The Space Shuttle

I realize and fully understand your point of view. You, as a liberal, have no interest in advancing man kind and the technology to allow him to explore space much more so what has been recently possible. It is my hope, though, that my grandchildren and great grand children and beyond have the opportunity to travel to and even live on another planet someday. Without a well funded space program that may not be possible, and they will become slaves to the government just as you one day dream of becoming. I sincerely hope my decedents aren't slaves to their own government, and since your desire to be so is as strong as it is may I suggest moving to another country that regularly enslaves its people to the will of its government because honestly that is what you really desire.
Brett, I have had some of those same hopes and dreams, but it is time to wake up and face reality. While the space program has given us a lot of really neat and useful technology, we have to look at the over all cost. Our country is in financial trouble right now, all the technology isn't helping us solve this problem.


Well-Known Member
Brett, I have had some of those same hopes and dreams, but it is time to wake up and face reality. While the space program has given us a lot of really neat and useful technology, we have to look at the over all cost. Our country is in financial trouble right now, all the technology isn't helping us solve this problem.

Besides that, we have effectively screwed up this planet--why give us the chance to screw up another one?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
The thing is a hovering piece of junk. Its been a piece of junk for years. If the USA hadnt wasted billions of dollars keeping it in the air, it would be resting at the bottom of the pacific ocean by now. It served its purpose. It showed what a few hundred billion dollars of wasted money looks like.

I hope we dont spend another dime on that wreck.


And with money saved, Liberals can spend on more important things for the free cell phones, cable TV, and as the Dimorats say...its to help them look for jobs and get an education.



golden ticket member
If Russia is in charge, why don't they dump it in the Arctic Ocean or the Yellow Sea or the Bering Sea ???? Why should the Pacific Ocean be their personal dump?

You want it junked, you take the burden of disposal on yourself.
Besides that, we have effectively screwed up this planet--why give us the chance to screw up another one?

So we can kiss the hot green chicks like on Star Trek!


Well-Known Member
The thing is a hovering piece of junk. Its been a piece of junk for years. If the USA hadnt wasted billions of dollars keeping it in the air, it would be resting at the bottom of the pacific ocean by now. It served its purpose. It showed what a few hundred billion dollars of wasted money looks like.

I hope we dont spend another dime on that wreck.


Coming from one who has ALL the answers! Er, well, maybe not the answers I'M looking for.

Keep dodging, TOS.

Peace and the explosive whine of a 6-71 blower!


Well-Known Member
Brett, I have had some of those same hopes and dreams, but it is time to wake up and face reality. While the space program has given us a lot of really neat and useful technology, we have to look at the over all cost. Our country is in financial trouble right now, all the technology isn't helping us solve this problem.

I see your point, but understand this. NASA receives less than 1% of the total federal budget. To say that we can solve our federal governments debt problem by cutting out NASA is akin to saying we can do the same by just cutting out foreign aid which also makes up less than 1% of the federal budget. I am not saying I agree with our foreign aid program, but what I am saying is there are much bigger budget fish to fry in order to get our federal government's spending in line. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obama care are four giant(and growing) parts of the federal government's budget all of which will consume it entirely and them some if they are not reigned in or eliminated. We also waste a lot of money on pointless studies and questionable causes. When its easily provable that our space program has been beneficial to society as a whole I cannot see any logical reason to eliminate it based on its almost negligible cost.
I see your point, but understand this. NASA receives less than 1% of the total federal budget. To say that we can solve our federal governments debt problem by cutting out NASA is akin to saying we can do the same by just cutting out foreign aid which also makes up less than 1% of the federal budget. I am not saying I agree with our foreign aid program, but what I am saying is there are much bigger budget fish to fry in order to get our federal government's spending in line. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obama care are four giant(and growing) parts of the federal government's budget all of which will consume it entirely and them some if they are not reigned in or eliminated. We also waste a lot of money on pointless studies and questionable causes. When its easily provable that our space program has been beneficial to society as a whole I cannot see any logical reason to eliminate it based on its almost negligible cost.

1% here 1% there, whatever % of tax dollars that go to supporting illegal aliens, it all adds up. According to some of the "experts", SS would be fine if it was operated as it was intended. I'm sure there are varying factors that play into the whole scenario that can make the stability fluctuate. Medicare/Medicaid are needed programs, that need some revamping and modifying and elimination of waste. IMO, I would rather my tax dollars go to old people that need and deserve it than to spend it for space exploration with the end goal to be able for man to live in outer space. Don't get me wrong, I do not want one penny going out to deadbeats that are generational leaches on society but some people can not help themselves without someone also helping them.


golden ticket member
Deadbeats, dead people , illegals and convicts are experts at receiving gov't money. Find the fraud, you'll find the money!!


Well-Known Member
Deadbeats, dead people , illegals and convicts are experts at receiving gov't money. Find the fraud, you'll find the money!!

This may surprise you but good people are also capable of using the system. When my Dad was no longer able to take care of himself, my brother and I put him in a nursing home. At the same time I Googled "Medicaid", as neither of us had the first clue, and came across a company in Sober's part of the world that had a program called MAPP--Medicaid Asset Protection Plan. For $300 they sent you a program which basically showed you how to legally take advantage of the Medicaid program. We followed the program to the letter and were able to save $100K of his $160K in assets. Everything we did was legal and above board but it does show just how easy it is to use the system to your advantage.
This may surprise you but good people are also capable of using the system. When my Dad was no longer able to take care of himself, my brother and I put him in a nursing home. At the same time I Googled "Medicaid", as neither of us had the first clue, and came across a company in Sober's part of the world that had a program called MAPP--Medicaid Asset Protection Plan. For $300 they sent you a program which basically showed you how to legally take advantage of the Medicaid program. We followed the program to the letter and were able to save $100K of his $160K in assets. Everything we did was legal and above board but it does show just how easy it is to use the system to your advantage. HUGE difference in taking advantage of the rules and cheating, lying and stealing.


Well-Known Member
I see your point, but understand this. NASA receives less than 1% of the total federal budget. To say that we can solve our federal governments debt problem by cutting out NASA is akin to saying we can do the same by just cutting out foreign aid which also makes up less than 1% of the federal budget. I am not saying I agree with our foreign aid program, but what I am saying is there are much bigger budget fish to fry in order to get our federal government's spending in line. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obama care are four giant(and growing) parts of the federal government's budget all of which will consume it entirely and them some if they are not reigned in or eliminated. We also waste a lot of money on pointless studies and questionable causes. When its easily provable that our space program has been beneficial to society as a whole I cannot see any logical reason to eliminate it based on its almost negligible cost.

1% here 1% there, whatever % of tax dollars that go to supporting illegal aliens, it all adds up. According to some of the "experts", SS would be fine if it was operated as it was intended. I'm sure there are varying factors that play into the whole scenario that can make the stability fluctuate. Medicare/Medicaid are needed programs, that need some revamping and modifying and elimination of waste. IMO, I would rather my tax dollars go to old people that need and deserve it than to spend it for space exploration with the end goal to be able for man to live in outer space. Don't get me wrong, I do not want one penny going out to deadbeats that are generational leaches on society but some people can not help themselves without someone also helping them.[/QUOTE]

It does add up but NASA is not the cornerstone of our problem. I am not immune to the fact that people need help, but if something isnt done and on a drastic measure your grand children, great grand children, and beyond will be working soley to service a debt made up of benefits used up by generations before them. That is morally reprehensible in my opinion. The problem I have with these programs is not the fact that they exist, but that they tell people they don't have to worry about saving for retirement or for their future because big brother has their back. The problem is big brother is laying a giant burden on the unborn to make that happen, and big brother won't be able to make the same promises to them.
It does add up but NASA is not the cornerstone of our problem. I am not immune to the fact that people need help, but if something isnt done and on a drastic measure your grand children, great grand children, and beyond will be working soley to service a debt made up of benefits used up by generations before them. That is morally reprehensible in my opinion. The problem I have with these programs is not the fact that they exist, but that they tell people they don't have to worry about saving for retirement or for their future because big brother has their back. The problem is big brother is laying a giant burden on the unborn to make that happen, and big brother won't be able to make the same promises to them.

I can not remember a time when it wasn't publicly stated , almost regularly, that SS, medicare/medicaid were not a total plan for retirement but a retirement subside that we regularly contribute to from our earned wages. However, until I started working for ups I couldn't save money for retirement, it took every penny I could earn to pay my bills, feed my children, buy insurance and just live. Ever tried to save for retirement on $900 per month? I can tell you, in 1966 you couldn't nor could you afford to send your kids to college. What I find reprehensible is favoring financing a dream of living on mars to helping my next door neighbor.


golden ticket member
This may surprise you but good people are also capable of using the system. When my Dad was no longer able to take care of himself, my brother and I put him in a nursing home. At the same time I Googled "Medicaid", as neither of us had the first clue, and came across a company in Sober's part of the world that had a program called MAPP--Medicaid Asset Protection Plan. For $300 they sent you a program which basically showed you how to legally take advantage of the Medicaid program. We followed the program to the letter and were able to save $100K of his $160K in assets. Everything we did was legal and above board but it does show just how easy it is to use the system to your advantage.

Nothing wrong with using the system, that's what it's there for. Our family has used different aspects of it too. Using, is MUCH different than abusing!! It's the abusers who spread their dependence to their kids causing generational abuse that bothers me.

Years ago we got food stamps when hubby was laid off from Massey-Ferguson. It helped us for a few months until he found another job.