The Space Shuttle


Well-Known Member
My point was simple. TECHNOLOGY is changing the world.

Every decade, technology has replaced man in some aspect of science. The space program is no different. The cost to the goverment for the loss of 14 astronauts killed on two shuttle missions demonstrated that a new means of space travel (unmanned) was the future.

Its cheaper, more efficient and gets the U.S. more bang for the buck. The cost of supplying the means of survival for astronauts for journeys into the vast reaches of outer space is TOOO HIGH for a nation that has no money left to spend.

The cry's for smaller goverment were heard, NASA is a goverment funded program and it was cut, just like everyone asked for.

The only way for them to survive on the budget that remains is to create space vehicles that dont require humans. IN fact, even though the shuttles had "pilots", they really didnt fly the thing. Its all computer programed. The "pilots" were merely backups to the flight as new equiptment was tested. The shuttle lands itself, the pilot is just along for the ride. This is technology and advancement.

Dreams of space stations on the moon and the inherent cost to maintain them is "crazytalk" by scientists. Setting foot on Mars by an american just for the sake of saying so (IMO) is not worth the 100's of billions of dollars it will cost to do it. There are people who dont want high speed rail to be built cause it will cost a couple of billion to build, yet they would spend 100's of billions of dollars of tax payer money to go to a planet with no NET gain on a one time ride with no guarantees of success.

This makes no sense.

If a private company wants to build a spacecraft, put astronauts on it, fly it to mars, land, take some pictures, grab some dirt, lift off and return home all without one single dime of taxpayer money associated with it, then i say GO FOR IT.

But our goverment funded space program isnt going to do that.

The new unmanned cargo shuttles are less expensive, more efficient and can stay in space for MONTHS.

This is the future.

With respect to what I said about former astronauts, try to get the message without the emotion, they served their purpose in history, and all americans can be thankful, but tomorrows astronauts who will make history will have to be recharged every now and then.


Instead of repeating yourself over and over again why don't you counter what I have been saying? That is what a debate is, you say something, I counter, then you counter, etc. You are simply repeating yourself and offering nothing to support your own claim. Again I ask you, if this is true then why do we have people living in space, months at a time, whose primary mission is to further the dream of long term human survival in space?

Oh, and BTW, Space X is a private company receiving taxpayer dollars from NASA because they are working to accomplish the goals NASA has, but can do so at a fraction of the cost. Again, private enterprise trumps government inefficiency.
My point was simple. TECHNOLOGY is changing the world.

Like the invention of spell check but I won`t get that cheap in my response.

Every decade, technology has replaced man in some aspect of science. The space program is no different. The cost to the goverment for the loss of 14 astronauts killed on two shuttle missions demonstrated that a new means of space travel (unmanned) was the future.

As was the human cost from the time our ancestors first walked away from their cave. And yet we still take risks to the day.

Its cheaper, more efficient and gets the U.S. more bang for the buck. The cost of supplying the means of survival for astronauts for journeys into the vast reaches of outer space is TOOO HIGH for a nation that has no money left to spend.

If we cut out the expenses that are detrimental to our society we would be flush 10x with money for more beneficial endeavors.

The cry's for smaller goverment were heard, NASA is a goverment funded program and it was cut, just like everyone asked for.
Thats an awful broad stroke of the paintbrush.

The only way for them to survive on the budget that remains is to create space vehicles that dont require humans. IN fact, even though the shuttles had "pilots", they really didnt fly the thing.
There`s a large group of shuttle commanders who will argue with you on that.

Its all computer programed. The "pilots" were merely backups to the flight as new equiptment was tested. The shuttle lands itself, the pilot is just along for the ride. This is technology and advancement.
As with above you might want to fact check your statements. You`re approaching Klein territory.

Dreams of space stations on the moon and the inherent cost to maintain them is "crazytalk" by scientists.
Like that "crazytalk" of a new round world over the horizon, a vessel that could take man across the water, light that didn`t come from fire, the ability to go higher than one could climb, that the human body could be cured through actual treatment rather than hopeful prayer, the ability to communicate at first over a wire and then without, machines that could help solve problems, a network where naked women are at your fingertips. Yea, crazytalk.

Setting foot on Mars by an american just for the sake of saying so (IMO) is not worth the 100's of billions of dollars it will cost to do it. There are people who dont want high speed rail to be built cause it will cost a couple of billion to build, yet they would spend 100's of billions of dollars of tax payer money to go to a planet with no NET gain on a one time ride with no guarantees of success.

I wonder if either one of us will live long enough to see the overpopulated planet that will be looking for an extra home.

This makes no sense, to you.

If a private company wants to build a spacecraft, put astronauts on it, fly it to mars, land, take some pictures, grab some dirt, lift off and return home all without one single dime of taxpayer money associated with it, then i say GO FOR IT.
And they will. As have every private company that has taken our governments invested achievements and run with them. But the initial investment and research on many things, like the very computer we are debating on, were something we have to bear as a country.

But our goverment funded space program isnt going to do that.

The new unmanned cargo shuttles are less expensive, more efficient and can stay in space for MONTHS.

This is the future.

With respect to what I said about former astronauts, try to get the message without the emotion, they served their purpose in history, and all americans can be thankful, but tomorrows astronauts who will make history will have to be recharged every now and then.

The greatest technology will still need man to guide it. Once it doesn`t we are all obsolete.


If your plan was in place through history we would be land based beings on one overcrowded continent too afraid to take the risk to advance ourselves or too cheap to pay for others brave enough to try.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
History is over. Man has achieved many wonders. One thing that seems to have not changed on this board is thought process. As I said, if you want to live in Christopher Columbus era, or in 1960 or in the cave man days, thats wonderful. Thats what dreams are for, but in todays science, MAN has been replaced.

I dont need to carry on about it, its a fact.

The space station has been plagued with problems from the jump, so far, its a monetary failure as billions have been poured into it just to keep it floating. Recently, it was almost lost and abandoned, another sign of an expensive mistake.

The United States will indeed continue to take supplies to the station, but its only a matter of time before that project is also abandoned by all contributors.

Our country is not in the position of spending excess tax dollars on "crazy talk" ideas. Maybe someday, when our countries financial position is secure those kinds of projects can be undertaken, but for now, watch star trek.

Tomorrows Neil Armstrongs or Buzz Aldrins will have a micro processor, a mother board, a hard drive and a series of software programs to make them work. No need to have a training center for years of space training.

There is no debate here. There is no need to argue. It is what it is.



Well-Known Member
History is over. Man has achieved many wonders. One thing that seems to have not changed on this board is thought process. As I said, if you want to live in Christopher Columbus era, or in 1960 or in the cave man days, thats wonderful. Thats what dreams are for, but in todays science, MAN has been replaced.

I dont need to carry on about it, its a fact.

The space station has been plagued with problems from the jump, so far, its a monetary failure as billions have been poured into it just to keep it floating. Recently, it was almost lost and abandoned, another sign of an expensive mistake.

The United States will indeed continue to take supplies to the station, but its only a matter of time before that project is also abandoned by all contributors.

Our country is not in the position of spending excess tax dollars on "crazy talk" ideas. Maybe someday, when our countries financial position is secure those kinds of projects can be undertaken, but for now, watch star trek.

Tomorrows Neil Armstrongs or Buzz Aldrins will have a micro processor, a mother board, a hard drive and a series of software programs to make them work. No need to have a training center for years of space training.

There is no debate here. There is no need to argue. It is what it is.


It is getting old beating my head against this brick wall of sheer ignorance. Perhaps you are telling me how you believe things should be, but I am telling you how things are. We ARE actively pursuing technologies to allow human space travel beyond earths orbit. We ARE working on plans to put men on Mars, an asteroid, and maybe even the moon as well. If we can improve our propulsion technologies significantly we could be going very far out, but that is still many decades away. There are no plans to leave space travel completely to robots and satellites. I can tell you for certain that is an absolute fact.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

""An asteroid is a giant space rock that orbits the sun, like Earth. And someday one might threaten the planet.
But sending people to one won't be easy. You can't land on an asteroid because you'd bounce off -- it has virtually no gravity. Reaching it might require a NASA spacecraft to harpoon it. Heck, astronauts couldn't even walk on it because they'd float away.
NASA is thinking about jetpacks, tethers, bungees, nets and spiderwebs to allow explorers to float just above the surface of it while attached to a smaller mini-spaceship.""

Again, crazytalk from scientists. A mission that will cost billions and accomplish nothing but to say "We did it".

We dont have the money right now to see this through. Scientists can talk about this everyday for eternity, but without money, its only talk.

Like I said, when this country is in better financial shape, things like this "might" be possible, but as long as this country is in the hole, it will never happen.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Wrong again mistro...

The spending of hundreds of billions of dollars for a one time round trip visit to a dead rock cannot be compared to a 2 billion dollar investment in a high speed rail system that will be used thousands of times, reduce energy consumption, save money, free up our roads, and wont end with N.eed A.nother S.even A.stronauts.

If americans had a choice whether to go into Iraq and lose 5000 soldiers at a cost of 2.5 trillion dollars or build a high speed rail system, the rail system would be built by now.

Give it some real thought.



golden ticket member


Well-Known Member

Hate to be the one to say "I TOLD YOU SO"... but



Did you read the article or just responded like an uneducated fool? You don't know a lot about space exploration history or what was stated in the article so let me educate you.

The ISS is a large and complicated object in low earth orbit which was never intended to be in operation forever. Now if you know something about space station history you would know Russia put off the demise of its previous space station Mir several years after it was predicted to be decomissioned. If you had read the article you would know that only Russia out of all the countries involved with the ISS that is talking about a 2020 decomission date. NASA expects it to be operational to atleast 2028 and my guess is if a replacement hasn't been settled on it will stay in orbit much longer than that. Men in space and exploring it is our future. It's best to accept this truth now rather then crying over it later.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Did you read the article or just responded like an uneducated fool? You don't know a lot about space exploration history or what was stated in the article so let me educate you.

The ISS is a large and complicated object in low earth orbit which was never intended to be in operation forever. Now if you know something about space station history you would know Russia put off the demise of its previous space station Mir several years after it was predicted to be decomissioned. If you had read the article you would know that only Russia out of all the countries involved with the ISS that is talking about a 2020 decomission date. NASA expects it to be operational to atleast 2028 and my guess is if a replacement hasn't been settled on it will stay in orbit much longer than that. Men in space and exploring it is our future. It's best to accept this truth now rather then crying over it later.

The thing is a hovering piece of junk. Its been a piece of junk for years. If the USA hadnt wasted billions of dollars keeping it in the air, it would be resting at the bottom of the pacific ocean by now. It served its purpose. It showed what a few hundred billion dollars of wasted money looks like.

I hope we dont spend another dime on that wreck.



Well-Known Member
The thing is a hovering piece of junk. Its been a piece of junk for years. If the USA hadnt wasted billions of dollars keeping it in the air, it would be resting at the bottom of the pacific ocean by now. It served its purpose. It showed what a few hundred billion dollars of wasted money looks like.

I hope we dont spend another dime on that wreck.


I realize and fully understand your point of view. You, as a liberal, have no interest in advancing man kind and the technology to allow him to explore space much more so what has been recently possible. It is my hope, though, that my grandchildren and great grand children and beyond have the opportunity to travel to and even live on another planet someday. Without a well funded space program that may not be possible, and they will become slaves to the government just as you one day dream of becoming. I sincerely hope my decedents aren't slaves to their own government, and since your desire to be so is as strong as it is may I suggest moving to another country that regularly enslaves its people to the will of its government because honestly that is what you really desire.