The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Have to do it.
Canada's two tanks just won't be enough.



Well-Known Member

heard its around 1.5 trillion a year since alot of spending is classified. huge waste too.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
well say to teh rich "hey Richyrich, either you pay or we will do bay of pigs on ur ass like we did to cuba!"
Blah blah blah blah, America’s bad, communism is good, I’m smarter than everyone, I have all the solutions. Idiots like you have been around for centuries, you end up getting lots of people killed trying to create a utopia. If you confiscated all the wealth from all the rich it would last about 2 years. Then what? There isn’t anymore. The Democrats are creating such an insurmountable debt that your grandkids won’t be able to pay it off. But hey we got 5 G, so you can play video games in your parents basement. Bread and circus boy.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
well say to teh rich "hey Richyrich, either you pay or we will do bay of pigs on ur ass like we did to cuba!"
Lenin had a name for people like you, he called the useful idiots


Well-Known Member
Blah blah blah blah, America’s bad, communism is good, I’m smarter than everyone, I have all the solutions. Idiots like you have been around for centuries, you end up getting lots of people killed trying to create a utopia. If you confiscated all the wealth from all the rich it would last about 2 years. Then what? There isn’t anymore. The Democrats are creating such an insurmountable debt that your grandkids won’t be able to pay it off. But hey we got 5 G, so you can play video games in your parents basement. Bread and circus boy.
ok i am smarter in many ways, america is bad in many ways, worker self determination is good, and this current system will collapse in our life times bc it doesnt work.