The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Nine Lives
I would think Washington, Jefferson and Adams had most of their money tied up overseas (England).
If you mean 'debt' - yes.
Washington and Jefferson 'dissolved' their debt with the separation from Mother England.
Jefferson was a pretty slimy person.
Don't learn that in High School history.


Strength through joy
Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department for Mueller Russian Special Counsel Budget - Judicial Watch

The lawsuit was filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to an July 10, 2017 FOIA request seeking the following:

  1. A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to 10July2017.
  2. A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from 1June2017 to present.
  3. A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Mueller III. Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to present.
On July 7, 2017, The Washington Post reported that Special counsel Mueller submitted a proposed budget to the Justice Department, “but officials declined to make the document public and committed only to releasing reports of the team’s expenditures every six months.”

Judicial Watch is pursuing numerous additional FOIA lawsuits related to the surveillance, unmasking, and illegal leaking targeting President Trump and his associates during the FBI’s investigation of potential Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.


Staff member
Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department for Mueller Russian Special Counsel Budget - Judicial Watch

The lawsuit was filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to an July 10, 2017 FOIA request seeking the following:

  1. A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to 10July2017.
  2. A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from 1June2017 to present.
  3. A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Mueller III. Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to present.
On July 7, 2017, The Washington Post reported that Special counsel Mueller submitted a proposed budget to the Justice Department, “but officials declined to make the document public and committed only to releasing reports of the team’s expenditures every six months.”

Judicial Watch is pursuing numerous additional FOIA lawsuits related to the surveillance, unmasking, and illegal leaking targeting President Trump and his associates during the FBI’s investigation of potential Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.
So. The TRUMP justice department has access to all of this information and doesn't want it out there in public? Lol. With friends like conservatives, Trump doesn't have time to worry about Norh Korea.


Strength through joy
So. The TRUMP justice department has access to all of this information and doesn't want it out there in public? Lol. With friends like conservatives, Trump doesn't have time to worry about Norh Korea.
Trump's team is not part of this wasteful witch hunt .
All blame is totally the Dems .


Staff member
Trump's team is not part of this wasteful witch hunt .
All blame is totally the Dems .
Who appointed Mueller? And the reason Mueller as appointed was because who fired Comey?

And Judicial Watch is SUING THE TRUMP JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. So where are the evil, bad, wasteful democrats in all this?


Staff member
They appointed Mueller. And have threaten to stop any interference from the WH .
Which democrat has the power to appoint special counsel?

How would they stop the interference from the White House?

Why would the White House want to interfere?

NEWSFLASH: Republicans control Washington.


Staff member
I see your point but unless the party has 60 in the Senate.
Also, 90% of the bureaucrats in Washington are Democrats.

Regardless, pathetic effort by the Republicans.
None of that determines the appointment of a special counsel or the explains reticence of the DOJ to disclose what Judicial Watch is seeking.


Well-Known Member
I love it:

Obama is President and Dems control the government, it’s the Dem’s fault.

Trump is President and Republicans control the government...

It’s the Dem’s fault.

:censored2: or get off the pot.


Well-Known Member
I see your point but unless the party has 60 in the Senate.
Also, 90% of the bureaucrats in Washington are Democrats.

Regardless, pathetic effort by the Republicans.
Wait, you’re saying that 90% of career government employees are Democratic?

I’d like a citation for that, because that seems fake.