The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy
One thing that has always bugged me .
The attack on the twin towers on 9/11 was not the first attempt at blowing up these buildings .
Why were so many attempts made at the same target ?
Honestly there has to be more .


Inordinately Right
One thing that has always bugged me .
The attack on the twin towers on 9/11 was not the first attempt at blowing up these buildings .
Why were so many attempts made at the same target ?
Honestly there has to be more .

The only other attack on it that I know of was in 1993, and that guy said he did it because of US aid to Israel.
As to why they picked it in particular, that's a good question. Probably just because it was a worldwide recognizable landmark, similar to the statue of liberty, but with one difference, 50,000 people worked there.

Looking into it more it seems the principle architect of the September 11th attacks was the uncle of the guy who bombed it in 1993, and had given him advice and money.


Well-Known Member
The only other attack on it that I know of was in 1993, and that guy said he did it because of US aid to Israel.
As to why they picked it in particular, that's a good question. Probably just because it was a worldwide recognizable landmark, similar to the statue of liberty, but with one difference, 50,000 people worked there.

Looking into it more it seems the principle architect of the September 11th attacks was the uncle of the guy who bombed it in 1993, and had given him advice and money.

As to the 1993' event, appears they had help from a surprising friend.

Rare TV NEWS report about WTC bombing FBI Foreknowledge - YouTube


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
The problem is that about 25% of people on this planet are Muslim, and you think they are all the same. Assuming you are a Christian, is Westboro Baptist Church an adequate representation of your religion?

I'm not sure this is a good comparison.
Do the non-radical muslims protest against the radical ones? I don't think so.

When WBC does their thing you see citizens, the PGR and many others counter their (WBC) crap.

Try again........


Inordinately Right
I'm not sure this is a good comparison.
Do the non-radical muslims protest against the radical ones? I don't think so.

When WBC does their thing you see citizens, the PGR and many others counter their (WBC) crap.

Try again........

You're right, 25% of the people on this planet are terrorists who want to destroy the US because they're jealous of how awesome we are. Thanks for setting me straight.

Try again.........

American Muslims Speak Out Against Radical Islam, Support NYPD - Forbes


golden ticket member

Via Daily Caller:

The White House’s deputy press secretary today downplayed Muslim attacks on Christians in Egypt, joking about the savagery that has left at least six Christians dead.

Press secretary Josh Earnest was asked by Fox News’ correspondent, Ed Henry, if President Barack Obama has a “red line” beyond which he would act against Muslim attacks on Egyptian Christians.

“Well, I didn’t bring my red pen out with me today,” Earnest joked.

After making his joke, Earnest said the administration is “outraged… and concerned” about the Muslim attacks on almost 100 churches, monasteries, orphanages and other marked Christian sites. Many Christians’ shops and homes have also been looted and burned by mobs.

But Earnest didn’t name or criticize the attackers, even though he did charge the military with perpetrating “violence… against peaceful protestors.”


golden ticket member
Three cheers for “multiculturalism!”

Death to sinners. That is the religious message brought to you by YouTube. Homosexuals and adulterers, you’d better start running because it’s directed at you.
Don’t believe me? Well, plenty of people watched Wednesday as Sheikh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak put his death by stoning show on the digital high road courtesy of the Internet.

A YouTube video featuring an insightful look at the ideas of the Brampton, Ont., preacher who stated that “sinners,” as defined by his own interpretation of Islamic law, can benefit from a jolly good stoning was running all day until it was belatedly taken down.

The sheikh explained that a Muslim who is sentenced to death by stoning under Sharia law actually benefits from this gruesome punishment as her soul is being purified even as the stones rain down on her sinful head.

It would possibly be funny if it were in a Monty Python movie. Almost, but not quite. There is no joke to be had in a medieval form of punishment like stoning. Nor should it be condoned.

Alas, it might be more widely spread than most Canadians would believe.

In 2010 the Pew Research Centre in Washington published the results of an extensive poll of Middle East countries and tapped into their views of modern life.

According to the results, at least three-quarters of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan say they would favour making each of the following the law in their countries: stoning people who commit adultery, whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery and the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion.



golden ticket member
Damn animals !!!

Following in the footsteps of the “prophet” Mohammed who had a six-year-old wife.
Via Ynet:
An eight-year-old child bride has died in Yemen of internal bleeding sustained during her wedding night after being forced to marry a man five times her age, the British Daily Mail reported, citing activists.

The girl, identified only as Rawan, died in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia.

According to the Daily Mail, activists are now calling for the groom, who is believed to be around 40 years old, and her family to be arrested. They say arrests would help put a stop to the practice of marrying very young girls to older men in the impoverished region.

According to the report, the practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen and has attracted the attention of international rights groups seeking to pressure the government to outlaw child marriages.


Well-Known Member
Damn animals !!!

Following in the footsteps of the “prophet” Mohammed who had a six-year-old wife.
Via Ynet:
An eight-year-old child bride has died in Yemen of internal bleeding sustained during her wedding night after being forced to marry a man five times her age, the British Daily Mail reported, citing activists.

The girl, identified only as Rawan, died in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia.

According to the Daily Mail, activists are now calling for the groom, who is believed to be around 40 years old, and her family to be arrested. They say arrests would help put a stop to the practice of marrying very young girls to older men in the impoverished region.

According to the report, the practice of marrying young girls is widespread in Yemen and has attracted the attention of international rights groups seeking to pressure the government to outlaw child marriages.

Try not to let too many people know about this or Obama will send American troops to liberate Yemen.


Well-Known Member