
Well-Known Member
Why even give this story oxygen by commenting on any of it if she knows it’s BS?
Because I don’t think she’s ever said it was BS, matter fact I think the person who acquired the diaries is being prosecuted not because it’s not hers, but because he took property that did not belong to him. It sounds like the diary is legitimately hers. I would definitely be defending my dad if people were saying something was in it, that was not written by me.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Because I don’t think she’s ever said it was BS, matter fact I think the person who acquired the diaries is being prosecuted not because it’s not hers, but because he took property that did not belong to him. It sounds like the diary is legitimately hers. I would definitely be defending my dad if people were saying something was in it, that was not written by me.
You understand that it doesn’t mean the contents are what these liars are saying are the contents.


Well-Known Member
You understand that it doesn’t mean the contents are what these liars are saying are the contents.
Again I do. And I think Project Veritas even said they could not independently verify if the contents were accurate. The point I’m making is if anyone called my parents pedophiles I would definitely be the first in line to repudiate that. I don’t think she would be giving oxygen to it. I think she would be putting an end to it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You didn’t cheat on your wife with a porno actress while she was at home with your new child and then lie about it incessantly even after you got caught paying her off to shut up???
Do you really look to the President of the United States for your moral guidance?

I just want my President to lead with common sense.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Aimee Harris came across Ashley Biden’s diary in a Florida beach home, and made it public.
In the diary, Ashley details how her father Joe Biden, forced her to take inappropriate showers with him when she was a teenager that made her feel uncomfortable.
After denying the existence of the diary and then claiming it was a fabrication, just as they did with Hunter’s laptop, Biden’s DOJ is now seeking prison time for Aimee Harris for “stealing the fake diary”.

El Correcto

god is dead
@El Correcto, who would've won the 2012 election if Obama had been caught paying off a porn star?
He is trying to bait you into a ban that’s it. He doesn’t care about the conversation, knows he is wrong and wants to start up a personal conversation he knows he won’t get reprimanded for having, slinging personal insults about your character because you disagree with him.

It’s what these people always do on here, then they never get reprimanded for it. For my conversations with Tommy he usually resorts to saying I’m “flaming” up to insult my sexuality when he is wrong and backed into a corner. With this guy he begins insulting your intentions of having the conversation with you, as if Donald Trump isn’t a terrible person that everyone can see is terrible.

El Correcto

god is dead
And again, you said, disgraceful? would it been disgraceful of him if his wife had no problem with it? Why do you get to decide what is morally OK? Like I said last I checked Trump and his wife are still together. I’m gonna assume she’s OK with everything.
Yeah Trump’s wife is also a terrible person, why do you think she married a rich narcissist? Good women don’t marry men like Donald Trump.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Okay so explain your conspiracy theory.

Why did the FBI prosecute the people who took the diary from Ashley if it's not real?
The people who took her diary could've taken a diary from her. That's no the same thing as believing the contents of the diary are what these people are saying it is. Have some skepticism. Especially with Project Veritas. They are known fabricators and have been caught over and over.


Inordinately Right
The people who took her diary could've taken a diary from her. That's no the same thing as believing the contents of the diary are what these people are saying it is. Have some skepticism. Especially with Project Veritas. They are known fabricators and have been caught over and over.
You are so desperate to defend your dear supreme leader, you are making excuses for him molesting his daughter.

It's her diary.
It's her handwriting.
Accept the facts buddy.