have a reason to be upset with it as they should be upset with the bible. If you are Christian maybe you should try reading the bible before giving this author a bad rep because he's just repeating what is said in there.

and then a replier to the review sez this:

This may have been what the Bible said that was useful 2000 years ago. There is no way men should be treating women as property in 2013. If you want this kind of lifestyle, go to Afghanistan. If you want to be a modern man, and have a loving equal relationship with your spouse, throw this book away.

Gothard use to do these huge seminars in large sports arenas back in the mid-80's and 2 couples we were friends with (oddly mostly the wives) were just absolute that Gothard was the "it" that everyone needed for the perfect life/marriage. They brow beat us to the point that my wife and I agreed to go. I mean it was all day long for an entire week and the 15k plus seat arena was packed almost beyond standing room only. I realized in going that Gothard to so many was almost deity himself and these 2 ladies especially had an idol worship of the man almost to the point of a fetish. And these ladies were both dogmatic that following Gothard would make a marriage invincible and too their credit they really wanted the so-called perfect marriage, wanted you to have it so what they sought was genuine albeit maybe not realistic.

My wife and I found so much of what Gothard said problematic and even beyond the marriage narrative. We did not follow his advice nor worship him as I think we were suppose too now looking back. We think that was the intent of brow beating us into going in the first place. The fact that we did not/would not follow the prescribed plan, this created a huge crack in our friendships and within a year or so they would have almost nothing to do with us. That's one way to remove the cognitive dissonance.

At the time of the seminar, we'd been married for just under 5 years and yet I'm very sad to say within 10 years those 2 couples who worshiped Gothard were divorced. Yet, come April, my wife and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary so in one sense, Gothard showed us what not to do and for us it seems to have worked out.

Gothard to his credit (along with other factors) also provoked me to actually read the bible cover to cover, learn it's languages from which it comes, it's history and the basis of it's culture and boy was that a game changer. Then again, I don't think from Gothard's POV that was his actual intent nor was my outcome what he had in mind. Opps!



Well-Known Member
BTW Moreluck, here is more (no pun) on Gothard from a 2006' piece entitled "Cult of Character" and I hope you can see a pattern emerging of how this ideology would/could slowly creep into the corridors of power that dominate our culture and we may never see it coming. Many folks are fans of Mike Huckabee for example and yet even good ole' Mike has Gothard connections.

Not sure if you are familiar with the name Douglas Coe (google it or in your case do the Yahoo thingy) but Gothard had indirect connections to Coe thanks to Chuck Colson's Prison Ministries and now even Gothard contracts with the private prison corporation CCA (Correction Corporation of America) to run what are IMO mind control/behavior control processes in CCA prisons under the name of "Faith Pods". On the surface it sounds good, who can argue giving purpose and meaning to the life of those convicted of crimes in order to bring them back into the fold of civilized life? Yet, when you consider Gothard's book and much of Gothard's deeper message, are we looking at something else entirely?

Oh yeah, and the Bush brothers are Gothard connected too!