The religion of peace strikes again...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

This is CHILD ABUSE in the extreme....!


Seriously? Worshipping George W. Bush at Jesus Camp??


Jesus Camp Extract Praise Bush - YouTube

talk about NUTS...




golden ticket member
There's a difference being taught how to safely handle guns and being told to kill the infidel!! If you see no difference, then that's warped!

You left out the suicide vests.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There's a difference being taught how to safely handle guns and being told to kill the infidel!! If you see no difference, then that's warped!

You left out the suicide vests.

You have NO IDEA what is being taught, you just see kids with guns and you think its bad, but american kids are good because we are "teaching" them the good stuff.

Listen, GUNS KILL.

We are no better. We fill our childrens heads with ideas that they need guns to survive, and they get guns and kill people later. What happened to that training?

If you teach a kid to shoot a gun, you have already failed as a parent.




Strength through joy
The Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero that opened with great fanfare a year ago is now an empty space with no community programs.
And while the developers behind Park51 insisted for two years that the project was more than a mosque, it now appears to be just that. Dozens of worshipers gather at the site on Park Place Friday for prayer services — but that’s the only activity in the building.
Gone are the Arabic classes, workshops in calligraphy, talks on the genealogy of Muslims in America, film screenings and art exhibits. The sole community event is a class in capoeira — an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines dance and music. The teacher of the twice-weekly class said she has five students.
“We are the only cultural program that is still there,” said Luz Emma Canas Jesus, of Capoeira Mucurumim.
The Park51 Twitter feed was last updated in June, and its Web site lists no events. The Web site for the mosque, formally called Prayer Space, lists four services a day, and a handwritten note on the building’s window also advertises a 4 a.m. service.
Park51 organizers repeatedly refused to answer questions about what happened to the programs offered last fall and spring. Sharif El-Gamal, the lead developer behind the project, ducked out the women’s entrance for the prayer space and would not speak to a reporter.
Just two years ago, El-Gamal’s grand plans for the site — a $100 million, 15-story community center and prayer space — generated worldwide controversy because of its proximity to the Ground Zero site.


golden ticket member
Yep, turns out to be "mosque only"'s what they build where they think they are victorious.

Pay the bills or your ass is evicted.........Conn Ed wants their $$$.


Well-Known Member
I just read about a middle east holy man in which a number of children made fun of his bald head and he turned wild animals loose and killed all those children. And all the children did was too make fun of his bald head. Seriously!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't doubt it and there are some on this forum that either ignore it, don't believe there's anything wrong with it or don't believe it.

Like I said earlier, it's only a matter of time before we are an islamic nation controlled by an islamic dictator.
Look at DC full of Islamic/religious stufftumblr_m514m6bQGw1rwuwuso1_500.jpg in it, like patterns, stars, alignments. But I don't see any Messiahs/gods in there. LOL
Everybody better get the seat-belt on for this ride :)
Tick, tock...


golden ticket member
Which equates to 185 victims in a country of more than 300 million.

Via WaPo:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has put out its data on hate crimes from 2011. The good news is that the number of hate crimes was down to 6,222 incidents involving 7,254 offenses. That is a 6 percent drop from the preceding year (when 6,628 hate crime incidents involving 7,699 offenses were reported) and it’s the lowest since 1994 (extraordinary when you consider the population growth). To put that in context, in 2011, with total U.S. population of more than 300 million people, some 1,203,564 violent crimes and 9,063,173 property crimes were reported.

In an ideal country, we’d have no hate crimes. But in the United States it is safe to say that hate crimes, that is the number of crimes based on racial, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious or disability bias, are a minuscule proportion of total crime, and are perpetrated by 5,731 individuals. (That is about .19 percent of the population, less than one-quarter of 1 percent.)

There are two items in the data that caught my eye. Both would challenge some common tropes you hear in mainstream media.
First, among religious hate crimes, Jews make up the overwhelming number of victims (63.2 percent), but the total number, again, is tiny (936). Anti-Muslim hate crimes (in a country in which the left and groups like CAIR tell us is rife with Islamophobia) are much more rare. Muslim hate-crime victims make up only 12.5 percent of the anti-religious hate crimes. That is 185 victims.

Any crime based on bias is to be deplored, but we don’t have either rampant anti-Semitic crime or Islamophobia crime. When the Anti-Defamation League says that “that anti-Semitism is still a serious and deeply entrenched problem in America,” I have to say bunk, at least if you are looking at FBI crime stats.


golden ticket member
Those backward yahoos think the workers are trying to sterilize their population.....
(RFE/RL) — A volunteer who was shot during a wave of attacks on polio-vaccination teams has succumbed to his injuries in Pakistan.

That brings to nine the number of health workers killed since December 17.

Officials say the student volunteer died on December 20, a day after he was shot while helping distribute polio drops in the northwestern city of Peshawar.
Five of the nine health workers killed were women.

The bloodshed prompted United Nations agencies to suspend their campaign against polio in Pakistan after the attacks.
The Islamic terrorist group Jundullah claimed responsibility, telling RFE/RL’s Radio Mashaal that polio vaccination is forbidden in Islam.


golden ticket member

(Reuters) – A mob broke into a Pakistani police station and burnt a man accused of desecrating the Koran alive, police said Saturday, in the latest violence focusing attention on the country’s blasphemy laws.

The man was a traveler and had spent Thursday night at the mosque, said Maulvi Memon, the imam in the southern village of Seeta in Sindh province. The charred remains of the Koran were found the next morning.
“He was alone in the mosque during the night,” Memon said. “There was no one else there to do this terrible thing.”

Villagers beat the man then handed him over to police. A few hours later, a crowd of around 200 stormed the police station, dragged the man out and set him on fire, said Usman Ghani, the senior superintendent of police in Dadu district.