The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Poor kid. Too bad she wasn't born into a good atheist home where they would have taken her promptly for medical treatment.

That would be no guarantee either in that from a certain POV going to a conventional medical doctor could be as shakey as using the faith healing approach. Are we relying on a type appeal to authority in our trust of conventional medical routes at some level?

According to a 1999 report by the Institute of Medicine, as many as 98,000 Americans were dying every year because of medical mistakes. Today, exact figures are hard to come by because states don’t abide by the same reporting guidelines, and few cases gain as much attention as that of Rory Staunton, the 12-year-old boy who died of septic shock this spring after being sent home from a New York hospital. But a reasonable estimate is that medical mistakes now kill around 200,000 Americans every year. That would make them one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Why have these mistakes been so hard to prevent?

NY Times: More Treatment, More Mistakes

I'm not defending faith healing but I'm not putting my blind trust in a profession that's riddled with problems if one is willing to drill down into it's core. On certain levels, both have their problems and even for example with cancer treatment, there is a level of just trust and faith as the percentages show not everyone comes out the otherside healthy or even alive. Those odds are getting better every day and this is wonderful.

We were extremely fortunate to have/had a pediatrician who was not just honest but gave you every side of any issue and presented you the scientific data, side effects and even effectiveness of every process and being fully informed as best you could be, then you felt better making the choices you did. If all doctors did this, some of the infallible blind faith people hold even in conventional medicine would go away but it also sheds a lot of liability off the doctor and back on you because you are so fully informed and you know the percentages of success to non success along with the known side effects including death. Also knowing the side effects, you were on the watch and if you saw them you reacted. Many people not knowing the side effects don't know to react and that can be when things go wrong or even go to a point of no return. Just listen to any commercial advertising a specific medicine and all the warnings that come with them and one warning for just about all of them is "death."

Next time a medication is pushed your way, ask about the side effects and warnings (even death) and then ask is there any testing to see if you are of the percentage of the population that is at risk? When the doctor sez no and he/she would be right, you take the medication anyway, how is that not an act of faith?

Medicine knows a lot but at the same time doesn't know a lot and tragically in some cases is panning what amounts to it's own snake oil for the sake of profits. All under the false assumption of gov't protection and if you look at the hierarchy of the protective agency, you'll see people from the various big pharma institutions in charge to feather their own nests. And thus another reason to do due diligence and even that may not be enough.

Faith and false gods can be expressed by many different means!


Well-Known Member
Or a good liberal home where they would've have aborted and solved the problem before it became a problem.


I know that there is an Abortion thread -but since it came up --the "news" has not reported too widely the comment that Chelsie Clinton made about her wishing that her Maternal Grandmother had the right of Abortion.

I wonder how the next President of the United States felt about that remark.

As Hoax would say at times --it fits this --You cannot fix stupid !!!


golden ticket member

I know that there is an Abortion thread -but since it came up --the "news" has not reported too widely the comment that Chelsie Clinton made about her wishing that her Maternal Grandmother had the right of Abortion.

I wonder how the next President of the United States felt about that remark.

As Hoax would say at times --it fits this --You cannot fix stupid !!!

Cher's song......If I could turn back time......If Hillary was aborted, there would be no Chelsea to wish her grandma had abortion as an option.


Well-Known Member
So, the Syrian Rebel group Jabhat Al-Nursa killed a Catholic priest by beheading. Why not take some time and search Jabhat Al-Nursa, United States, CIA or other combinations and just see where that rabbit hole leads. Also search in various combinations, Al-Nursa and Chechnya cause that's a fun one.

Did you pay all you taxes last year? If so, technically you are now a material supporter of terrorism and as equally responsible for the death of that priest as the radical muslim who gave money at his mosque and then given to terror groups.

Still think gov't is about our public good?


Well-Known Member
So......what would you suggest we do?

First thing you need to do is stop looking for someone else to lead you. Don't ask me what I think we should do but rather ask yourself what you think you should do. Lead yourself. Don't sell yourself short and don't buy the Bullschitt that you can't. You are the best qualified of anyone on the planet to lead yourself.

Question everything that comes from the gov't and I mean absolutely everything. Consider anything they say is a lie until you prove it otherwise. Don't fall for the appeal to authority as the reason you accept what you are told. Ask What? Where? When? Why? Who? and How? Whose interests are served in any event or action? Try to source back to primary sources and documents. Do you watch a lot of TV or Cable? Turn it off and start reading. That's a start.

In the case of Al Qaeda, search it back. See where it really came from, who were the people involved and what was the policies in which these mechanisms have proven of use. Who is Osama bin Laden and who was his family? Who was his family in business with? Follow that trail. When you start seeing multiple connections on multiple layers, now you are on to something. Now share what you find with others, family and friends. Then build collaboration, mutual interest and even mutual aid and the rest will just naturally come. Forget the conservative/liberal, right/left political trap but take it down to what it is, Us verses Them and there are overwhelming more Us than there are Them.


golden ticket member
Via Washington Times:
American jihadist Adam Yahiye Gadahn appears in a new al Qaeda video urging Syrian rebels to reject Western help and turn their insurgency into a global jihad, like the one in Iraq against the U.S. occupation.
Shut up & Eat your bacon breakfast to celebrate the start of Ramadan !!!



Well-Known Member
Excellent speaker. Call me a Muslim hater --you would be wrong --call me a realist --you got it. I would feel much safer with a group of Rabbi's or Nuns --rather than a group of Muslims on an airplane or an event with a large number of people. Religious or political reasons --the bombs still kill !!


golden ticket member
They could not be pregnant at all and then there would be no more of them !!!

Via ANSAmed:
Islamic thinker Omer Tugrul Inancer in a TV program exhorted pregnant women not to show themselves in public, sparking protests from secular Turks and opposition politicians, Hurriyet online reported.

”It is against our civilization to use fanfare to announce a pregnancy. Pregnant women also should not go around in public with those bellies. It’s not aesthetic”, Inancer said on public TRT 1 TV channel. ”After seven or eight months, future mothers should only leave the house by car with their husbands to get some fresh air, and only in the evening. Instead we see them all over television. It’s unpleasant. This is not realism, it’s immorality”. The program presenter thanked him with ”May God listen to you”. Secular Turks immediately took to social media, with #Omer Tugrul Inancer trending instantly.

Activists have called for a protest on Istanbul’s Istiklal Avenue, near Taksim Square, with a pillow under their clothes in solidarity with pregnant women. ”They must stop interfering with women in this country. If they could, they would rule on the very air they breathe”, thundered Aylin Nazliaka, a Social Democrat.


golden ticket member
Allahu akbar!

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is saluting Muslim Americans for their contributions in helping build the nation as business entrepreneurs, technology innovators and pioneers in medicine.

Obama spoke at a White House dinner he hosted Thursday to celebrate the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The meal, or iftar, breaks the day of fasting when Muslim families and communities eat together after sunset.

Obama said Ramadan is, quoting, “a time of reflection, a chance to demonstrate ones devotion to God through prayer and through fasting, but it’s also a time for family and friends to come together.”

He said the White House tradition is to celebrate sacred days of various faiths, adding that these occasions celebrate diversity that defines the country and reaffirms the freedom to worship.


golden ticket member
“You should never beat her on his or her face… because the face is owned by Allah.”

Following are excerpts from a religious call-in show featuring Egyptian cleric Dr. Mahmoud Al-Denawy, which aired on Iqra TV Europe/Africa, on June 17, 2013:
Mahmoud Al-Denawy: Here is an important question from sister Hagar from Norway. She says: What’s the Islamic view on the beating of wives? Non-believers use this point against Islam. May Allah reward you, sister.

Indeed, many people take this as something [with which] to stab Islam and to stab Muslims. They say: Here Islam is calling for the beating of wives. Islam is urging Muslims… There are so many sayings and many misconceptions about this, but they forgot an important thing: Allah says that if there is a problem – or a lady, for example, who is disobedient, she has a bad behavior, for example – the husband should do his best to correct her, to fix this issue, first of all, by admonishing, by leaving her bed. For example, he shouldn’t sleep with her. He should sleep in a separate room, or whatever.

And, at the end… Allah says: “Sleep in beds apart, and beat them.”
The issue of beating… First of all, if someone [does it] just for admonishing, or whatever… When it comes to beating, he should never beat her harshly. He should never raise his hand. He should never beat her on her face. But he can use something very simple – like a siwak [dental stick] or something like this pen. The beating should not lead to breaking her arm or a tooth. He should avoid this, because the Prophet urged us and told us that when you beat someone, you should never beat him or her on his or her face. This is because the face is owned by Allah.


golden ticket member
WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is shuttering its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday after receiving an unspecified threat, officials said.
I wonder if that includes Dearborn. MI.