I delivered to the most disgusting apartment complex there is today. The whole area just smells rancid. Well, I have to deliver a NDA inside the complex and the smell gets worse. Well I find the unit and there is a sign on the door that says, "knock loud and wait a couple minutes". I'm thinking okay, I have 16 NDA I gotta get going but being the nice guy that I am and knowing it was medication I thought I'd wait for the 5-10 minutes it took this morbidly obese lady to get into her wheelchair and from her bed to answer the door. She opens the door and its absolute filth, I had to literally hold my breath it was soooooo bad. Like episode of the year on the show 'Hoarders' bad. The lady was covered in piss and was incoherent to everything. I couldn't make sense of what she was saying. She kept asking me questions about where to sign and I couldn't make out what she was saying and I said just scribble where the 'X' is. Finally I stop completed it and stumbled out of there thinking WTF was that? One of the most disgusting things I've ever been a part of.