The slobs among us...


Box Monkey
If your a dumb criminal about pissing your going to get caught and in trouble, if your a smooth criminal your good to go lmfao.

Maybe when referring to sex offenders you should choose your words better ;)



Box Monkey
My route is in the city so the interior of my PC does not get too dirty but I still try to wash it out at least once a month, coding it properly in the DIAD.

Just out of curiosity, what code do you use for that? My PC is a mess by the back door and would love to allot myself time to clean it out. Thanks in advance, David.


Geek in Brown
That's about the cheapest you can find it. I buy 'em on sale only .79-.99 ea. Still overpriced. I don't care if it has electrolytes, it's still a massive profit margin.

Where are you buying you soda cans? Vending machines? I pay .20 a can for brand name (Coke/Pepsi). Only buy 12 packs when they are on sale. 4 for $10 for example. This weekend at my local store it is five 12 packs for $11.
Yeah I meant vending machines for the soda.

Sent from my 28 year old brown truck


Well-Known Member
Me personally, I cant stand working in a dirty PC. That's my office for 10 hours so I want it as clean as possible. Keep in mind I don't have my own route, so I will even take the time at the end of shift to sweep out a dirty PC that's not even mine.......


Man of Great Wisdom
ALL of our trucks (that had been out delivering) were washed EVERY night. Even in the summer when they really didn't need it. The insides were done on a rotating schedule that wasn't often enough so sometime you would have to do that yourself. We had about 30 trucks total. Believe it or not there was a time when UPS cared about their image. UPS had their own way of washing trucks correctly--you had to wash from the bottom up in a zig-zag pattern.
If we ran air on New Years Eve or Day after Thanksgiving a senior part timer would come in and wash all the vehicles and park them when we were done.