Come on now. You disagree with them, that doesn’t mean they don’t have minds.
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time
Is THAT what they're teaching you in third grade?

We do need to overthrow the school boards!
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time

I didn't realize your uncle joey was the one to be proud of. No way he'd be seen as an embarrassment to the nation....😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time

Why bother getting on this (UPS/Teamster) site and argue in favor of Biden/Harris. We all the final outcome come November, The Democrat leadership has given up winning the White House in 2024, they are just power brokering in order to hamper Trump till 2028 with Gavin in the wings. I can guarantee you that over 85 percent of the membership will vote for Trump, particularly with the UPS. Biden's whole demeanor and wishy washy policies reeks of weakness, internationally and domestically, do you think we want more DEI enforcements and racial profiling in these Corporate power structures. Fanni Willis would be a prime example, just how many more of these racist seindividuals will be making judgements on anyone that supports Trump's policies once they obtain a certain level of power based on their unwarranted claims of being discriminated against. Anybody who has been at UPS for any length of time has seen the results of promoting unqualified candidates into these redundant executive positions solely based on DEI requirements. Sure there has been a "Good Old Boys Club" prior...but if it be known the DEI directive promotions were for the most part in low level responsible positions, like HR and those individuals had to follow orders from above without causing a stir. Fact is that Biden is more like UPS Management than Trump will ever be and it did not help when Carol jumped on board back in 2020 in her support of BLM like organizations in order to pander. Right now the Democrats are bad mouthing Middle America as backwards and stupid in order to get their base goose-stepping similar to what Clinton did in 2016, being talked down will never work in a Union Shop and we all will vote accordingly...


Well-Known Member
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time

“As I conclude my term as the 45th President of the United States, I stand before you truly proud of what we have achieved together. We did what we came here to do—and so much more.

This week, we inaugurate a new administration and pray for its success in keeping America safe and prosperous. We extend our best wishes, and we also want them to have luck—a very important word.”

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time

Maybe it says something about the path Democrats have taken us down since Trump's first term if Trump is a serious embarrassment to our country and is still likely to win a second term in November.


Well-Known Member
They’re not using their minds at ALL. Trump is a :censored2: serious embarrassment to our country. The idea we would put back in Oval someone who rambles about hot dogs and a fictional serial killer is mortifying. Not to mention he literally tried to stay in power last time
Good thing we have level headed, sharp as a tack leader with Biden to have again. He'd never do anything to embarrass us as a leader


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King