The slobs among us...


Binge Poster
We have 30 package cars in our lineup. It would take at least 15 minutes to thoroughly wash both the interior and exterior of each car. That works out to 7.5 hours to wash the whole fleet each day-----that's not going to happen.

I think you have now really got to the heart of the matter.

Over the last couple of decades in some if not all areas car washing and maintaining the package cars in a sanitary condition has become a non value added task and job.

Union brothers should not be fighting over an issue created because management has cut the very jobs that used to maintain the package cars in sanitary conditions and the consequences of these job cuts.



Well-Known Member
There has never been nor would it make sense to have an 8 hour shift devoted solely to washing the package cars.

As I said above, we have 30 cars in our lineup. There are 5 days in a workweek. It takes roughly 15 minutes to thoroughly wash each pkg car. Simple math will show that devoting 3 hours per day for a full week will ensure that each car is maintained on a weekly basis.

Our center tried a numbering system a few years ago-----1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday and so on----and it did work a while but they kept cutting the hours devoted to the car wash.

My route is in the city so the interior of my PC does not get too dirty but I still try to wash it out at least once a month, coding it properly in the DIAD.


That’s Craptacular
There has never been nor would it make sense to have an 8 hour shift devoted solely to washing the package cars.

As I said above, we have 30 cars in our lineup. There are 5 days in a workweek. It takes roughly 15 minutes to thoroughly wash each pkg car. Simple math will show that devoting 3 hours per day for a full week will ensure that each car is maintained on a weekly basis.

Our center tried a numbering system a few years ago-----1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday and so on----and it did work a while but they kept cutting the hours devoted to the car wash.

My route is in the city so the interior of my PC does not get too dirty but I still try to wash it out at least once a month, coding it properly in the DIAD.
30 routes in the whole big is your entire 15 people?


I'm in the home stretch, I no longer care about a lot of things.
Company can wash the truck, or have the public see it covered in dirt. Makes no difference to me.


That’s Craptacular
Actually it's 16, Dave comes in 3 hours early each day to overlord the operation.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
There has never been nor would it make sense to have an 8 hour shift devoted solely to washing the package cars.

As I said above, we have 30 cars in our lineup. There are 5 days in a workweek. It takes roughly 15 minutes to thoroughly wash each pkg car. Simple math will show that devoting 3 hours per day for a full week will ensure that each car is maintained on a weekly basis.

Our center tried a numbering system a few years ago-----1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday and so on----and it did work a while but they kept cutting the hours devoted to the car wash.

My route is in the city so the interior of my PC does not get too dirty but I still try to wash it out at least once a month, coding it properly in the DIAD.
20 years ago when I bid into the PT Car Wash we would fuel and wash the outside of the package car every night. We would power wand the inside on an as needed basis. For some cars that would be every night. For others once or twice a week. Park the cars for the pre load and clean windows and check oils.


Retired 23 years
There has never been nor would it make sense to have an 8 hour shift devoted solely to washing the package cars.

As I said above, we have 30 cars in our lineup. There are 5 days in a workweek. It takes roughly 15 minutes to thoroughly wash each pkg car. Simple math will show that devoting 3 hours per day for a full week will ensure that each car is maintained on a weekly basis.

Our center tried a numbering system a few years ago-----1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday and so on----and it did work a while but they kept cutting the hours devoted to the car wash.

My route is in the city so the interior of my PC does not get too dirty but I still try to wash it out at least once a month, coding it properly in the DIAD.

ALL of our trucks (that had been out delivering) were washed EVERY night. Even in the summer when they really didn't need it. The insides were done on a rotating schedule that wasn't often enough so sometime you would have to do that yourself. We had about 30 trucks total. Believe it or not there was a time when UPS cared about their image. UPS had their own way of washing trucks correctly--you had to wash from the bottom up in a zig-zag pattern.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We have 30 package cars in our lineup. It would take at least 15 minutes to thoroughly wash both the interior and exterior of each car. That works out to 7.5 hours to wash the whole fleet each day-----that's not going to happen.

When I first started driving in '88 our building had around 120 routes in the lineup, and every car got washed every day. Now...I am lucky if my car gets washed once every 3 months.
According to my neighbor, a police officer, says that it is an urban legend. The people that were prosecuted for peeing in public, were in fact, flashers.
It's an urban legend in your city. Country wide it's different. You peeing in public and some kid seeing your penis will get you in so much trouble you won't need to worry about being unemployed. It's not a good look and everyone should realize this.


When I first started driving in '88 our building had around 120 routes in the lineup, and every car got washed every day. Now...I am lucky if my car gets washed once every 3 months.

same here / every truck, every day / a long time ago