
Victory Ride
Well sonny, that's 10 years less than me.

If you hate the Union so much.... why not withdraw ?

Or, maybe you're not willing to admit you might just need us. ;)

Isn't that what I always try and encourage ?

I don’t need what I am seeing ....where is my pension ...hot shot? ....in your home?

Star B

White Lightening
it's silly to say this is the unions fault, it's the culmination of years of bad decision making by corporate, as well as some bad decisions this year


Or, maybe you're not willing to admit you might just need us. ;)
Isn't that what I always try and encourage ?
He realizes what the union offers but you can't hate on the guy because most of the membership are spineless and/or lazy.


Victory Ride
Well sonny, that's 10 years less than me.

If you hate the Union so much.... why not withdraw ?

Or, maybe you're not willing to admit you might just need us. ;)

Isn't that what I always try and encourage ?

Do not need the representation I have been receiving ...... time for a whole new UNION


Well-Known Member
Record volume with no increase in seasonal hires. How's that working out? The surcharges have not slowed down the volume. We are getting crushed. Old timers are saying this is the worst they've ever seen. Bulk pieces are piled up right in the middle of parking bays, into the aisle, with enough Wayfair and mattresses to furnish a small town.

On Dec 23rd, my center will instruct us to driver release EVERYTHING (except sig req, of course), as they did last year. By then it will be too late. I think that call should be made much, much earlier this year.

Access points are flooded with garbage pieces that should be released at the door, and all sig req (namely, cell phones) should be sent to access points after first attempt. My send agains disappear when back in bldg, only to miraculously reappear in my load days later. That includes NDAs. I delivered a late air (by three days) the day AFTER the customer received a replacement for the missing air, and that package was shipped via GROUND.

Critical care packages? I guess they're not so critical anymore. They'll leave me a critical care sheet in my slot, but good luck finding it in the load. What the :censored3: is the point of that? I know for a fact that some poor guy on my route did not get his medication for days.

The company's future is on the line, as someone mentioned before. If it gets to the point where UPS has to come out and say "we can't fulfill our deliveries this Christmas," this company could enter a period of stagnation that our competitors will be able to jump on.


Got the T-Shirt
I see a big No vote coming up. It squeaked by a C* hair last contract. People are :censored2: off .

Great !

Lets see it happen.

Who wants to deal with all the negative animosity, anyway.

Members need to prove they're serious.... by sacking up.

Just keep'n it real.

Great !

Lets see it happen.

Who wants to deal with all the negative animosity, anyway.

Members need to prove they're serious.... by sacking up.

Just keep'n it real.
