The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

El Correcto

god is dead
Ah, a confirmed practitioner of Trump disciple linguistic fluidity. But not an actual practitioner of conservative values. Well played, young man. Showing the :censored2:s who’s boss on this forum.
You’re doing that delusional thing again, where did trump even come in here? That’s your TDS acting up.

Rave(verb)- talk wildly or incoherently, as if one was delirious or insane.

Much like you just did.

El Correcto

god is dead
Ah, a confirmed practitioner of Trump disciple linguistic fluidity. But not an actual practitioner of conservative values. Well played, young man. Showing the :censored2:s who’s boss on this forum.
I’m just messing with you. You seemed emotionally invested in something you believe is important, like the national security of the country and the integrity of our president. I flamed you to provoke a response and get some mild entertainment while also conveying I think you are wrong in making strong assumption fed to you through group think and mainstream media. I still don’t see strong connections to Russia’s interference doing much than get leftist in a tizzy or directly that Trump funded or knowingly worked hand and hand with them to undermine our presidential election.

I think democrats ran a terrible candidate due to party corruption, Bernie was the real victim of collusion. Now they are doubling down on their mistakes and blaming outside forces like narcissists usually do when they lose. This is nothing new to politics and assuming it’s some grandiose plot executed by foreign agents and a manchurian canidate seems a lot more far fetched than our leaders are incompitent and corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Tonight the New York Times reported that on January 6 2017 two weeks before his inauguration Donald Trump was briefed by the heads of US intelligence and law enforcement agencies and was presented with conclusive proof that Putin personally ordered the hacking of the US 2016 election.
Despite his attempts over the last year and a half to deny or cover up the matter repeatedly calling it a "witch hunt" and "no collusion" little question remains that he did in fact know about it and know brings to the forefront the question that under US law did Trump willfully attempt to obstruct justice?
The Russians meddling and the Russians colluding with Trump are two separate issues. The latter has no evidence and the former was also known by Obama who made no effort to stop it, and he was the president while it was going on. So take it up with Barry.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
Tonight the New York Times reported that on January 6 2017 two weeks before his inauguration Donald Trump was briefed by the heads of US intelligence and law enforcement agencies and was presented with conclusive proof that Putin personally ordered the hacking of the US 2016 election.
Despite his attempts over the last year and a half to deny or cover up the matter repeatedly calling it a "witch hunt" and "no collusion" little question remains that he did in fact know about it and know brings to the forefront the question that under US law did Trump willfully attempt to obstruct justice?

so says an anonymous source , i guess we have Putins office and phones bugged and Putin being KGB did not take any security measures to prevent the eaves dropping.
you snowflakes will believe anything a liberal reporter presents from anonymous sources as long as it fits the narrative.


Staff member
The Russians meddling and the Russians colluding with Trump are two separate issues. The latter has no evidence and the former was also known by Obama who made no effort to stop it, and he was the president while it was going on. So take it up with Barry.
It’s still going on.


Well-Known Member
so says an anonymous source , i guess we have Putins office and phones bugged and Putin being KGB did not take any security measures to prevent the eaves dropping.
you snowflakes will believe anything a liberal reporter presents from anonymous sources as long as it fits the narrative.
Why don't you conservatives do the right thing for once? Instead of trying desperately to keep a sinking political ship afloat why don't you go find a better presidential candidate to back in 2020? Forget about Trump Pence might be alright as a caretaker but if you don't get somebody soon this is country is going to shift hard left simply because of your party's lack of credibility ,policy and vision. And BTW the NY Times stands by it's story. You can scoff at it all you wants, toss out all the dime store insults you want but when it comes to the truth and accuracy of the story ......can you DISPROVE it?


Well-Known Member
The Russians meddling and the Russians colluding with Trump are two separate issues. The latter has no evidence and the former was also known by Obama who made no effort to stop it, and he was the president while it was going on. So take it up with Barry.
Specifically just what could Obama legally do? Cancel the election or postpone it for months. Delay the inauguration until mid summer 2017? Either way on January 20 2017 his presidency ended It still comes down to what the rule of law permits him to do It took Mueller a year and a half to acquire the warrants, collect the evidence, present it to a grand jury and prepare the indictments.
Yet there is only 10 weeks not to mention 3 major holidays following the election to conclude the business operations of one administration and set up another.
So you tell me, just what would the rule of law permit Obama to do in this situation within the time frame that existed?


Well-Known Member
Specifically just what could Obama legally do? Cancel the election or postpone it for months. Delay the inauguration until mid summer 2017? Either way on January 20 2017 his presidency ended It still comes down to what the rule of law permits him to do It took Mueller a year and a half to acquire the warrants, collect the evidence, present it to a grand jury and prepare the indictments.
Yet there is only 10 weeks not to mention 3 major holidays following the election to conclude the business operations of one administration and set up another.
So you tell me, just what would the rule of law permit Obama to do in this situation within the time frame that existed?
Obama was president during the election, knew beforehand that meddling was going on, did nothing. Yet you want to lay it all at Trump's feet because he was briefed two weeks before he was even president. At the very least Obama could have had any Russian operatives surveiled and kicked out of the country for fooling around with our electoral process. Trump certainly needs to condemn what happened but while it was going on it wasn't Trump's place to stop it. Going forward I hope they are doing everything possible to make sure nothing messes with the midterms.


Well-Known Member
Obama was president during the election, knew beforehand that meddling was going on, did nothing. Yet you want to lay it all at Trump's feet because he was briefed two weeks before he was even president. At the very least Obama could have had any Russian operatives surveiled and kicked out of the country for fooling around with our electoral process. Trump certainly needs to condemn what happened but while it was going on it wasn't Trump's place to stop it. Going forward I hope they are doing everything possible to make sure nothing messes with the midterms.
If you recall that's exactly what he did when he ordered Russian diplomats out of the country and closed down consulates and homes maintained by the Russian government.
Taking high profile measures such as these makes for nice newsprint but you want to get the guys who actually did the deed and who ordered them to do it and in order to do that requires intelligence and conclusive evidence and that takes time.
It took two years to finally get the drop on Nixon. Everybody knew that he was in on it but it took conclusive and collaborated evidence to back the charges.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Why don't you conservatives do the right thing for once? Instead of trying desperately to keep a sinking political ship afloat why don't you go find a better presidential candidate to back in 2020? Forget about Trump Pence might be alright as a caretaker but if you don't get somebody soon this is country is going to shift hard left simply because of your party's lack of credibility ,policy and vision. And BTW the NY Times stands by it's story. You can scoff at it all you wants, toss out all the dime store insults you want but when it comes to the truth and accuracy of the story ......can you DISPROVE it?
Same reason it wasn’t done with Obama!
Talk about a sunken ship!!!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you conservatives do the right thing for once? Instead of trying desperately to keep a sinking political ship afloat why don't you go find a better presidential candidate to back in 2020? Forget about Trump Pence might be alright as a caretaker but if you don't get somebody soon this is country is going to shift hard left simply because of your party's lack of credibility ,policy and vision. And BTW the NY Times stands by it's story. You can scoff at it all you wants, toss out all the dime store insults you want but when it comes to the truth and accuracy of the story ......can you DISPROVE it?

man you got a bad case of DNC brainwashing